Before (see above)

Flurry is now a trophy for Xandra_Silkscale
is open to talk but is obligated to introduce myself that way.
Flurry for the forsee able present had been courted by her own mother cadince.
Being old and cringie this never really raised beyond and eye roll. Till
Cadince showed up one day wide, full hips, bigger tits, thicker thighs! She began stroking cadince hair talking softly to flurry
i know what your thinking,
"let me guess she got permed by her mom."
Her mom had been up extra long and passed out after eating a warm up goth to get her technique down.
poor flurry some what tramatized,
some what aroused went to vent to lierally everyone
including 3 or 4 perma preds she knew under the son.
surprisingly 2 to 3 days laters
well you can clearly see the her new profile image, xandra gulpd, flurry talking all soft, gentle, keeping flurries eyes glued on her massive, big, tits, patent gentle
as varies pieces of flurry from her wings, thighs tits were melted down
making a nice, long steamie disposal trophy (in addition to her skull the shark sauntered off).
This has been happening alot, alot alot lately. I do like batting ideas back and forth. Brain storming is fun.
I do wanna know if you don't have enough time, and if you are interested in setting up a scene for laters, let mw know you'll be
interested to use eka's pub system just so we don't spend alot time making a scene, and than nothing happening.
I have my suspicsions there's a no kink people have for wasting peoples time, if this is yours I won't shame you for it,
but I'm not interested in working with it.
So Is back on the market, the last pred who did perma with this character insisted it didn't count,
call me confused, I'm done with that for the mean time.
That whole messy business can be alot of insane intense fun, but I'd prefer to keep "in scene" as long as things be.
Took long enough to make this one!
the no list!
Not a fan of gore, wasting time, or r slash nice guys.
I'll explain the last two.
If your not looking to rp there are times I don't mind making small talk depending on if you got some cool hobbies
and we got a good back and forth going,
but I really am here to rp.
As for the other one "I'm not like your typical male." Just stop, stop, stop.
Clearly there other things,
I don't mind being nudged in a diretion or pitched an idea just don't heard me.
scent, face sitting, cock, spanking, teasing, vore, sex.
If you don't like sex or think vore is sexual, I dun think we're gonna get along.
Again small talk might be fine, provided I'm not in a scene.
There are more dos and don'ts but that'll do! I love ideas!