Welcome aspiring champions or low tier losers, welcome. This is the Triple F database other wise known as the storage space for all the information of the Female Fighter Force. Femme fatles from all corners of the fighting scene such as Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct and many more can be found here in this list.
Each one always seeking out new challenges or sometimes just looking for a bit of fun, FFF girls are all notorious predators in a number of ways, why not take a look to see if there's a fighter you want to test your mettle against, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to get their HYPE on.
First off, here are a couple of preferences I have for role playing, figure i'd get them out of the way here and now...
1) Comfortable with any character on this list being...
.Willing/Unwilling Pred
.Willing/Unwilling Prey
2) Comfortable with the following scenarios...
.Soft/Hard Vore
3) Comfortable with the following Vore types...
(Clean Only)
(Anything else, ask first)
4) Comfortable with the following partner types...
.Feral/Non Sentient
(Would have been quicker to say everyone wouldn't it XD)
5) Comfortable with the following play styles and elements
6) NOT comfortable with the following play elements
.Gas play
.Digested disposal
(Will make an acception for cum or gore disposal)
.Pregnancy play
(Will only be prey to pregnant character)
.Slavery/Brain dead play
(No turning any of my character into Milk whores, farm animals, mindless sluts)
Now here's another important factor about this profile, as you can see the potential for the number of characters to reach this list is near limitless, i don't intend on skipping out on characters just because i'm not fond of them, however I ask that you please please please keep patient if a character you like isn't on the profile yet.
I'm working the best I can to have the profile start with a diverse enough pool of characters that should satisfy most but there will always be a back log of characters waiting to gain a spot.
Any questions? Misunderstand anything? Don't hesitate to ask and please don't just assume unless you understand the pre mentioned preferences, with that said lets get this show on the road, starting with...
Title: Street Fighter
Lifespan: 1987 - Present day
Latest Title: Ultra Street Fighter IV
When you bring up the topic of fighting games there's one of two franchises that come to everyone's minds, Street Fighter is one of them and arguably the quintessential fighter of the entire genre.
Best known for protagonists Ryu and Ken joined by a whole deluge of interesting and unique characters representing various nationalities, beliefs and ways of life.
(Looking at you Urien you creepy ass diaper man >...>)
Of course the game is also host to several of gaming's most iconic women including the genre proclaimed "Strongest Woman in the World"...
Name: Chun-Li
Birthdate: March 1st 1968
Birthplace: China
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Secret
Fighting Style: Unnamed Chinese martial art
She is the first female player character that appears in the series, and the first playable female character to appear in a 1-on-1 fighting game. Introduced in Street Fighter II, Chun-Li was the only female character in the game, as well as one of the youngest fighters, and while not as physically powerful as the other characters, she is by far the quickest.
Her most famous attack is the Hyakuretsukyaku ("Hundred Rending Legs", commonly known as the "Lightning Kick"), where she repeatedly kicks her opponent from a tilted standing position with incredible speed.
Vore preference:
Chun-Li is all about her legs, she uses them as vice like grips to ensnare her prey and choke/crush the life out of them, naturally she would also enjoy consuming prey around that area, therefore expect her to enjoy...
.Anal Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Cammy White
Birthdate: January 6th 1974
Birthplace: United Kingdom
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 101lbs
Fighting Style: Delta Red Self Defense Training, Shadaloo Fighting Techniques.
Cammy White, also known by the codename Killer Bee in Street Fighter Alpha 3, is a character in the Street Fighter series. She first appeared in the fighting game Super Street Fighter II, which was released in 1993, as one of the "New Challengers", out of the four new characters introduced in that title. Cammy is the second female character in the Street Fighter series, following Chun-Li.
Out of the four "New Challengers," Cammy is by far the most prominent, having many more game appearances than the others, as well as more appearances in games and other media than many of the original "World Warriors." Along with Chun-Li, Cammy's considered one of the femme fatales of the Street Fighter universe, her popularity quickly making her one of the most famous characters, because of her attractive and slender figure along with her strong personality and fighting skills.
Vore Preference:
Unlike Chun-Li, Cammy (although another kick based fighter for the most part), prefers to subdue her prey through wearing them out, incredible stamina means she can outlast even the most durable of opponent, when they are too tired to resist she enjoys toying with them slightly before consuming them, expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Juri Han
Birthdate: January 1st ????
Birthplace: South Korea
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 101lbs
Fighting Style: Tae Kwon Do, Ki Channeling.
Juri Han is a character in the Street Fighter series. She makes her debut in Super Street Fighter IV, where she is a main character in the story line. She is 25 years old (as of Super Street Fighter IV) and is described as a somewhat mean and nasty member of S.I.N.
Juri is the first South Korean character and the first Tae Kwon Do user in the Street Fighter series, as well as the first true villainess.
Vore Preference:
Juri is rotten to the core, showing no mercy to her opponents or prey, she will beat them into submission, then beat them further to the brink of death, then she will lavish in their pain before consumption them, expect her to enjoy...
.Soul Vore
.Oral Vore
.Anal Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Sakura Kasugano
Birthdate: March 15th
Birthplace: Japan
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 92lbs
Fighting Style: Self taught after Ryu's Ansatsuken style
Sakura Kasugano is a character in the Street Fighter series. She is a Japanese schoolgirl who has an intense fascination with Ryu. She has managed to copy and learn some of Ryu's techniques, but really wants him to train her personally. She is the fourth female fighter in the series (after Chun-Li, Cammy and Rose). She has a friend named Kei Chitose, who attends the same high school and sometimes goes along with Sakura on her street fight tour.
Sakura typically fights in her school's uniform, a short-skirted sailor uniform (seifuku) with the collar popped and red bloomers underneath. She also wears red Converse-esque shoes, a red top under her uniform, red boxing gloves, a yellow bola tie, and a white headband (given by Ryu before Street Fighter Alpha 2). She has short brown hair.
Vore Preference:
Being young and only semi experienced is the short coming of Sakura, but be warned, ignorance is your greatest weakness, young Sakura packs quite the punch and isn't afraid of knocking your ass out. Expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
Additional images:
Name: Poison
Birthdate: December 7th ????
Birthplace: USA
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 115lbs
Fighting Style: Lethal fighting techniques
Poison is the friend and manager of Hugo. Before her career as a manager kicked off, she was well known as one of the more recognizable members of the group called Mad Gear. Poison's name may be derived from a glam-metal band, also named Poison, that was popular in the late 1980s, and were known for their effeminate dress sense and use of make up.
After the collapse of Mad Gear, she becomes a wrestling manager. However, her charges are lackluster and attendance at events was poor. When she realizes that her wrestlers are failing to interest the crowd and overhears the marks talking about how they'd rather watch "the main event" (presumably referring to the S.I.N. tournament which has flyers around the place), she enters the ring herself and defeats two of her employees. She decides to go to the tournament to scout some new talent.
Vore Preference:
Even though she is a very capable fighter, Poison isn't quite on the level of skill possessed by her female competition in Street Fighter, therefore she rely's more on her feminine charm, good looks and seductive behavior to woo prey into dropping their guard, then she punishes them, loving every moment of teasing and toying before devouring her prey. Expect her to enjoy...
.Breast Vore
.Cock Vore (That's right, Poison can be played as a herm!)
.Hair Vore
Additional images:
Moving into a much darker realm of fighters now, the next franchise set the standard for blood and violence for years to come in the video game industry, that's right people! It's time for some...
Title: Mortal Kombat
Lifespan: 1992 - Present Day
Latest title: Mortal Kombat (9)
The bloody, chaotic and oh so charming world of MK is the other half of that fighting game popularity, if you aint thinking Street Fighter then you're thinking MK.
Opting for a more visceral style of game play with characters using deadlier methods of attacking their opponents, the series claimed it's title as the most violent franchise ever for one reason...Fatalities, better watch out now, these girls aren't afraid to get skin deep with you.
Name: Kitana
Species: Edenian
Birthplace: Edenia
Princess Kitana is 10,000 years old, but is considered young in her realm of Edenia and only appears to be in her early twenties. Throughout the years, she rose to great importance; first as the loyal stepdaughter of Shao Kahn, then as his enemy, tearing herself away from his grasp and freeing her home realm of Edenia. She also led an army into Outworld to combat any chance of Shao Kahn rising to power again.
Vore Preference:
Princess Kitana is not to be taken lightly, quite the lithe and acrobatic fighter she can take an opponents weight and use it against them, though she isn't without honor so she tends to finish her prey without mocking them, expect her to enjoy
.Soul Vore
.Navel Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Sonya Blade
Species: Human
Birthplace: Texas USA/Earthrealm
A member of a top United States Special Forces unit, Sonya Blade is a beautiful, stern, tough-as-nails lieutenant. Her impulsiveness is catalyzed by her superior and good friend, Major Jackson "Jax" Briggs. Sonya represents a very emancipated and headstrong woman, but for all her stubbornness and pride, she deeply cares about the lives of her friends and comrades. She has a long-standing enmity with the thug, Kano, who had murdered a former partner of hers, and stands for everything Sonya despises. She has also feuded with other Black Dragon members such as Jarek.
Vore Preference:
Sonya doesn't pull any punches, a fierce opponent with a will of iron, she doesn't let up until her opponent is unable to fight back anymore, she somewhat enjoys taking out opponents who are all talk so cocky characters can expect an earful from her when they are beaten, expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
.Breast Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Mileena
Species: Hybrid (Half-Tarkatan, Half-Edenian) Genetic Experiment
Birthplace: Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits/Outworld
Mileena is a clone of Kitana, created by Shang Tsung's sorcery in his flesh pits for Shao Kahn, using Tarkatan physiology. Vicious and evil, she despises Kitana, and feels that it is her own right to rule Edenia as Princess in her place. Her fondest wish is to kill her "sister", and claim her existence for her own. Somewhat of an opportunist, she will make use of any chance to seize power that comes within her hands.
Vore Preference:
Mileena has no concept of mercy, infact she prefers to hear the begging of her prey before she consumes them, taking pleasure in pain and despair. Expect her to enjoy...
.Hard Oral Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Jade
Species: Edenian
Birthplace: Edenia
Jade is a childhood friend of Princess Kitana. While her motives were unclear, she served Shao Kahn alongside Kitana and Mileena as his personal assassin for most of her life. When Kitana finally turned against Shao Kahn, Jade was ordered to capture her for the Emperor. She ultimately chose to join her friend, and has since loyally assisted Kitana in her quest to free their native realm and restore its original beauty. Now residing in the freed Edenia, Jade is a General of the Edenian Army and continues to dutifully serve Kitana and her mother Sindel.
Vore Prefference:
Jade is efficent, she doesn't waste any time trying to drag her opponent this way or that way, she simply gets the job done, a somewhat cold approach to life, she will not mock those she has defeated, nor will she show them mercy, expect her to enjoy...
.Soul Vore
.Navel Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Sindel
Species: Edenian
Birthplace: Edenia
In spite of her gloomy, gothic appearance, Sindel is benevolent in nature. She rules the realm of Edenia alongside her daughter, Princess Kitana. Sindel's power appears to be more one of an inner, ethereal nature in more than one way. She is a distinctly older and mature character, with flowing grey hair and a regal attitude befitting of her role as Queen of Edenia. She has a natural affinity with aerial magic, as evidenced by her ability to levitate and manipulate sonic waves.
Vore Preference:
Sindel used to be a kind and regal individual before Shao Kahn's puppetry corrupted her to the core. Now she collects her opponent as though they were nothing more than a source of energy. Expect her to enjoy
.Oral Vore
.Soul Vore
.Hair Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Sheeva
Species: Shokan
Birthplace: Outworld
Sheeva belongs to the ancient race of the Shokan, a race of mighty four armed half Human, half Dragon beings from Outworld that are the archenemies of the Centaurian race. Like all of her race, she possesses a tall, muscular build, and four arms. Notably, Sheeva served as the personal bodyguard of Queen Sindel during Shao Kahn's failed invasion of Earthrealm.
Vore Preference:
Sheeva being the muscular, well built Shokan she is takes pride in defeating worthy opponents, upon defeating them if they provided an enjoyable fight she will procede to praise them before she does away with them, a type of mockery in itself. Expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
.Cock Vore (As a Herm)
.Anal Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Skarlet
Species: Genetic Experiment
Birthplace: Outworld
The female kombatant known as Skarlet is actually a being made by Shao Kahn himself, due to the fact that he trusted very few people. Shao Kahn created Skarlet by collecting the blood of countless warriors, and infusing them with sorcery. A literally bloodthirsty warrior, Skarlet gained strength from the blood of her opponents, which meant that she was only released by her master as a last resort. As such, she is typically kept chained until he had a need of her services. During the Mortal Kombat Tournament, he released her on a mission: to uncover Quan Chi's true intentions. Should she discover any plot to destroy her creator, she is tasked with eliminating any such threats.
Vore Preference:
Being nothing more than a creation, born to destroy, Skarlet does not seek personal vendetta, she only seeks you blood and you body to further power herself up. Expect her to enjoy...
.Vampiric Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Time for our next title, this franchise has a special place in my own heart as my favorite fighting game series of all time, we had to wait such a long time for a new installment but when it finnaly arrived oh man was it good, ladies and gentlemen...
Name: Killer Instinct
Lifespan: 1994 - Present
Latest Title: Killer Instinct
The characters within Killer Instinct go above and beyond the realm of physical prowess and fighting capability, these are widely regarded as some of fighting games best and brightest, such characters include...
Name: Black Orchid
Age: 32
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Unknown
Black Orchid, also known as B. Orchid (or just Orchid), is a female fighter who fights with Escrima sticks or Tonfas, uses her legs to do spinning kicks and can transform into a fire cat. She, along with her younger brother Jago, is one of the main protagonists of the games.
B. Orchid is a secret agent, sent by an unknown group to investigate the mysterious disappearances that surround the Killer Instinct tournament. Her true identity and abilities are shrouded in secrecy.
Vore Preference:
Orchid finds true bliss only in the heat of battle, when faced against a strong opponent she relishes in every victory she can pull off with her lightning fast kicks, powerful Tonfa based attacks and the use of her Fire cat form. Expect Orchid to enjoy
.Oral Vore
.Anal vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Maya
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Unknown
Made queen of the land of Amazonia after her part in banishing the dark lord Gargos. Cast out by her tribe as Gargos returns, Maya must vanquish him to regain her throne.
Maya's appearance received a drastic overhaul for Killer Instinct 2013. She no longer wears the leopard skin clothing and instead dons Incan style golden armor, including a chest piece, shoulder guards, gauntlets, greaves and boots. Her skin tone is slightly darker and her hair is worn in tightly woven braids down her back. She also now possesses a distinct scar or tattoo running up her left leg, the significance of which has not been revealed.
Vore Preference:
As a huntress in her own enviroment, Maya likes taking down her prey before they even realise it's happened, her fighting prowess is not to be sneezed at however. Expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
.Breast Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Kim Wu
Name: Kim Wu
Age: 17
Descendant of the heroes who banished Eyedol and Gargos, Kim is appointed her people's guardian. With the return of Gargos, Kim must fulfill her duty to her homeland and destroy him forever.
Kim Wu wears a purple Chinese qipao, stockings on her legs with purple leg guards, black sandals on her feet and bracelets on her wrists, with her red hair tied in a ponytail.
Vore Preference:
A fierce burning determination to succeed make Kim Wu one tough chick to deal with, despite her age she's able to match much more mature fighters attacks blow for blow. Expect her to enjoy...
.Anal Vore
.Shadow Vore
.Soul Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Riptor
Age: 4
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 700lbs
A product of UltraTech's DNA manipulation project. By splicing human and reptilian genes, they have created a fighting creature with animal ferocity and human intelligence.
Riptor is a human/raptor hybrid, having the basic appearance of a Velociraptor but with much larger arms, broken shackles hanging from its wrists. The color of its scales changes depending on its renders and in-game appearance, ranging from primarily orange with black stripes not unlike a tiger, to green scales around its back and tail to orange scales on the underside of its body.
Vore Preference:
It's a Raptor...
Raptor like food...
Expect her to enjoy...
.Soft Oral Vore
.Hard Oral Vore
.Tail Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Name: Sadira
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Unknown
Sadira is extremely pale, she has long black hair and her eyes are also notably and unnaturally glowing yellow. Sadira wears a mulberry-colored outfit with a hood and a decorative mask. She appears to be wearing ripped stockings on her legs. In general, her clothing appears to be of a Persian or Arabian design, perhaps hinting at her nationality. She has bladed gauntlets with two talons protruding from the knuckles.
Leading the Red Eyes of Rylai assassins, Sadira has long observed the fighters of previous tournaments. Ordered by a shadowy figure to “prepare the way”, she has chosen this moment to reveal her singular purpose of eliminating all former competitors.
Vore Preference:
Sadira is an assassin, a damn good one too, setting out web traps for those she hunts, Sadira loves nothing more than to coil someone up in a thick cocoon and subject them to numurous tortures. Expect her to enjoy...
.Oral vore
.Anal Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional images:
Next game, we're moving onto a new plain of fighter this time, the single plain is being expanded upon into the 3d arena fighter known to it's fans as a tale of souls and swords, that's right! It's...
Title: Soul Calibur
Lifespan: 1996 - Present day
Latest title: Soul Calibur V
Widely regarded as the best weapon based fighter out there, the Soul series features a cast of various characters based around themes of the distant past. Honor bound knights, corrupted warriors, Vicious beasts, Fierce deities and even the occasional Jedi or two.
(Quick disclaimer, I am aware of the handheld and adventure style games, however I will be sticking to the console characters only.)
Name: Isabella Valentine
Birthplace: London, British Empire
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 128lbs
Weapon Name: Valentine
The House of Valentine was once one of the most wealthy families in London. Isabella 'Ivy' Valentine had been raised with love by her parents. However, her father, Earl Valentine, was driven insane by his pursuit for what was called the "Key to Eternal Youth." By the time of his death, his efforts to search for immortality had drained his family's fortunes and left one of London's most distinguished families in ruins. As if to pursue her husband into death, the Countess fell ill and passed away soon after Earl Valentine's death. This left Ivy as the sole surviving member of the Valentine family.
In reality, Ivy was not a true Valentine by birth. The Earl and Countess found her abandoned in front of their mansion when she was an infant, and she was taken into the family as an adopted child. Ivy discovered this secret only after reading a will left behind by the Countess in her death. But this did not matter to her, for the Valentines were the only parents she knew.
Searching through her parents' possessions, Ivy found her father's diary. In it, she discovered that the "Key to Eternal Youth" her father had been pursuing was a sword called Soul Edge. He had also been obsessed with the art of alchemy. To honor her father, Ivy chose to become an alchemist and investigate Soul Edge
Vore Preference:
Ivy is quite the seductress, her experience with both combat and sex allow her to combine the elements into something of a sex show fighting style, she loves binding people up with her blade and teasing them. Expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
.Breast Vore
.Anal Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional Images:
Name: Sophitia Alexandra
Birthplace: Athens, Ottoman Empire
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 110lbs
Weapon Name: Omega Sword & Elk Shield
Sophitia lives in Athens with her sister Cassandra and her children Patroklos and Pyrrha, a part of the Ottoman Empire. The daughter of a Greek baker, she worked at her family bakery. She has always treasured her country's culture and prayed often to the city guardian, Athena, the goddess of wisdom. One day, as she bathed in a forest spring, a bright light appeared and took the shape of a man.
He revealed to her that he was the Olympian god of fire and forge Hephaestus and told her of the evil sword Soul Edge. The existence of such a powerful blade would put shame to his name, as he had not created it, and that if anyone were to discover it, it would bring much pain to the world. Hephaestus ordered her to come to the Eurydice Shrine and receive a holy weapon, the Omega Sword, so that she could destroy Soul Edge.
Vore Preference:
Sophitia whilst relentless in a fight isn't a violent spirit, infact she's a rather kind hearted individual, very pure and clean, the mere mention of anything naughty is bound to make her blush. Never the less she is prepared to use sexual means to end a foe. Expect her to enjoy...
.Breast Vore
.Soul Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional Images:
Name: Elysium (Soul Calibur)
Birthplace: Unknown
Height: Immeasurable
Weight: Immeasurable
Weapon Name: Soul Calibur
Elysium is the entity that guides the wielder of the Soul Calibur.
She guided Patroklos on his journey to restore Soul Calibur. She wanted Patroklos to resurrect Soul Calibur, saying that with the maximum power of Soul Calibur, he would save Pyrrha of the malfestation. This led Patroklos to get the other two treasures, Kali-Yuga and Dvapara-Yuga, which were in the hands of Xiba and Leixia respectively. After the resurrection of Soul Calibur, Elysium appears saying that with this power, he could save Pyrrha and the world from the evils of Soul Edge and its wielder, making him wield Soul Calibur, and she says "Good boy, I'm so proud of you" and convincing him to kill his sister beside her. However at the end, she revealed herself to be a manifestation that Patroklos created with Soul Calibur. Elysium brought Patroklos to the Utopia of the Blessed and seeing that he was no longer able to defeat Soul Edge, she decided to use his body to destroy the new wielder of Soul Edge. However, Patroklos refused and defeated her in battle. As her body disintegrated and disappeared, Patroklos returned to the real world, saying, "Good-bye, Mother".
Vore Preference:
If you stand against Elysium then expect no mercy, she will stop at nothing to destroy you utterly, to stand against her is to stand against the entire force of light. Expect her to enjoy...
.All vore types
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional Images:
Name: Cassandra Alexandra
Birthplace: Athens, Ottoman Empire
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Unknown (Claims she's lost weight recently...don't ask her)
Weapon Name: Digamma Sword & Nemea Shield
The younger sister of Soul Edge character Sophitia, Cassandra's main goal is to relieve her sister from the burden of the Soul Edge and the oracles of the blacksmith god Hephaestus. Cassandra's nickname is The Valiant Princess, because she is strong hearted, determined and willing to save her family.
Cassandra has short blond hair with bangs either tied up or worn down, pale skin, and bright green eyes. She has a slender frame, allowing her to perform moves, like somersaults and kicks, with ease.
Cassandra is a free-spirited and determined young woman. She will not hold back on her words nor her faith in herself in order to protect the family name and honor. Cassandra's true strength lies in her belief in herself, as opposed to otherwordly deities, in which to secure her choices and destiny. This gives her a unique toughness and single-minded perspective that doesn't lack in compassion. Her brash and confrontational manner are at odds with her apologetic and quieter sister, but she is a warm-hearted girl that cares very much for her family, especially Sophitia. Cassandra has a determined and confident personality, as does her nephew Patroklos, although he seems to be more cocky and aggressive than her.
Vore Preference:
Cassandra is a bit naughtier than her sister, she knows how to use her body a bit better and isn't as afraid of confrontation, she has a playful attitude when it comes to fighting. Expect her to enjoy
.Anal Vore
.Shrink play
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional Images:
Name: Tira
Weapon Name:
Although it is unknown where she was actually born, Tira's origins begin with a European organization hidden in the shadows called the Bird of Passage. She was raised exclusively as an assassin, for the Bird of Passage specialized in forming contracts with powerful people of prestige and dispatching assassins to eliminate important targets, and began killing at a very young age. Within this organization, Tira was known only by her codename: 'Eiserne Drossel' (Iron Thrush). Due to her upbringing, Tira became utterly inured to the sight of death, eventually becoming so engrossed in her ability to kill without experiencing any remorse or conflicting emotion that she started to become dependent on killing for the stimulation it provided. By the time she was nine years old, she had already killed enough to be considered a "Bird of Death".
Tira was taught how to fight by a woman in the organization. She raised Tira and was known as her Mother Bird. When Tira had grown older, she was forced to kill her and to perform a subsequent 'Sky Burial', as a rite of passage. The trauma of killing her mother-figure caused her to develop two different personalities.
Amidst her travels, Tira learned of the Azure Knight's massacres, and started to harbor a twisted fondness for the terrifying figure. During this leaderless period, her emotions had spiraled out of control, rapidly swinging between extremities with the slightest provocation. Because Tira had grown up without the freedom to make her own decisions, she ultimately resolved to track down the Azure Knight and become his servant, believing him to be a kindred spirit due to his ability to spread pain and suffering. Soon arriving to Ostrheinsburg, Tira encountered a man with a Death Scythe, Zasalamel. This man explained to Tira that Nightmare was nothing more than a puppet being controlled by the cursed sword, Soul Edge. Though she was disappointed by this information, Tira later jumped at the opportunity when she learned of the Azure Knight's resurfacing. After following a trail of slaughter, she finally found Nightmare and fulfilled her wish in becoming a loyal, erratic servant for he and Soul Edge. After this acceptance, she was given two tasks: To destroy the spirit sword, Soul Calibur, thus liberating Soul Edge from its prison, and locate a new, permanent host for the demonic blade. In order to fulfill these objectives, Tira was granted the protection of Nightmare's raven sentries, the Watchers.
Vore Preference:
The sadistic harlot is equal parts dirty and vicious, her lude attitude allows her to see combat in it's own right as a form of intimacy, the crazy crow haired combatant knows her way around any opponent. Expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
.Anal Vore
.Navel Vore
.Shadow Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
Additional Images:
Name: Pyrrha Alexandra
Birthplace: Athens, Ottoman Empire
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Embarrassed to Reveal
Weapon Name: Omega Sword & Elk Shield
Despite being the older sister of Patroklos, Pyrrha's appearance is more reserved and youthful than her brother. She bears an uncanny resemblance to her mother, Sophitia. Pyrrha is quite beautiful, with shoulder-length blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin with rosy cheeks, pink lips, small freckles and a blue ribbon on her right side of her head. She wears an elegant white dress with long leather brown and white boots, a brown shirt and gloves.
Pyrrha seems weak willed, reluctant to fight her opponents. On occasion, she even seems to regret winning (she cries after the battle, saying This... can't be my fault!). The way she fights combined with her quotes make her participation in the battles look very forced, which is unlike any other character in the game. This is due to her having grown up being seen as a bad omen. She taught herself to avoid conflict and apologize even as others turned their back on her. She has a sweet, somewhat fragile and sad personality. Her gentleness is reminiscent of young Sophitia, who later on became tougher because of the turmoil and her involvement with the Swords.
Vore Preference:
If you thought her mother was serene then you haven't seen anything yet, Pyrrha apologies after she delivers any attack to an enemy whether it connected or not, she is incredibly shy and has trust issues. Expect her to enjoy.
.Size Play
.Oral Vore
Vore as Pred:
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Pyrrha Ω

Name: Pyrrha Alexandra
Birthplace: Athens, Ottoman Empire
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Unknown
Weapon Name: Soul Edge
Arrested for the murder of her master Jurgis, Pyrrha sat quietly in the cold stone prison. She assumed the approaching footsteps belonged to her executioner, but instead a girl named Tira appeared before her. With skillful words, Tira wormed her way into Pyrrha's heart; when the young woman handed her a sword and shield, Pyrrha never thought to refuse her poisoned gift.
Then Tira pulled out a red metal fragment, and as soon as Pyrrha saw it, she felt something deep within begin to throb in unison with the fragment's pulsating glow.
The two fragments of Soul Edge were resonating as one.
Seventeen years ago, Pyrrha's mother Sophitia had embedded a shard of Soul Edge within her. Now, in the presence of Tira's fragment, the dormant shard awakened. It set loose the dark emotions that Pyrrha had sealed deep within her heart, and began to gnaw away at her sanity.
An inhuman wail shattered the still night, marking the violent birth of the being who would succeed —and perhaps even surpass— the Azure Nightmare. They would come to call her the "Crimson Despair"...
Vore Preference:
A being of pure hatred, Pyrrha Ω fights with malicious intent, wanting to kill her opponent for their soul and their body, she has immense desire in this state and will straight up rape her opponents when she gets the chance. Expect her to enjoy...
.All Vore types
.Strong preference to Soul Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
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Name: Viola (Cannot recall her actual name)
Birthplace: Unknown
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 108 lbs
Weapon Name: Quattuor Orbis
Viola initially awoke in the middle of a ravaged town, located deep within a forest. She could remember nothing about herself, all she had was a mysterious orb by her side. While she knows nothing of the orb's origins, she keeps it close, believing it to be the key to remembering her past...
At some point, she met a group of travelers who were on a pilgrimage. From them, she was taught the skill of reading the stars.
Vore Preference:
Viola, despite her alliances, is a rather cold individual, a void personality constructed of small giggles at rare occasions and a mostly analytical method of speech. She's in touch with the arcane world and elements meaning she is more than capable of fighting of any foe with the right magic, expect her to enjoy...
.Shadow Vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
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Name: Talim (Her chosen name)
Birthplace: Visayan Islands (present day Philippines)
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 93 lbs
Weapon Name: Syi Salika & Loka Luha
In the Village of the Wind Deity located in Southeast Asia (Philippines), there lived a small tribe of people who could control the winds. Talim was the granddaughter of the village's elder, Kalana, and daughter of its shaman, Sanput. Due to turmoil caused by the influences of the Spanish and Portuguese culture, she was reared to be its last priestess (Babaylan). The dark day that the Evil Seed pervaded through the sky, Talim felt the winds, and an evil aura that devoured everything in its path surged into her body, causing her to lose consciousness for days.
Vore Preference:
Talim, whilst appearing rather meek, is a force to be reckoned with, one with the element of wind she can move faster, jump higher and weave more meticulously in combat than any opponent. She's also not above having fun with those who she beats. Expect her to enjoy...
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
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Seong Mi-na

Name: Seong Mi-na
Birthplace: Jirisan, Korea
Height: 5'4
Weight: 106 lbs
Weapon Name: Scarlet Thunder
Growing up in the famous Korean Seong Dojang headed by her father, Seong Han-myeong, Mi-na had always been surrounded by weapons, many of which she learned to use quite well, even surpassing her father with the wol-do. However, her looks led the local boys to kiss her and call her more than a striking girl, an image supported by her father who wanted her to settle down and marry a suitor, preferably Hwang Seong-gyeong, whom Han-myeong had personally wanted to adopt into the family. Facing increasing incursions from Japanese raiders, a coast guard was quickly formed and led by Yi Soon Shin, her father's childhood friend, with Mi-na desperate to join in the ranks; but she was barred from joining on account of her gender. Overhearing rumors of Soul Edge, deemed the "Sword of Salvation", while eavesdropping on a private conversation between her father and Hwang, she decided that if she would not be able to prove herself in the coastal defense, she could just as easily prove herself by finding the fabled sword for her country. This prompted her to pack her belongings and run away from home, not knowing that Hwang had already been sent out on his own official quest for the weapon.
Vore Preference:
Mi-Na is a very lively and loud individual, ready for action and agood challenge she see's combat as a means of release, a way to enjoy herself, she also loves to claim the weapons of her fallen prey, expect her to enjoy...
.Oral Vore
.Anal Vore
.Weapon Transformation
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
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Name: Setsuka (Actual name unknown)
Birthplace: Unknown (Raised in Japan)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Weapon Name: Ugetsu Kageuchi
Setsuka was not a native of Japan. She had pale, milky-white skin, glossy brown hair (soon after dyed golden blonde), a chiseled face and hazel brown eyes. Those around her shunned her since she was young; she was looked with disdain because of her appearance. Without a family to turn to and exposed to such hate and violence, she finally ran away from her home. Young and alone, she wandered to a city where a man took her in, and named her Setsuka (Snow Flower).
Her caretaker worked as a bodyguard in the region. He taught Setsuka the technique he used to protect his patrons, and it would eventually become the way she protected herself, but it was the joy she felt when he praised her that made her devote to the training. Time passed, and Setsuka grew into a beautiful woman. She learned to ignore those who still looked her with disdain, letting nothing trouble her.
Vore Preference:
Honor bound in every battle to fight to the death, whilst merciless she isn't cocky about it, choosing to remain to the code she was taught, expect her to enjoy...
.Breast vore
.Anal vore
Vore as Pred:
Vore as Prey:
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Our next game features the same gameplay elements designed by Namco and is essentially the twin to the Soul series, full of a colorful cast of weird, wonderful and of course, sexy characters, it's time for some...