Player_Rayna’s rack

- Age: ???
- Height: ???
- Job:
- Partner:
- Owner: Player_Rayna
- Most recent ex: Destination_Belly, squirted away on accident~
Erika got too drunk at the club, luckily her friend Player_Rayna was there to catch her when she fell!
- Tongue: None
- Tits: None
- Belly: None
- Ass: Jogging_Carol
- Pussy/Cock: None
- Feet: None
Would love to be digested by an inanimate object~ Also personality excretion is adored!
Being turned into an entire wardrobe while my future owner teases me~
Sinking into quicksand, cum, mud, cement, or being melted!
Of course I always love body part transformation, but don’t expect me to be well-behaved down there~
I also love being snatched up on the street and gulped against my will, or transformed into an object to keep! Transformations and events that cause changes to my body are likely to be made canon!
- +++IC Approaches
- +++No limits~
- +++Using me without consideration for my preferences
- +++Transforming me against my will (Bonus + if you provide a picture for my new form)
- ++Teasing, taunting, humiliation
- ++Focus on vore and/or transformation
- ++Sentient waste/fat
- ++Curvy girls
- +Unbirth/Cock vore with cum-gestion
- -Muscley characters
- -Endo (This becomes a + if you can make it interesting~)
- --"Hi, how are you?"
- --"What do you want to do?"
- ---Pushing me to pred. Very mood dependant, normally do it only for friends or as perma.