
Many have at least heard of the cute, playful Noe in the past. But where has she been all this time?
Despite her being a curious, easygoing being, she has always been a demon...
Her demonic blood has finally taken further effect on the beloved micro, transforming her into current version.
She no longer does her silly rants, her sense of humor is more or less gone and her small form has grown to one of a normal human. Close to, at least.
She stands at an even 5' and her body has developed more, showing it has matured.
Even so, with the time she has spent away, she has gained both experience and power. Every day, she grows stronger. Even now, her true limit is unknown...
However, even with all of her changes and advancements, she is still Noe.
Deep down, her playful, childish side still lurks.
What are this demoness' current plans?
Well, that varies from day to day. She has been given an objective, but whatever it is is still unknown.
For now... It seems like she still craves the attention of others.
The grown version of Noe, by
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