(Also known as 'Angel') Is a powerful Dark Mage and a practitioner of Angel Magic. A member of the original Oración Seis, one of the most powerful Dark Guilds in the world, she is among the few remaining members who form the Reborn Oración Seis. Angel, like the other members of the Oración Seis, is a cruel, sadistic, harsh and arrogant woman who enjoys toying with her enemies. She does not think much of her spirits as living beings, and is seen mistreating them like tools. Eventually this leads to her defeat, as her spirits refused to attack Lucy, betraying her. Angel is also analytical, and she prefers to have detailed information of her enemies before battling.
In X791, Angel reveals her dislike for the world, calling it filthy and only a place full of conflicts. She goes as far as saying that living as a human is a sin, for she believes them to be impure, herself included. As a result of this she has an obsession with angels, seeing perfection in them. Her obsession with them is so great that she dreams of nothing but becoming an angel herself, and cares little what happens to her own life by using her lifespan to summon her angels, for she thinks she will become one like this.
Fairy Tail fan character summoned (lol) forth by the
Circle_of_Jermod. Nooot done, or at least, isn't as polished as I want it to be, but look at the aforementioned alt list for preferences and maybe you'll get some play time with her? Yeah, maybe.
Full body shot of Angel.