"Man anĂrach cerin an le?"
Name: Felamoth
Race: Judging from the fact he uses Sindarin, Elf. But Unknown for certain.
Gender: Presumed Male (Rarely is seen without his armor)
Age: Unknown
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: About 145lbs. Out Of Armor. Around 160 In Armor.
There is little visible to people on first sight, He is clad in armor, from head to toe. It is all white for the most part. It is clear he is no wandering soldier or mercenary. Judging from the way he carries himself with his head high and his shoulders back, the color of his armor, the helpful nature. This one is a Knight Errant! He carries a sword sheathed in a simple scabbard. A buckler is attached to his left gauntlet for defense. The helmet seemed to have been crafted in a custom manner to hide his features...it appears to be made of the same metal the rest of the armor is aside from the face plate which is some form of glass that has been treated to be a polarized white color like the rest of the armor. He can see just fine out of it and it affords him some manner of protection, and hides his face. Unfortunately the armor is all one really sees, though rumors circulate about the "Wandering White Knight", claiming he is indeed an Elf, some even say he is one of the very few Moon Elves, or Silver Elves left in the world. The rumor if him being an Elf is furthered by some stories from elderly humans claiming they were helped by the same figure as children, suggesting he is very old. He also does not sleep, he has been seen simply sitting against a tree unmoving for four straight hours before abruptly rising and continuing his path. All signs indicate Elf, but even with all this evidence, none of the stories can account for him outside of his armor. Like most Elves he is known for his grace and mastery of Magic, but going against the grain he does not seem to care much for Bows, preferring his sword.
He embodies the concept of the strong silent type, and the concept of a Knight. He is known to travel about, perhaps searching for a Lord or Lady to pledge himself too, but doing good deeds for no coin along the way. He rarely speaks, and almost never in Common tongue, some suspect his grasp of it is feeble at best. When he speaks, he speaks in an odd language, some assume that it is Elvish. He doesn't seem to mind that people can't understand him, he simply says what he feels needs to be said and then moves on. He outright refuses gifts offered to him, regardless of the deed done.
Known (Seen) Spells
Fireball(Active): A simple ball of fire flies from his hand, combusting on contact with a target or object.
Detect Evil(Passive): He is able to detect the evil in another living creature.
Aura Of Good(Passive): He seems to have an aura about him that radiates hope and light.
Healing(Active): By touch he can heal his own, or the wounds of others by touch.
Aura Of Courage(Passive): He seems immune to fear, and bolsters the morale of his allies.
Image References for Armor and Helmet(Best I can do until I get my own drawn) And Racial References.


The Moon/Silver Elves
In the setting he comes from they are very rare, exceedingly so even to the point where they are often times considered a myth. Their skin was rumored to be pale with an icy blue hue. Their common hair colors were black, blue and silvery white. Common eye colors are Blue or Green, they also lacked pupils, having a solid orb of color set in the white of their eyes. They were known to have a deep desire for traveling and exploring rather than isolating themselves like the other Elven races. Moon elves are innately driven by wanderlust and the desire to learn or do good. Because they have an innate sense of altruism and good will to others, most moon Elven adventurers are heroes, rather than villains, though both exist. Moon Elves are very fond of art. Drinking and reveling is also important in their culture. Moon elves are fond of keeping pets, animals like cats, dogs, falcons and other hunting partners. They are also known to create bonds with more sentient creatures. They dislike mounts, feeling it's important to walk on their own two feet.
I want most of this to be discovered through Roleplay, but as it stands I will leave it at small hints and snippets. In his setting the Moon Elves were commonly the protectors of an ancient line of Kings and Queens in their land. The majority of the Elves, male and female alike served the ruler of their land. However it is known that over time a strange evil descended on the realm, in only a year or twos time, this beautiful land became a shadow of its former self, the Royal Family was gone, the Elves went with them, rumor has it they were all wiped out. Now many many years later the land is simply known by many as the Wastes, the family line and the Moon Elves are both considered myths.
Story Ideas!
An Heir
This one is somewhat obvious, Felamoth discovers an Heir to the bloodline he served in his realm and possibly attempts to help them realize who they are and take their place in a hopefully reestablished kingdom.
Reviving The Realm
Rumors of an ancient relic that can grant the wish of the first person to lay their hands on it would certainly seem a valid way to revive his fallen realm, but could he be selfless enough for the needs of the many, or might he opt to bring back his family?
Unlikely Friend/Lover?
This one revolves around the idea that as a former Paladin all he can see in "Evil" beings is exactly that, demons, monster girls/boys. But perhaps one bests him and instead of finishing him, allows him to live, possibly changing his mind about these "evil" beings.
Another Moon Elf?
The Silver Elves weren't completely wiped out, and perhaps finding another of his kind would bring a large amount of security to he and the other Elf, after all, they are considered myths and both likely feel quite alone.
One of the Yuri_Alts