It's amazing how much ancient porn has turned up over the years. Or, well, at least historical porn. There's all kinds of stories that have turned up of monsters doing THAT with humans of varying willingness, and there's probably a few reasons dragons want princesses. I mean, REALLY.
Which brings us nicely to this young lady, one Fracta Giodesse, who is, in fact, the descendant of such an unlikely pairing. One ancestor was a (mostly) normal young lady, and the other was a Yaksha, an earth spirit of a capricious nature. Both are still alive. Best not to ask how, really. Anyway, the point is, that's where she's FROM, and it's had a few odd effects on the poor gal.
She looks normal enough, for the most part. She's not too tall, at a mere five feet and four inches, and she's fairly slender as well(with just a hint of softness in the belly region). Her skin is fair, and her eyes tend to be blue, though they do change colors from time to time. Contacts, perhaps, or some weirdness from her ancestry, could be involved. The most obvious sign of strangeness to her, though, is her hair, which is a rather fetching amethyst shade, worn down to the middle of her back.
Mind, if only someone spends some time with her, they might learn just how messed up she IS. See, she ISN'T human. Strictly speaking, she's not even SOLID, most of the time. Something... strange, happened when she turned sixteen. She and her family still isn't sure exactly WHAT happened, but whatever it was, it changed Fracta from an ordinary schoolgirl into a superhuman one.
See, at this point, while she looks and feels like flesh, she's actually made up of amorphous, crystalline structures. It's easiest to think of them as nanites that replaced her cells, with her controlling them, and her new abilities give her remarkable control over them, too. Or, perhaps, they give her remarkable new abilities. In either case, though, she's pretty divergent from the human norm, being able to identify trace elements, form and shape crystals from her body, and cause a variety of odd things to happen to others, based on things she's tried. She can generate flexible, crystalline wings or molecular-edged blades, with relative ease, and her only real concerns at this point are temperature extremes and sonic disruptions! ... which may be why she doesn't go to concerts too much.
Aside from that, though, Fracta's pretty normal! She enjoys normal things, like hanging out with friends, chatting and flirting with boys, and procrastinating when it comes to homework. ... she also enjoys eating her friends, meeting and eating new people, and eating very strange things, just to get a reaction. Her best prank, in her mind, involved cyanide pills she ate like Tic-tacs, but that's open for debate.
There's really not much else to her, but if you have questions, ask! I don't bite! Hard. I usually just nibble.
This alt by The Tower. Click pic, receive list!