The resident Witch Knight of
A haughty, ojou-sama-esque character. Enlana is a noble with an exorberant amount of wealth. Obviously, she views herself as
a gift from the heavens and seeks to spread her influence far and wide. To accomplish this, she became a paladin, devoting
herself to her noble conquest! Somewhere along the line, however, she also made a pact with the Hexblade! Whereas most would succumb
to their unholy patron, Enlana subjugated her patron with her indomitable will! Despite her arrogant behavior, she has a soft spot for
her valued companions.
Mechanically speaking, Enlana is a level 8 Witch Knight! She has 4 levels in Paladin (Oath of Conquest) and 4 levels in Warlock (Pact of the Hexblade).
She uses a Halberd as her Pact and Hex weapon and is quite the force to be reckoned with, utilizing both the Polearm Master and Sentinel feats to bash people upside the head!
She also utilizes Grasp of Hadar and Eldritch Spear to pull pesky spellcasters and archers into her range.
Quick Likes
Dice Duels!
Scat Disposal!
Character Gambling!
Forming Parties for Shenanigans!
Quick Dislikes
Sex that Takes Too Long!
Overly Aggressive Approaches!
Going Against Prefs and Mood!
Ignoring Player Mood!
If you want a scene with me, feel free to ask! I'm more than happy to talk something through! Also, as always, none of the art is mine!
It's all been pulled from Rule 34 (Oh no, how lewd~). If you're curious, the character is Lovely Labrynth of the Silver Castle!
The first born daughter of the Galmir family in the small province of Valmaeria, Enlana has been spoiled from a young age. She grew up with the understanding that, as someone
blessed enough to be born into nobility, it was her responsibility to spread her greatness unto others. When she came of age, she established herself as duschess of Valmaeria. To kick off her rule,
she started a company called Habetrotters that specialized in selling quality shoes. In her mind, the first step to greatness was, quite literally, a step and so she decided to provide
those under her care with reliable shoes that were guaranteed to last a lifetime and a half! Still, it wasn't enough for her just to improve the lives of her own people. No, she sought to increase
the quality of life for people everywhere! And so, her conquest began! Leaving Valmaeria in the hands of her trusted and capable council, she embarked on a journey to tha paladin's guild in order
to begin her training!
Of course, she was received with smirks and sneers, thought of as a rich noble merely seeking to exppand her fame via association. And they were absolutely right.
Not only did Enlana excel in every aspect the paladin had to offer, she also usurped the guildmaster and established herself as the head honcho! Using her newfound influence, she improved the paladin's guild,
turning them into an emergency response group of sorts who specialized in fending off threats to the nearby villages as well as tending to the sick for a mere 5 copper pieces. To offset the cost, she used the
the guild as a front for her shoe company, selling reliable footwear to passing adventurers. Things worked out beautifully and she began making far more money than she had need for. Eventually, thanks to her efforts as guildmaster,
her conquest began bearing fruit. Grateful to the storm of a woman that had provided them newfound security as well as cheap healthcare, the surrounding villages all became a part of Valmaeria. In only the span of 5 years, she managed to
double the size of her duchy and she had no plans of stopping anytime soon!
As a result of her growing power and influence, Enlana attracted much attention, and not all of it good. The forces of the world saw her as a threat to their current way of life,
an upstart who nothing of the nature of people. Others viewed her as a naive child who would ultimately fail in her mission. Enlana cared not for their thoughts, for they were all greedy
old fools who merely quaked at the thought of someone stripping away their power and wealth. However, Enlana also attracted the attention of otherworldly entities, those who sought to use her
as a means to expand their influence within the mortal realm. It was on a rainy night when the first of these entities, the Hexblade, appeared to Enlana in her dreams. It whispered in her ears,
promising to make her dreams of conquest and unity a reality. Unfortunately for the entity, Enlana was not one to be trifled with. She laughed in the face of its promises and boldly claimed that she'd
take its power for herself whether it liked it or not. And that she did. Grasping the blade, she subjugated the Hexblade with her indomitable will and noble spirit. The Hexblade was powerless and, like many
before it, became yet another stepping stone for Enlana's conquest. When she awakened, she had become a perfectly balanced being, embracing both light and dark and taking them into herself.
Reborn as a Witch Knight, her conquest continues as it is her duty to improve the lives of everyone!
I do love Dice Duels oh so much!

The thunder thighs of conquest!


I am about to beat your ass!

Mmf, good morning everyone! Better get to work!

Huff...w-what are you looking at?

At least the last thing you saw was something beautiful!


Huff...the conquest extends to the bedroom, you know~

Heh, what do you think you're trying to do?


Nngh...g-guh, don't look so satisfied~!