
One of The_Other_People

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Name: Fata

Age: 23

Species: Fairy ((OOC: How else would you explain the height and wings?))

Height: 3 inches

Bust: Proportionatly a 34B

Weight: Unkown. Never been weighed.

Hair: Dark green. Down to the middle of her back. Naturally hairless in the appropriate areas.

Skin: Light blue.. nipples and netherlips are a light shade of pink.

Eyes: Hazel

Wing style: Regular fairy wings ((OOC: ...I think))

Attire: What she has on in the picture.. subject to change.

Sexual preference: Bi with a heavy lean towards females. Males need not be detered from approaching her.

Flight speed: 10 mph ..that's fast for a fairy her size

Unknown. Seemingly just appeared in the area one day.