used to be a slut with an absolutely massive ass here. But then she put herself up against
BigFutaBecky's all-devouring shaft and lost~♡
2022-05-24 13:58:39 [Fat_Assed_Load -> BigFutaBecky]: "So, Kali told me you were the one who could churn anyone, no matter how big they were~?"
2022-05-24 13:59:13 [BigFutaBecky -> Fat_Assed_Load]: BigFutaBecky gives a grin as she walks forward, her hips swaying as her big dick curves upwards. "MMm Something like that cutie..." she says...
2022-05-24 14:03:07 [Fat_Assed_Load -> BigFutaBecky]: Fat_Assed_Load swallowed nervously. That was a fat cock... And it smelled so... Not necessarily good, but enthralling~ "W-well then, go ahead! Let's see if you can turn this ass-" she huffs, turning around and giving her massive rear a hearty slap~ "Into nutbutter~! Hell, I'll make you a deal. You churn me, you own me, but if I don't fit down that thing, I get to put a collar on you~" she says overconfidently... In her mind, there was no way she could lose~! In reality, well...
2022-05-24 14:04:22 [BigFutaBecky -> Fat_Assed_Load]: BigFutaBecky smirked as she stepped right up behind that fat ass and her dick suddenly swelled up massive as her cockslit opened up and engulfed that entire fat ass as Becky hissed, apparently intent on bending that slut in half as she would get sucked in, ass first!
2022-05-24 14:11:14 [Fat_Assed_Load -> BigFutaBecky]: Fat_Assed_Load was glad for all the stretches she did regularly, because fuuuuuck~ Without hesitation, the predatory woman had already wrapped the tip of her cock around the biggest part of her body~! "Wha- H-hey! I was expecting like- Head or feet first!" She complained, although she wasn't in any real position to change things~ In fact, ass-first was the best way to take a slut like her! With her legs contorted above her head, it'd be easy to slurp her body up since her pose made her taper like a teardrop~ "Nnngh... Come on... There's no way I'm..." she huffed, struggling pointlessly~
2022-05-24 14:13:15 [BigFutaBecky -> Fat_Assed_Load]: BigFutaBecky smirks as she grabs the hips of that fat slut and lifts her up, her feet clearing the ground as she's suddenly near vertical...and slides backwards into that rapidly expanding cock! "Mmm ohh you're a bottom heavy slut! I'll churn you into a massive load of cum..." She promises as the slut's legs swing up around her head as she's sucked backwards!
2022-05-24 14:20:39 [Fat_Assed_Load -> BigFutaBecky]: Her weight made her easily sliiiide into that all-consuming black shaft with alarming speed, her massive hips making a visible bulge that was being pulled down into those churning nuts with ease~ "W-wait, I didn't know you could- She never said-!" Randalin huffed, her struggles only helping more of her squirm into that hungry cock~ Within a minute, she was in up to her bellybutton... Then, with another gulp, up to her knees and tits~ She bent her legs so they sort of hooked around her predators urethra, keeping her from going all the way in - But it was taking all her strength to keep herself from being schlorped down~ "Nnnfff... Fuck~! I'm not... I'm not going to be nutsludge! You're the future assfat here!"
2022-05-24 14:22:46 [BigFutaBecky -> Fat_Assed_Load]: BigFutaBecky smirks at that as she holds her vastly expanded dick up, her balls already sloshing with heavy cum. "Mmm Well Nutslop, you're gonna be a big stain on the wall...when my nuts get done with you!" She boasts as her cock sucks and sucks, pulling her ever so slowly backwards and deeper into her shaft, towards her churning doom...
2022-05-24 14:28:32 [Fat_Assed_Load -> BigFutaBecky]: For a moment, that cruel suction doesn't do anything except make the fatassed load-to-be moan. Then, in spite of herself... Her knees go weak as she cums, her legs straighten out, and with an embarrassed, startled, and gut-slut-pleasured moan... SCHLORP~♡ All that built up suction behind her ass makes her disappear smoothly down that cock to massively bulge out those churning, black nuts~ "W-wait, that wasn't fair!" She cries, already covered in slick off-white cream. Her clothes disintegrated within moments~ "I- I wasn't ready, you made me cum, you were just supposed to try and cock-vore me and nothing else-!" She whines, her hand going between her legs anyways~ Surrounded by all that predator spunk, she couldn't help but be a good little perverted preyslut and finger herself while she melted~
2022-05-24 14:32:20 [BigFutaBecky -> Fat_Assed_Load]: GURGLE GURGLE CHURN CHURN, SLOSH SLOSH SLOSH Becky's balls were very loud as they churned and pressed down, the outline of that fat slut very easy to make out...for a while before the squeezing pressure and heat started to melt her down. GURGLE GLORP! GURGLE! GLLLOORRRPPPP! Her nuts quaked and suddenly kept squeezing harder and harder...
2022-05-24 14:51:16 [Fat_Assed_Load -> BigFutaBecky]: Fat_Assed_Load struggled and writhed with all she had, which... wasn't much. And honestly, she was more busy trying to cum one last time than trying to fight her way out~♡ "F-fuck~ It's so hot in here~ NnnghhhyYAAA~!" she moans as the walls of her predators balls clench around her. She felt so soft... so weak... Please, just... She needed to cum... to cum... to be cum~!
2022-05-24 15:01:49 [BigFutaBecky -> Fat_Assed_Load]: GLORP! GLORP GURGLE! SLOSH!
CRUNCH! SLOSH SLOSH. The crushing pressure got just a tad too much as those heavy balls squeezed and squeezed. The former fat ass slut was clearly outlined in her nutsack...until she collapsed into a massive hot steaming load of jizz and just sloshed back and forth like the nutslop she was now and forever!