Age: 200 years old, give-or-take a decade
Orientation: Homoromantic Bisexual (loves women, sexes up anyone)
Current Lover: n/a
Eva_Mortifer (well, pet)
General Bust Size: C range
Height: 6' 4"
Normal Weight: 113 lbs
Um... hello, hello... do not mind me...
Erisniele Fahrenheit Alantes (she really prefers to be called Eris) is... interesting. The picture suggests a soldier girl with red hair, yes? You'd unfortunately be wrong on everything but the red hair. You see, she is a vampire. An odd vampire, with odd hobbies, tendencies, and traits. Let me start explaining myself:
Eris wears what she wears in the picture most of the time, no matter the heat or the cold. That's just how she is. Although, it's worth noting that she's an excellent seamstress and weaver as a whole, so she can repair her school uniform to make it look like nothing happened. The wrap around her left hand is more of a habit thing than anything else, and doesn't hide any kind of scarring as the picture would suggest.
At first, Eris appears to be an aloof, possibly haughty young woman. She barely gives regard to people in passing, and seems to have a calm demeanor to herself in most situations, cooly brushing off most things that come her way and huffing a breath. Although... she does find herself desiring a woman at her side, but in the rare event that she does go looking for people to be with, 55% of the time, she wishes them to bed, regardless of gender. She also has an odd habit of speaking without using contractions, so it's rare for her to not use "it is" or "there are" or "is not" and the like. Perhaps it could be thanks to her regal upbringing.
When one gets to know her though, she harbors a rather odd personality quirk, one that even her own family tried to have looked at... you see, Eris likes guns. Nay, she loves guns. Big or small, fancy or plain, custom-made or stock, she loves anything with a trigger and causes something to fly out one end. She even went so far as to, with her family's fortune, commission metallurgists and engineers to fabricate guns from video games and television shows to further her collection. Whenever soldiers went by her home town, she was notorious for yanking the sidearms of visiting soldiers, even going so far as to steal a bazooka one time.
To a lesser extent, she is also a self-proclaimed "explophiliac", which she describes as a love of explosions. Hence, the bazooka, as well as countless handheld explosives. She even recalls the day her parents found her sleeping with a dud pack of C4 under her pillow, dreaming of the morning she would reactivate it. Unfortunately, in most cases, even though she can be found with a firearm in her possession at almost all times, she often forgets to load her chosen gun, much less bring spare ammunition.
Even Eris' vampirism is rather odd. While she started out as a typical one in terms of sleep hours, she came to appreciate humanity more and found out that vampires being weak to the sun was a myth. So eventually, her sleep schedule shifted so that she slept during the night, like a normal human. Also, blood isn't a necessity for her survival. It does make most meats tasty, but it is by no means a requirement for her to keep living. Still... she occasionally gets cravings for blood, and will often go out to feed herself. As vampires go, she is physically and mentally strong, capable of resisting most mind control enchantments and being able to push a car along for ten miles without stopping with three fingers. She can also mesmerize and put people into a trance by looking them in the eyes, which lasts for a little while after breaking contact, just long enough to dull the pain of her biting them.
As far as contracting vampirism from Eris, it varies from person to person. While both involve her blood coursing through the prospective's system, the quantity will often depend on the strength of will of who she's converting, as well as their willingness to go through with the process and latent magical power. Most humans can choose to be converted with a simple, prolonged bite, although she may have to resort to unbirth and usage of her umbilical cord in more powerful cases. Either way, she can rescind the vampirism she gives by similar methods, by draining the vampire blood she gave, although she would much prefer to have blood packs on hand for transfusion, depending on how much had to be exchanged.
However, she has the unfortunate (and unusual) weakness to "dusty water". Basically, she finds herself weakened in the rain, or when soaked in water that's been mixed with actual dust. Not to mention garlic makes her break out in a rash and results in her having an asthma attack. And last but not least, if she finds herself in another person's abode without being invited, she begins to feel dizzy to the point of passing out within two hours. At the very least, she has no problems with pure water or crosses, as her family is fairly religious. On a side note, she's well-capable of seeing herself in mirrors, though her reflection will NOT appear on shiny metals.
She also possesses an alternate side to herself, incurred by monthy hormonal changes. Normally, on a woman, this wouldn't mean any huge changes. But for Eris? Her regal presence all but vanishes, with a shy, golden-eyed beauty standing in her place. Her thirst for blood, however, is stronger, so even with her shy mannerisms, she's not above jumping someone and apologizing.
UPDATE: Now comes in lamia flavor! See LamiaEris for details.
The regal vampire girl among the ZergAlts.
Haah... the M6G Personal Defense Weapon System... manufactured by Misriah Armory... 8 round capacity, 12.7mm x 40mm M225 Semi-Armor-Piercing High-Explosive or .50 Magnum Caliber Rounds... I am in heaven...

Her alternate "period" form.
Drank blood from:
Eaten by:
Unbirthed by:
Anal vored by:
Tail vored by:
Breast vored by: