A fennekin that reached her final evolution but found a magic book. With this book she found a spell that would allow her to change her form from Delphox to her pre evolved forms. She live in a house in the woods that has a hidden basement inside where she has her own little witch room where she conducts experiments on mice or anything small. But she's nice if you get on her good side. She is also obsessed with science as she has a science lap deep in her burrow. She likes to collect samples of different things to see of she can create concoctions that do different things.
Her fennekin form tends to be like a a more childish female version of Dexter from Dexter's laboratory.
Her braixen is like a teenage nerd girl that acts mostly spoiled like most teens do.
Her delphox form is like a mature scientist that knows a whole lot about different things which gives her an edge in battle.
Height: check bulpapedia. Can only be anthro. As a delphox. That anthro form is 5'04"
Level: 100
Moves: anything delphox can learn.

her braixen form

her delphox form
(Pictures used with permission)