Picture done of Espee for Pred Quest by Humbug, please do not re-use. Espee was an original character made for Pred Quest by me. See her in action in pred quest here.
Played and created by Anixelle
Full Name: Espee Alasta
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 106lbs
Species: (Alien) Lizard/Canine
Build: Slim and Athletic
Gender: Female
Physical: She is mixture of a few different species of canine and a lizard. Her eyes are very odd, being human like, they look as if they have a small black mask around each one, and this is just the actual eyes, which are blue in colour. The eyes also have four larger eyelashes, on the top eyelids with tiny balls. She has odd very spiked up (Think anime with a bit of sonic)hair, the hair is the same golden-brown colour of her fur with wave lines of blond going around the tips of her hair. Shw has spines running from the top of her head, right down to the base of her tail; on her tail are smaller spines between the larger ones. Around the spines on its back are odd black markings; they have odd shapes, moons, zigzags, circles and dots. She also has a lizard like tail, but covered in fur rather than scales. She has golden coloured vambraces on each of her wrists, both have three green jewels on, and from top of the arms, a golden band, and a blank band with jewels added and also a white one just above elbows. The same black material that makes the band on her arm, but has no jewels and goes from her lower thighs to her ankles and covers her skin there. She has no other clothing. She is like an anthro, able to walk on canine like paws, her hands are hand/paws with claws.
Demanour: Cunning but kind, she sort of has two mind sets, one for just meeting people and one for doing her hunts and missions. Espee is kind so long as those she is involved with fit into her plans, she is however very loyal, and usually sticks with higher ups, working as part of a team or alone.
When it comes to predators, she plays smart, liable to run is threathened though she may follow and hunt them in turn, being very stealthy and agile means, she may wait for her prey to be dealing with another when she strikes.
In physical combat, she will try to worm her way free and run, her first tactic for danger is to get out of their and get hidden.
If she were hungry enough and her prey easily tricked / given the oportunity, she may consider devouring them, but may make an ally out of them She is cunning and smart and will use people to her advantage.
Vore Methods:
Oral (Soft): The old tried and tested style, she uses her stretchey mouth to fully take in her prey into her body, Usually letting her internal mass mimicking a real digestive system to digest and absorb her prey into her own mass.
Oral (Hard): She does however have sharp teeth and claws for a reason and can rip and tear into her prey if she wishes. Mostly for her own enjoyment as really the end results are the same. However she does this also if angered or simply being more sadistic than normal.
Unbirthing (Soft): The usual way to unbirth someone, simply suck them up into her body through her sex, usually mimicking a real womb when she does so. She can digest, absorb or simply release her prey at this point. She can also however suck out their age, regressing her prey to gain mass from them in that way, before releasing them or simply regressing them out of existence, whichever takes her fancy.
Unbirthing (Hard): A more sadistic unbirth version. Usually by getting her prey to 69 with her, and forcing her mass over their face, using her body she shifts the mass inside herself, creating heavy preassure that sucks her prey inside out. Leaving behind a empty corpse of skin and bone.
Breast Vore: She has them and due to being extreamly stretchy, she simply uses her nipples/breasts as the point of entry and holds the prey between the two. She can if she so wishes turn them into milk, though is more likely to just digest and absorb them.
Tail Vore (Soft): She is able to make a mouth at the end of her tail, allowing her to devour her prey. Most of the time they are sent to her stomach to be digested and absorbed, some though get digesting in the tails themselves.
Tail Vore (Hard): Sometimes she can get a little bit more sadistic with her tail, and let it eat people in large chunks, biting and devouring seperate body parts.
Soul Vore: Each mothod of vore can lead to this either to devoure them completely, though she may just hold the soul until she wishes to release it
There are others, are you willing to take the risk and find out what they are?
Lastest Park History:
Comming SOon
Old Park History:
Comming Soon