
Profile Status: Rework in Progress
Currently completed: 10%
Special Note: I know it is taking me forever to finish this profile! X3 Come play with me! ^^
Male alt of Naomi_Kleer

Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Pred/Prey/Switch Always/Love
Never/Dislike I will happily switch!
NPC/Support Characters Always/Love
Never/Dislike So... because it has come up twice now, I do not need NPC's to be in a scene to have fun. If you do not like them, they can be left out. If you like them, cool, surprise!
Digestion/Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike I enjoy safe for a while, not forever. Love if there is a risk involved, but do not require digestion.
Endo/Reformation Always/Love
Never/Dislike I kinda do not like reformation, but being released and taken care of is cute to me.
Release/Escape Always/Love
Never/Dislike A little struggle? Fun!
Full Tour Always/Love
Oral Vore/Oral Play Always/Love