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Welcome to Fuzzy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life.
Or at least it was before a tragedy that stained the happy place in blood forever changed that. Following that day the animatronics began to act…very strange till with a massive malfunction there was a bite, that nearly resulted in a guest death. Following that night the entire cast was put through a massive reformatting, everything was stripped away, steel traded for rubber, wires for stretchy new organic connections, claws and fangs for soft lips and softer bodies. Till soon the band was back, the four never looking better, and playing their music for the enjoyment of their guest. the eight foot tall living toys making everyone feel like they were part of the party. Everything seemed fine….that was till the first night guard disappeared…then the second…then a third. Some guards would simply move to day shift as others were never seen again, though most seemed happy to stay the night.
Seems someone, didn’t read the instructions all the way through after reinstalling the animatronics. The new bodies may be softer, squishier, and friendlier, but they also need a bit more to keep running so well, something tasty. From the recordings from a previous guard some info had been gathered about each of the troop. We advise you reading over it here on your first night before it begins, to let you know what to expect from the Fuzzy crew.
Hello, Hello, welcome so your the new security guard, well here's some things that will help you out...well I hope, anyway read over carefully, and well you know don't run out of power.
link Ok So first we have Fuzzy
Well sorry to start with a hard one but Fuzzys a bit of a hard one to pin down. Sometimes its woman, sporting a happy little boner she loves to toy with, sometimes its a man ready to jump you at the slightest hint of an opening, and sometimes, its just gone. It doesn't move around as much as the others, but if you see it well....might want to check the other door, it rairly show's up alone.
link Hum now comes Bonnie
He's easyer to pin down, well in a way, he's about as active as you can get, I think its due to him being a rabbit, if he can't get a hold of you, then you'll see him bending Chica, Foxy, or even Fuzzy over a table, and trust me he loves to show off to the cameras. Once I saw him shove his own guitar down his shaft, winking at me...*shiver* not a restful night i can tell you that. He can also be a bit aggressive with what he wants, one time i swear he just sat at the door humping it all night, thunk thunk thunk, man it even left a dent....and no i totally wasn't jealous.
link Chica...wow where To start, um she's one to watch for
She's well, if I didn't know better I'd say she's a huge tease, all she does is show up in the corridors showing off to the camera, licking her lips and spreading her ass for all to see. Ether that or she comes out of the kitchen with a pot and pan on her head and in hand playing them like a pair of symbols. I swear once i just walked up to her, and she jumped me...and well...i wasn't a bad night, but she seemed almost scared to not please me...a little cute to be honest.
link Ready flip a coin, cause that's what your going to get with Foxy
Look I'll be honest with you Foxy...well she's not all there, she was damaged, and kind of seems to still be a bit broken...and worse she knows it. She's so shy that if you look at her she covers her face and runs off. Even worse the guys who made her had a bit to much fun and decided to make her a herm, ranching up her sensitivity to the max. Well if you see her running down the hall well, shut the door if you want to be safe, if not..well she's like nothing you've ever had. Oh and if you go out to see her, well I think animitronics can actually love after that night.
link The Toy models, first Toy Fuzzy..I call him TF
Hum how to explain TF....I have to say he's almost seems lost most of the time, one time I saw him bumping around the hall till he actually began to cry, I saw Chica and Foxy actually look after him. No idea why but he's always been a bit like that, he even drew me a picture one time..but I can't show it...embarrassing.
link Well in the spirit of the same we have TB for Toy Bonny clever right...hehe well anyway
TB is a bit to smart for me, I swear she's teasing me, I'll see her just sitting on a table with her back to me just blowing a kiss now and then. Next thing I know she's walking down the hall like its the red carpet...she even talks to me some time teasing me...she says she's the best...and I kind of want to see if she's just boasting or not.
link And the last of the Toy trio. Toy Chica the good old TC
Hum remember how I said Chica was a tease bu really shy...well I think TC's like her younger sister or something, she's got that kind of nice girl next door look. She's really friendly, but doesn't really seem to know what's she doing in the...well other activities. She's great with the kids its just...well I don't thinks she's every..well been with someone so hey that's ok, I'm not saying she needs to be free with herself its just...well...I should stop talking.
link Mangle...Mangle Mangle, well the kids lover her that's for sure
Well see Mangle kept getting taken apart and put back together...yeah don't know why but when they remolded her, well I think they didn't use all the right parts...I mean sure it was kind of funny the first time we though that one of those parts looked like...well you know a warm place to put something...but you know then the parents noticed and now we have to keep her from taking herself apart, not easy with those kids I tell you, still she still does it at night...man I swear i didn't even know she could bend like that.
link Manikin...sweet Christ on a cracker
I Swear if this one comes to me one more time complaining about her music box I'm going to flip out. its remote wound but I mean come on its not even a good song...and last time she stole my I pod...now she just wonders around listening to it...I miss my I pod. *sniff*...stupid brat.
link Ballon boy... well I mean what did I expect at this point
Yeah so BB can be a bit pushy with his ballons, he loves to push them around to everyone, and well...in everyone. Look I didn't think this up but he had fun with making some of those more interesting shapes and well what can I say seems the others like it if they can't get at me or one another. Though I think that once time with TB and Chica was a bit much...I mean ....fifteen...that's a bit to much right.
So that's the crew...well yeah lots of them right. But don't worry you have your doors and I included a map of the place to, so you'll be just fine, if they get near just shut the door, as long as you do it in time you'll be fine...though they do short out once in a while but i'm sure that won't happen to you. Well anyway welcome to Fuzzy's so hope you enjoy your time as the new guard and good luck *crash*....oh dear....um...hehe, your new...um...and...gold.....eep! "hehe, shhhhh secret secret hehe"
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Simple the Game is random, you roll a dice if its fifteen or below the door shuts and the next one comes out to play, if its above..well the door doesn't and they get you simple. roll a d 20 to determine. And as for who comes well that's up to chance as well I have a ten sided dice and it chooses for both of us. also if you want to play with the one come well just don't close the door, they can do the rest.
Do not ask to just play with one of them, if you want that then great, go find another profile, I worked hard to make this unique, and really the game is in your favor, so well roll and play. I won't force you to play with one if you really don't ill just have them vore you quickly and that will be it. But its a game, if you want it to be fun that means you can lose, same with me.
Do not bring your powers, or magic into the game, or tec, if you suddenly try to fix, or get out of it with magic or the like i will end it there and ban you from every playing again, i've had this happen to much and i don't do it.
On and final point, if you run through 5 character and survive then the night is over, as that is the six hours till dawn. So please remember this so that you don't get mad when the game ends without any vore. If you're holding out for a particular one and you don't get it, well its random and your next playthough will simply be another night. P.S. I don't like this either, as by the time we run through five, we've gone through half the characters.
Example of Gameplay
Rolled a 4, Foxy is seen darting down the hall towards the guards office howling cry ringing out in the darkness as her padding feet drew every closer.
(now you roll for door)
Rolled a 5, so the door shuts, and you write a reply.
Rolled a 3, Foxy stomps off from the closed door, as on the other hall a yellow chick runs down the opposite side towards the door.
Simple as that :3
Employee of the Month
Mint_Husky This lovely little pup entered into the pizza cafe with wide eyes and a happy smile on her lips. She left that night with a near heart attack, and a rather lustful run in with a particularly dexterous white fox. The next night she came in guarded, expecting the end when those beasts came for her again...not that it did her much good when the lovely blue bunny got her hands on a new toy. Night three was much of the same, poor Mint was starting to think she might just know what to expect...that was till that little puppet dragged her down and forced a collar onto her neck. Funny that night four would see Mint actually liking her run ins with the crew, a happy white chick being just what she was looking for. Which brought us to the final night, where the true owners of the cafe came to see Mint, that night, well lets just say the pup now knows her place in the family, and so now Mint is a permanent member of the crew, one that's always happy to see her with them.