
Hi! I'm Luna, the fluffy snek! I love to cuddle, since I was practically made for it... can't you see all this fluff~? Don't be intimidated by me just for being a lamia tho, I (ususally) don't eat people unless they wanna! And my insides are (usually) pretty safe too, since I have good control over my digestive system~

Never seen a fluffy lamia before? Well, I am quite unique! I have soft, pudgy scales on my underside, but the rest of my tail is thick white floof! Come cuddle up with me, or IN me... both are very soft and cozy!

My upper human half is covered in the same warm fur, so I give very good hugs too! Aren't lamias supposed to be cold-blooded you may ask? Well, I'm a bunyip - a kind of lamia with a fluffy body... which means I am warm-blooded. That doesn't stop me from wanting hugs to keep warm!

More about my body... I'm around 3 to 4 metres long from head to tip of tail, have B-bup breasts, am very huggable, and I have one long snek stomach, one human stomach, a human womb, and a snek womb! Near the end of my tail is where you could find my... uhmm... 'waste exit hatch' and my second 'lower lips'. And where my human body joins my torso is where my first 'lower lips' are located, and they're really stretchy!

Part of V_Alts (which is now a part of RosiePlayer's characters!)

Currently looking for someone I can love and have as a cuddle buddy boyfriend.. or girlfriend~ Very shy when it comes to love tho, so you might get me all blushy pretty easily! Lifehack: feed your noodle gf lotsa pillows to make her even cozier to snuggle!

Had to pinch myself a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but I actually found myself a perfect boyfriend! Asce is such a cute and fluffy cat, even fluffier than me in fact, and just seeing him makes me wanna dive into his arms and never pull away! I luv him to bits, and I can't imagine being without him... w-wait.. eep.. d-don't tell him I said that! I-I'm gonna get t-teased a lot! >////<

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Check player profile for more detailed sliders!
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Unwilling/Reluctant Pred Always/Love
Wholesome stuff and cuddles Always/Love