A rather simple idea. A flock of birds that came together for survival! Now, they all seek someone to help expand the flock! However, be careful. Anyone who thinks of trying to overpower and devour one of the flock will swiftly find themselves plunged into birdgut and digested. So, in short. Horny birds that'll eatcha if you try to eat them.
, the chosen leader of this flock, the matriarch, seeking out a male to expand the flock and be their patriarch!
Serenity, the goddess of this flock, the ultimate leader of the flock, and the one who found Thusha. This goddess, however, is more than willing to meet any man entering the flock, greeting them with open wings and a nice, warm bed to mate on~

Yuki, the harpy from
Cuteiemimi, has been brought into the flock! She was a thief, now, she only seeks to steal the heart of the man who comes to the flock~

Nerine, the shy harpy of the group. She wants to bear children for the flock, but almost never approaches the male, typically hiding, staying out of plain sight until someone finds her and talks her into having some fun~

Primula is a very huggy, touchy, lovey bird! She's a ball of energy that needs a man just as energetic to keep up with her ever changing whims and wants~

Maya, the youngest of the adults, is curious, inquisitive and, above all else, adventurous. She is rarely in the village with the others, more often out exploring the nearby forest. If a man wants to breed with her, he'll probably need to go out looking for her.

Sia, the guardian of the flock. Her job is to keep unwelcome intruders out, and guide proper men in. She also usually has the "first time" with the man on his way into the village. Afterwards, she winds up being VERY protective of the man, keeping him safe and protected, even going so far as to swallow him down and keep him safe in her belly~

Mimi, priestess of Serenity. She is the goddess' chosen priestess, the one to go out and spread the word of Serenity and gather followers. Usually winding up with a potential convert between her legs, screwing her hard~

Starry, a singer, idol, and traveller. She flies around the world, singing and performing for the masses, but, rumor has it that she's saving one very special song for a certain special person~

Miki is.... An odd harpy. Rather than flying, she likes swimming. Rather than claws, she has webbed feet. And rather than being a predator, well, she's more likely to want to take a dip into her partner's sexual organs.

Sami, the daughter of the previous patriarch. Unfortunately, he tried to eat his own daughter as a newborn, so he ended up eaten by Sia to protect the flock. She is cuddly and loves being pampered, being treated well.

Bibli is a mage, almost always lost in her books. Unless there's a man around. Then she'll use her magic on him, ever so slightly making him more and more attracted to her until she gives into her magical seduction.

Kiki, the thrill seeker. She is the kind of harpy who looks for storms to fly in! In fact, some people are speculating that she was originally the goddess of the flock, but, due to her constant absence, gave the role to another goddess so she could seek her fun uninhibited.

Ambi, commonly called Angel, is a very kind, warm, affectionate harpy. She is not exactly overly sexual, but rather is more into hugs, cuddles, love, and romance. She is not only looking to expand the flock, but also looking for a personal husband someday...

Miku (left) And Maku (right) are twins, brought into the flock by a dying harpy. They are the youngest of the children, and almost never seen apart. They are together, doing EVERYTHING together. From playing to, well... "playing". The two are very eager and affectionate, hugging on the target of their affection and clinging to him~

Papi is the eldest of the children brought in by the dying harpy, and quite the curious girl. As such, she usually goes out exploring with Maya, but it isn't unheard of for her to be alone.

Amy is the secondborn of the dying harpy, brought into the flock and, for the most part, keeps to herself. She enjoys going out and foraging, usually eating the food that she finds, having a particular love for fruits, particularly strawberries. The taste, texture, and juice, all just feel and taste perfect to her!

Pipi is the second youngest of the dying harpy, and is a weaponry FANATIC. She enjoys weapons of all kinds, and personally owns a katana, a greatsword, a longbow, a revolver, and a crossbow. She was taken under Sia's wing, quite literally, and finds herself shadowing the guardian, emulating her, in essence having grown up as a more enthusiastic, miniature version of Sia.