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Few things in this profile are 100% written in stone. I'm open to suggestions and have found myself pleasantly surprised in several areas I naturally assumed I wouldn't be. Maybe you'll be the one to turn me on to a facet of this fetish I've not explored before. Who knows. There is, of course, one requirement: You should be interested in full bellies in some way. If you're indifferent to them, or disgusted by them, it's highly unlikely we'll be able to play. When first meeting people, I like to have a little "get to know each other time" before I play. I seldom jump right into a game with strangers. If you're not comfortable with a tiny preliminary chat, it's unlikely we'll end up RPing. For me to be at my best, I need to know what makes you grin. To save myself a thousand words, I've drawn the above picture of my default character's forms. However, I consider this to be a baseline. I am more than happy to adapt my character to your needs. That is to say, if we end up playing together, I will make whatever changes are most suitable to your kinks. Let me know what you would like to see and I'll adhere to those specifications during the game. For example, build change (muscular, slender, fat, shorter, taller, etc), playing a different species (humans, other anthros, non-morphic, etc), additional appendages, and so on. Please do not mistake this for being a shape-shifter, as this character is not one. Altering this avatar on an RP by RP basis allows me to only need one profile. If nothing is requested, my default character is the male cat seen in the above image. Overstuffed Bellies - This is the root of my fetish. I love big, round, swollen, taut tummies, stretched tight and ready to burst from their gluttonous load. Huge Soft Breasts - As far back as I can remember, I've loved massive breasts. It's my second strongest kink. There are no scenarios a big pair of tits can't improve. Just having massive boobs practically guarantees I'll be interested in you. It's not required, but always enjoyed. Digestion - I love everything about it. It's the threat a predator carries and often the last thing a prey ever experiences. The smooth, sexy bulge of a pred's belly hides the truly hellish reality bubbling away inside. Flamboyant description is not required, but I'll love you all the more for it. Stomach Sounds - Sloshing, groaning, gurgling. This digestive din is music to my sensitive pointy ears. The more a belly talks, the happier I'll be. Stomach Aches - Fit to burst, stuffed to capacity, filled to the gills! For me, vore is about greed. Real predators seek to satisfy their own needs above all others. They callously consume prey well beyond the need for sustenance. Nothing screams gluttony louder than a predator's overstuffed, aching tummy. Also, this is the prey's proverbial "last laugh". I just love it so damn much. Belches & Hiccups - I'm not sure why I love this so much, but I do. Maybe it's because the two are linked so strongly with being overfed. Whatever the reason, belches and hiccups will earn you big brownie points in a game. Sweat - I've a kink for sweet-smelling sweat...born of exertion. Seeing little beads of moisture forming on the surface of a full tummy, as its owner writhes uncomfortably under it, leaves me absolutely breathless. Romance - I'm a total sucker for romance. ♥ Vore is extremely emotional for me. The impact of a scene is greatly heightened if I care about the pred (or prey). The most powerful games I've been in are always with predators I had feelings for. Few things evoke stronger reactions than falling in love or having your heart broken. In the often callous world of vore, nothing screams I-love-you louder than a gluttonous predator tenderly whispering, "I'll never eat you." ♥ Emotional Connections - As with romance (see above), my relationship with the other characters is a big part of any game. If my predator lover eats my sister, it will have a much greater effect on me than if she had just eaten the paper delivery boy. Any scenario in which we can heighten the tension by adding an emotional element will always turn me on. Accidental Vore - It's a tough one to pull off, but can be extremely sexy if done right. I love the idea that a predator can be just as upset about the contents of her stomach as the prey sloshing about in it. Not Seeing the Prey Eaten - I know...this one is strange. There's just something about it that pushes all the right buttons. Imagine this scenario: "A family of bunnies have just scurried into their home for the night. Shortly after, a large wolf-woman skulks up to their house and lets herself in. It isn't long before the door opens again and a bulging round tummy begins to exit...followed shortly by its food-drunk lupine owner. She leaves the eerily quiet house and waddles off into the forest." I'm not quite sure where the strength in "not seeing" rests, but it's there...and palpable. Don't get me wrong, seeing can be loads of fun as well, but it's far more common than not watching the action. I'll happily play either way, but this one was worth mentioning. First Time Vore (Virginal Vore) - Just like our first times, it can be a medley of so many emotions: Fear, lust, greed, apprehension, trust, desire...the list just goes on and on. Scenes with "First Time Vore" can be so...special. Predators with Duplicitous Natures - Loving, nurturing, murderous gluttons. Cute and crazy. These describe my ideal partners. If she says to one of your friends, "Aww...You're so cute I could just eat you up!" you actually have to worry about it. Deliciously unpredictable or predictably insane...either way leaves me happy. Preliminaries - This is practically a must. There are few times when I'll just jump straight into a game. Given the diversity of this fetish, it's always a good idea to have, at the very least, a base understanding of each other's kinks. If you're not prepared to talk to me about what you enjoy...how can I cater to it? Key Phrases - Here's a small list of things you can say during our game that will practically guarantee I fall in deep, slave-like, love with you. Any variant of: "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!", "Ug...I think I'm going to POP!", and "I put them right here," (as you gently pat your bulging belly.) ♥ Theses are just examples of the kinds of games I'm drawn to. The scenarios I have played and am interested in are far too vast to be mentioned here. These ideas are just meant to illustrate what I enjoy. Other plots are always welcome. As a Belly Masseur/Masseuse - For the most part, I prefer to have my hands on a belly, instead of being in one. In this case, I tend to spoof (write for) other characters, so that my predator can get her fill and leave me to play with her swollen stomach. I also love possessively twisted preds. Their devotion is often psychotic and can hurt. My ideal pred is one that cares deeply for me. Her longing for a good meal is only eclipsed by our loving relationship. Despite this situation (or because of it) she's very selfish in regards to my time and attention. The smallest thing can label someone an attention usurper and put them on the dinner menu. A scenario that plays to this might go along these lines: I've been spending too much time with a friend. My lover decides she's not having any more of that and, while I'm away, invites my friend over for a chat. I come home to find my girlfriend ready to burst. After a small talk about the contents of her round, bloated belly, I find that she's eaten my friend. At this point any number of things can happen, but most often I end up nursing her through the indigestion. As a Pred - My favorite setting as a predator is one of reluctance. The game often starts with my lover presenting me with a problem. She has, for any number of reasons, decided that someone (or several someones) need to "disappear". She can't do the deed herself because all suspicion would fall on her or, perhaps, she's physically incapable of doing it. So she decides that my belly would be the perfect vehicle to help her problems shuffle off this mortal coil. In this reality, despite my feline heritage, I've never eaten anyone before. After a copious amount of strategic groping and begging, I reluctantly agree to help. This decision will leave me stuffed to bursting, and her tending my pitiable prey swollen belly. The two things I enjoy most about this scenario are, my lover convincing me to do this favor for her and having her nurse me afterwards. As Prey - As mentioned above, most of the time I prefer to be on the outside of a belly, but occasionally I do find myself stuffed into a predator's tummy. This is typically the result of an "accident." The circumstances that most often land me as a belly bump, result from the predator's impaired judgment. Maybe she's not eaten recently and all of my qualities are suddenly outweighed by her ravenous hunger (a situation she'll lament as soon as she's satiated). Maybe she had a little too much to drink today or she's been grazing in the tainted wacky-backy field and is feeling a tad hallucinogenic...either way I may end up looking like a meal, rather than a lover (or both if she's really kinky). It could also be that I've accidentally pissed my predator girlfriend off by spending too much time with someone else. She decides it's time to dispose of my friend and invites him/her over one dark night to do the deed. All her plans may have worked out perfectly, except for the fact that I came home early that day. In the shadows of a purposely dimmed room, I may look very much like the friend/meal she had invited over. After a tackle and gulp she might feel quite good about her successful stomach stretching plan. She'll only realize the true horror of her mistake when my friend eventually shows up...finding her bloated, with a disturbingly gurgly belly bulge. While I'm comfortable playing in practically any location and time-period, I much prefer scenes that take place in my secluded little woodland cabin. With several hundred acres of personal property, our privacy is practically assured. Having said that, you might be surprised by how many interesting things are within a short distance of my home. You never know who'll end up knocking at the door. I adore bloated bellies. I'll play practically anything you desire. I'm exceptionally "whisper friendly". Preference preliminaries are a must. Let's get started. ♥ |
Frosty |
♪♫ "I can go anywhere. Friends to know. And ways to grow. A Reading Rainbow!" ♫♪
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Being Pred & Prey |
I can be either pred or prey, although my preference is to spoof (write for) additional characters so that I can either rub a full belly or have someone tend to my own.
Soft Vore |
This type of vore is wonderful for wiggly bellies and post consumption interaction with the prey. I love it.
Hard Vore |
The pure animalistic savagery of a "messy" meal can be a lot of fun as well. I can be as tame or as graphic as you need.
Digestion |
I love vivid digestion. A tight tummy gurgling, burbling, and groaning with its load makes me smile like few things can. This is not necessary, but very much adored.
Fatality |
While it doesn't have to be mentioned, it should be implied. Without the fear of fatality, vore loses its emotional impact.
Reforming |
I'm not silly enough to expect perma-death or its ilk but any mention of reforming in game will kill the mood.
Oral Vore |
This is my favorite method for getting the prey IN. I love everything about it. Slurp'em down and make'em stomach bound!
Anal Vore |
I've not done much of this, but I have a special kink for "traditional" clean anal play.
Stretchy |
♥♥♥ This slider probably describes my desires best. I love big, stretchy, bulging bellies. ♥♥♥
Realistic |
What most people don't know, is that it's reaching maximum stomach capacity that really turns me on. If a few small micros leave the pred uncomfortably full, I'll be all smiles with that as well.
Food Related |
Food related can mean so many things...and I'll most likely enjoy all of them.
Rough |
I can both take it and dish it out. If this is your thing, I can indulge.
Gentle |
In the right romantic setting, this can be powerfully sensual. If it fits the plot, I'm all over it.
Sex |
Yes please! Er, I mean...most everything about vore is sexual to me. While sex is not required for a good scene, it can sure add spice to one. I can play anything from XXX Porn-Star debauchery to simple tender petting. While sex is certainly not required, it does give me something to do with my hands (among other body parts).
Pain |
My personality is gravid with both sadistic and masochistic elements. I relish the creativity afforded by physical pain, but I find that emotional torment lasts longer and cuts deeper. Pain is not necessary, but if desired, I'll not shy from it.
Transformation |
For the most part, I'm not a huge fan of transformation. However, there have been a few scenarios that left me grinning so big I felt like my face would split. If you have an interesting idea, run it by me.
Blood |
This "special sauce" is only necessary in hard vore scenes. If you're not into it, I'll not add it. Let me know and I’m good to go.
Scat |
What goes in must come out. Nothing finishes a game quite like seeing what the pred's ruthless digestive system did to the pitiable prey. This is not required, but if you enjoy it, I'll happily flush the toilet for you.
Watersports |
I have an unusual interest in this kink. While I'm not a fan of traditional "watersports," I absolutely love bulging bladders. For example, if a pred "drank" something like a water elemental and wasn't able to visit a bathroom quickly enough, she might very well be left desperate and protectively cradling a ballooning bladder bump. Certainly not necessary, but if you're interested...let me know.
Magic |
I typically don't enjoy magic heavy RPs. Its use often trivializes many aspects of a scene. I do agree that there are times when magic can help move a game along, but I avoid such conditions if I can. This is another situation where the right player, in the right scene, might change my mind. The main problem I have with magic is its ability to "fix" any situation. Deus ex machina.
Willing |
Given the fatal nature of my preferred vore scenes, willing prey do not make sense to me. I don't begrudge anyone who might be looking for a loving belly to curl up into, but that's not really me. Nevertheless, if you have a good plot that involves willing prey, I'm prepared to listen.
Unwilling |
This is how I prefer vore. To pompously paraphrase Dylan Thomas..."I'll not go gentle into that good night. I'll rage, rage against the dying of the light." If I end my life as a bump in your belly, you'll have earned your meal (although, depending on who you are...you might not have worked all that hard).
Micro/Macro |
I’m kind of split on this one. Bigger preds can be fun, but only to a certain extent. Amazons are hot, but giantesses...well, they can be hard to satisfy. Micros, as prey, just means the pred will have to eat more to reach their limit.
Same Size |
At, or around the same size, can leave a pred beautifully stretched. Gotta love the shock and awe of a pred that can pull it off. At that point, no one is definitively off the menu.
Male Partner |
I'm sorry guys...I'm just not aroused by male characters. We can chat and such, but I'm not interested in playing.
Female Partner |
Yes ma'am, may I have another!?! I love everything about the female form and am eternally enslaved to it.
Herm Partner |
Despite the many feminine features a herm can have, hir man-bits just won't appeal to me. I'm still happy to chat, but the likelihood of playing is slender, at best.
Human Partner |
Mmm...gotta love that smooth skin.
Demi Partner |
By their very nature, Demi's just make me happy. So cute! Bring'em on.
Fur Partner |
Ever since the big bad wolf feasted in my childhood stories...furs have been the archetypal predator of my fantasies. Despite the fact that I prefer flesh to fur, they will always have an irreplaceable spot in my heart.
Non-Sentient Partner |
While I prefer a partner I can talk with, I've actually had a few non-sentient partners that captured a very animalistic side to this fetish. If you believe you're of that breed, feel free to write me...or at least nuzzle me.
Verbose Posts |
I'll typically attempt to give as much as I'm given, but verbosity is an unfortunate trait of mine. I love to be descriptive and can often get carried away.
Quick Posts |
I'm not a huge fan of hyper small posts. There's just not enough to work with. Still, maybe you've taken "quick posts" to an artful level and can say a lot using few words. The only way we would know is by giving it a go.
Evolving Character |
I love evolving characters. Each action building and shaping an individual's life can create some exceptionally detailed personas. It's certainly not necessary, but I’m happy to expand our world together if you are.
Breaking 4th Wall |
This can be funny. I'll not be put off if you're into it and I'll not bother you with it if your aren’t. It's very situational and never been a problem.
Staying In Character |
I'll stay in whatever state you're most comfortable with. Just let me know.
Multi-Session |
There is no better way to cultivate a character's growth and relationships than with an ongoing and evolving canon. If you've got the stamina, I'll gladly grow with you.
Grab and Gulp |
These can be a lot of fun, so long as we have an idea of each other's preferences beforehand. This would be the Hamburger Helper® of RPing: Quick, Easy and Surprisingly Satisfying!
Group Roleplay |
In concept, this sounds great (the more, the merrier, right?). In practice, not so much. I prefer one partner at a time, but I'm open to larger possibilities.
Whisper |
I'm very whisper friendly. I'll never flat out ignore anyone who's trying to introduce themselves. If, for some reason, I don't respond, it will be an accident and nothing more. Even if we don't play, I always enjoy meeting new people.
Public |
Nah...I'm far too shy.
Private |
This is pretty much the only way I RP. One on one...and whatever other characters we might be spoofing. It just feels more...cozy.