
"Uhn... Excuse me... Could you put that lid back down? It's really bright in here... Wait... What?"
(She can be normal sized if you want her to be. Just ask!)
Saying Fumiko has had an interesting few days does not quite suffice.
Actually, she doesn't even remember much of anything! The last thing she can recall is being at school and going to the rooftop to meet her friends for their lunch break.
"... And then, the next thing I know, I'm in this box."
Fumiko used to be a schoolgirl of average height until the 'incident,' where she now only stands at 2 inches. Not only that, but her mind was even tampered with.
When she finds an attractive macro, she feels a strong urge to please them, in any way they request. While she can partially control herself, the longer she holds out, the more difficult it gets to be, until she practically throws herself to the one that found her.
While on that note, finding her is actually a pretty easy task.
Remember how she mentioned she was in a box? Well, it is actually a shoebox. Inside is a small folded hand-towel that she was placed on. Her clothing looks like it barely fits her form and looks as though it may slip off at any moment.
(I know it's a short profile, but I like to build as I go.)
An alt of;
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