Member of Alts_of_Bael
Erethriel is a young angel, counting somewhere between 100 and 150 years old. She's spent most of her life learning the basics, of what she needs to do.
She is of the newer generation - ones who don't remember the war between Heaven and Hell that ended only 50 years prior to her birth. Therefore she spends most of her time in Heaven, and touring her favorite worlds (like the Park).
Due to a rather awkward series of events, she picked up the idea that since people who sin and do evil deeds need to have their actions cleansed, she compares those kinds of people to a "mess" that need to be cleaned up, and thinks of herself somewhat as Heaven's Janitor.
Though she has a rather awkward way of cleansing people. Eating. Yes, that's right - she consumes the person's body, keeping them inside her stomach, which digests the sin straight out of the person instead of digesting their actual self. Some circumstances may be made - like if it's about the time for the person to move on to the afterlife anyway.
WIP - more to come still