This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.

Faya is one of
Axel_the_silver_fox and
Vulpia's kits.
Faya takes after her mother in her coat coloring. She has slightly lighter but redish brown fur, with black around her paws, and tips of her ears. She has a cute little nose with dark brown eyes that are constantly looking around for activity.
For one at such a young age, Faya is incredibly currious about the world and loves to explore around the den and just outside. Even though she does enjoy exploring, if something scares her she comes running as fast as she can to mommy and daddy to hide. Sometimes this scampering causes such a ruckus as she comes tearing her way back home. She tends to be rather playful, loving playtime with her parrents and her brothers and sisters. She also enjoys the role of being a trickster, playing jokes and pranks, in her own small way, with her parrents or on her brothers and sisters. She does love to play with her fellow Kits, but has no problem finding a way to play by herself, but she does cling to her parrents whenever she can.
Faya's likes include : Hugs, Snuggling, Cuddling, Laughter, Jokes, tricks, new things to discover, grasshoppers, and butterflys (she does love to watch them, attempt to catch them or pounce after them in her own currious way).
Faya's dislikes include : Angry people (especially mommy and daddy), anyone close to her being unhappy or sad, loud noises (too many new loud noises that she doesn't know much about yet), being bored, big scarry looking things (all too many new big things out there), and bees (their stings do hurt alot).
Faya has learned some things during her adventures, and interactions. Her mother has taught her a phasing spell to help her return to someplace safe when she'd like to.
As she has been watching her brothers and sister seem to progress ahead of her, She has started to feel as though she isn't getting anywhere, and they're racing farther and farther ahead. As such she has lately seems to act flustrated or even depressed at times. She just doesn't know what to do at times.
Faya had a boyfriend,
yanno_ who she adores. They're enjoying their times together as much as possible, exploring, or even just hiding in their little grotto.
Recently discovered her antro form. In this form she maintains her fur, and her coloring. She's just starting to become adept at changing as she wants, with the help of her mom's training and guidance.
After pestering her sister,
Yume_ she is getting some tips on how to perform a wider array of magic further than she had known before. Granted she may be still a little irratic on how powerful the spell may or may not be.