
SO what to say about this frog-girl. Well for one thing, she's absolutely excited to meet you! She's practically the definition of Happy-Go-Lucky. Having lived in a dank old swamp her whole life where she spent most of her time dodging gators and other preds, she finally left to find that the world is an incredible place! She gets to meet all new species of various critters, and creatures, and couldn't be happier about it!

Now when she meets someone new, she likes to get to know them as well as possible as soon as possible. This often has to do with all sorts of questions and sometimes the little froggy can get a tad obnoxious in the process. Sometimes its harmless, mostly her asking all kinds of personal questions. Sometimes though, if the new person is a different species... Well she has to know what that species tastes like, doesn't she? Of course, this leads to her devouring just about every friend she makes-so despite her super-friendly attitude, she doesn't have many friends. Not living ones anyway.

That said, sometimes things don't go the way she's expecting. See, not only does she not know what certain animals are, she also doesn't really know who is dangerous, outside of crocs. So often times she'll get up close to a hungry predator, probing them for information, not realizing she's making herself into the perfect snack, Frog totally clueless to herself even being on the menu!

With Frog, there are 2 things to watch out for. See, while she's not exactly the strongest pred out there, and she's easily someone's lunch, she has a few ways to defend herself. The first is her legs. Hopping around all day, as high as she can jump, she's got a mighty strong set of kickers that she likes to use to, well, kick. A kick from Frog is like a kick from a horse. But worse. Her other weapon, her main one, is her tongue. It's faster than you can blink, stickier than superglue, and about eight times longer than her body. She can use it to grab you and get you crammed halfway down her throat before you even knew what happened. But where's the fun in that? She wants to know a bit more about you first before she eats ya! So that's really your chance to get her. But don't try to run, or else... *THWAAP* *GULP* *BAARP*
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike Duh. Frog.
Male Partner Always/Love
Female Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Vastly preferred