Bio: Hi I'm Flora, I'm a Leafeon, I roam Sinnoh looking for new kinds of pant life. I keep hidden and try to stay away from trainers and travel, but when I’m found I have no choice but to eat them to keep them from catching me or telling others about me.
Location: I live in the Sinnoh region in a Giant tree located right behind the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest. Under this tree in my underground garden house I have lots of unique flowers, fruits, and veggies. The best part of my home is the that I have tones of tunnels all around the forest with little rooms that all lead here to the tree.
After I eat someone I use their remains as fertilizer for my forest, however, somethings like clothes, accessories, and bones don’t digest well. So I take those things and add them to my compost pile to break them down and use them as later as fertilizer.
{Compost Pile:
Vyluun's clothes and bones}
Other chars: If you had fun with me then you might have fun with the rest of my family too! You can find them here:
{Pokémon Stats}
Nature: Bashful/timid
Species: Verdant Pokémon
Height: 5′2″
Weight: 160.6lbs.
Abilities: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll (hidden ability)
Moves: Giga Drain, Leaf Blade, Solar Beam, Seed Bomb
Sub Moves:
“I don’t want to have to eat you, but if I must I’ll make sure your put to good use”