
- Age: 26
- Height: 5’4
- Job: Pet
- Hobby: Prey Streaming, teasing predators on camera for money
- Inventory: Soul
Erika was enjoying some time inside of her old friend Player_Vespa, who subjected her to the most realistic feeling slime digestion she’d ever experienced! She didn’t even realize she was actually being digested… And upon climax, was assimilated into her friend.
Slutty_Sarah_ made the mistake of trusting me with her soul stone, now she's a broken scatue on her bathroom floor~
Erika also loves being snatched up on the street and gulped against her will, or transformed into an object to keep! Transformations
and events that cause changes to her body are likely to be made canon!
- +++IC Approaches
- +++No limits~
- +++Using me without consideration for my preferences
- +++Transforming me against my will (Bonus + if you provide a picture for my new form)
- ++Teasing, taunting, humiliation
- ++Focus on vore and/or transformation
- ++Sentient waste/fat
- ++Curvy girls
- +Unbirth/Cock vore with cum-gestion
- -Muscley characters
- -Endo (This becomes a + if you can make it interesting~)
- --"Hi, how are you?"
- --"What do you want to do?"
- ---Pushing me to pred. Very mood dependant, normally do it only for friends or as perma.