No vore with this character.
This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.

Is what she normally wears as a slave....
Enma has lived what most would call a normal life for one like her. At an early age she was taken from her home, kidnapped rather while she was out playing. Her kidnapper used her for many things, house cleaning and other typical maid work. Though she was a child and as such did once in a while talk back, which would get her severally beaten. One day though the beating went beyond what it normally had, and the man left her in the wild, thinking she would die and be eaten by scavengers. Though she wasn’t. Another man by the name of Thomas happened to have stumbled across her almost lifeless form. This new man took her back to his home, and unlike the kidnapper who had used her, he didn’t. Instead he placed her within a rejuvenation capsule. One that would ‘repair’ her body back to before she was beaten. In exchange for this act of kindness Enma is to be sold to a new master by Thomas. Each time Thomas taking the money and handing her over. But every time that the master is done with her, she goes back to Thomas for the same treatment he always gives her. A ‘repair’. Every time she is sold, her body will always be as if it were untainted, and perfectly innocent.
Thomas is an npc only used in reference to Enma’s past, he doesn’t treat her any less then he would a normal person. The two are more business partners then they are friends. The deal was that for every time she is abandoned, she will return to him to be ‘repaired’. Then sold, he keeps the money. As well, Enma will not say Thomas isn't a greedy or selfish man. For if his own life is worth more then the money he gets from Enma. If the new buyer has any type of intention on harming him, he will just give Enma away. The reason is, so that Enma will always have a place to return and a way to return to a healthy untainted form.
Attire: Normally is that of just mere undergarments. With the exception of a belt, boots, and metal clamps, or leggings as she calls them.
Personality: She is very disobedient, more times then not will give back talk, and refuse to do what she is told. A lot of the times she will attempt to beat her master’s head in with her legs. As well she isn’t afraid to reveal her body to her master, she likes to see him in a mental state of torture. As well, given them a reason to act on certain things so she can once more try to harm them.
On rare occasions and with certain people. I will rp her as an owner. And she resembles something more like this.
If you happened to be in one of the few RP's where she happens to be an owner, the her history changes slight.
In this story setup, she has been restored by Thomas one final time before going off to live with an upper-lower class family. Her mother is the one who will be buying you and showing you to Enma's quaters. As well, the past will contain her enslavement. This as well includes the past of her last slaver, a person who didnt force sexual activities upon her, but instead was gentle, and allowed her to experience pleasurable acts for the first time, this leads to her being horny, and in some cases begging and becoming submissive to be pleasured when such things happen.