
name: flint hachi
species: cute little wolf chibi
age: 9
Gender- male
Family status - he lives with terrience now
hair/ear/tail color: grey
eye color: lavender
weight: 70 lbs
height: 3"7
pred/prey: 95% prey/ 5% pred

personality- he is a young and nice boy but tends to be a scaredy cat and has a habbit of running from people who seem to frighten him even though there nice.

story- flints story is a sad one...mostly because of the coldness of others. when he was younger well younger then now he was smaller than his brothers and sisters. his parents where cold people and treated him like a dog before finally throwing him out into the forest and driving away leaving him wondering what he could have possibly done wrong to make his own family leave him. when he realized they where not coming back he started to cry and just for his luck...it started to rain. he stumbled and walked deep into the forest eventually finding his way to the park where he is living now. he can commonly be found sleeping in a small blanket in the fork of a tree of sleeping under a bench. most of his cloths are rag and by most i mean all and the only cloths he has is his small shirt and a pair of black pants. currently he is searching for someone to keep him safe but for now he is living alone in the park trying to stay alive in this crazy world.

Flint found the book of a hundred usefull spells and he can use them as long as he has the book near him.

Terreince gave flint a necklace that lets him turn ito a naga with a 6 foot long snake tail with silver scales
He can be both pred and pre in this form

Go to this link to see his naga form http://aryion.com/g4/view/235161 just copy and paste it lol im using an ipad right now so cant do normal links. Also picture was done by Deman awseome little micro doggy ;3
Pred and prey in this form

He lost his naga necklace and received a new one from Blizzare that also lets him turn into a feral dragon thats 6 foot tall and 8 foot long with a wing span of 11 feet.instead of scales he has grey fur and a darker black underside witch is softer fur.
Only pred in this form, unless a giant macro grabs him
Text color- blue
Note- in this form he is like a mixture between a dragon and a wolf, he has paws not talons but he does have sharp claws