
Age: 18
Orientation: Lesbian
Current Lover: n/a
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: B-C range
Height: 5' 9"
Normal Weight: 111 lbs

I ever tell you 'bout my buddies Ellis an' Scooter? Tha's a trick question. See, the idiots don' exist... yet.
Hick witch? Oh yeah. Meet Faria Julianne Quistis, a witch from a proud magical clan originating from Sweet Home Alabama... or rather, somewhere closeby. Specifically, she specializes in the usage of a magical school she refers to as "Transmission," which entails voodoo, teleportation, and the ability to potentially erase entities completely from existence without a trace. Yup, a bona-fide Southern Fried Genius.

In line with her work with voodoo dolls, Faria's clothing tends to sport a lot of stitching along the edges. The tops of her princess gloves and leggings and the bottom of her two-tier skirt sport these hand-made stitches, though they don't really serve much of a purpose. The prime exception to her stitch rule are her black 1/8 inch platform shoes and her bra, but otherwise, she's all for stitches.

Per the southern norm, Faria tends to come off as a "Good Ol' Girl" with ambiguous political alliegence ("I do mah research, so I know e'eryone's ups an' downs~"). She generally has little tolerance for any action she percieves as against humankind such as mass murder or bragging about atheism. Like how some southerners love cars, Faria loves magical item restoration. If anything, the level of attention she gives to her job rivals that of your typical southern mechanic, and her workshop even looks like one, to a lesser extent.

As far as "Transmission," her clan defines it as the art of transporting physical entities or ideas from one place to the next. So yes, that definition entails voodoo and teleportation. This also gives her access to a special brand of empathy wherein she is capable of taking or adding emotions, memories, and even wounds. She's only at the point where she can take a person's pain from them and make it entirely her own, so she isn't to the point of legitimate healing. However, she does have one other ability limited to the vorish. A little potions accident left her with the capability of growing a sterile penis which she uses to cock vore pretty women she really really likes, though this tidbit can be completely omitted.

ZergAlts is fairly convinced that they're souther than south, given that they live in Florida...

Hey! The two revenuers from Verona approacheth! ...Read a book, people.
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Refer to ZergAlts for full sliders.
Whisper Always/Love