This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
'You can keep your radar and your missiles and your damn fly-by-wire. Toys. It requires no skill... just drills. Nothing unique, simply generic. You don't know what war is... what sacrifice is. What victory is. I listened to their songs traded back and forth on the night of Christmas. I saw the troops spew from the trenches and hug one another when the war was declared over. Your wars have become too impersonal. There is no triumph. Only numbers.
I had hoped it was over after that, but it began again. Another horrible world war. More death, and tragedy. More sacrifice.
I was there to watch the Allies storm the beaches of Normandy, France. I flew over the Eastern Front and watched my fatherland fall to the Russians. I saw on the videos the bombing of Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
I watched them plant the flag at the Reichstag. And I cried.
So do not dare speak to me of sacrifice. You know nothing of it.'