Name: "Umm... It's Emily B...Brooks"
Age: "Lets see... I'm 15 years old"
Gender: "I...I'm a Female"
Height: "I'm pretty short... 5 feet"
Weight: "I...I'm not fat... just a little top heavy"
Hair Color: "It's Pure Jet Black"
Hair Style: "Umm... It's shoulder length short"
Eye Color: "People tell me they sparkle like sapphires so I guess... Blue"
Likes: "Ummm... Lets see... there's cooking... and sports... oh umm... shopping.
Dislikes: "Bullies... umm loud noises... lets see.... uhh... people fighting"
Job: "I'm a High school student... but on weekends I work at a sweets shop... ummm... come on by... the candy is really nice".
Friends: "Oh umm... you know some people from school... like my friend Jess... and then there's Marron... we are all in the same PE class, their really pretty and popular"
Family: "I Have a mother and father but they are over in america, they let me leave to study over sea's, oh and I'm the big sister to 2 little brothers and a little sister, their just the cutest".
Lover: "Oh Umm... I have someone in mind... but ummm... uhhh we... aren't dating... at least not yet".
Back story: "Umm lets see... I was born in Chicago in America and umm... my parents at the time worked in a small business so they weren't really home much but they did hire me a nice nanny so it wasn't all bad, lets see umm... my first brother was born 3 years after me so it was nice to be a big sister but I had to help the nanny with that one... ummm at that time my parents were making more money and hmmm 3 years after my little brother, I got a little sister she was such a cutie but she wasn't the last one, there was one more little brother after her about 2 years later so I guess I was 8 years old when all my brothers and sister was born".
"Ummm lets see, what else sounds important to mention... uhhh... oh yeah when I turned 10 my nanny quit to start a family of her own, it was okay so I didn't feel to upset but she was a good friend to me, she taught me lots of things like cooking and cleaning so every day after school, I would look after my siblings, I guess it was a little hard since my youngest brother and little sister wasn't ready for school but they were good kids, they stayed at home and played games and did drawings, sometimes on the wall but when I got home I became super big sis, sure it was hard at the start since I was to short for the counter but I managed"
"Umm this continued for 4 more years however my parents would come home early one day, to talk to me alone, I was a little nervous but they seemed to be fine with how I had become an adult at such a young age, d...don't get me wrong, I mean I was shy to talk to people but umm... to balance taking care of my siblings and get passing grades in school, they decided that I would have to study over sea's it was kinda weird but they explained that I need to dream bigger and out of this city, I mean I guess they were right but when I asked who would look after the family they said they would hire a babysitter, makes me wonder, did they know about the nanny leaving a few years ago? probably, maybe this was some sort of test, either way I was packed up and sent to a small city just outside of somewhere called Nexus, apparently that was to dangerous for a girl like me so I went to the town over, either way, the people are nice, I made some new friends, and then there's this senior at my school, he drives a motorbike and it's so cool, I wonder if her would hire a bland girl like me I mean I heard that he dated a famous singer, no I have to have confidence and soon... I'll confess to him... ummm maybe... on second thoughts I might wait abit".
"Umm... I guess I've been waiting 6 months so umm... uhh... oh I did get a job at a candy shop... umm sure it's small and doesn't get much business but's really nice, lots of kids come in and they seem so sweet, but the pay is just pocket change, lucky my parents send me money every week to live or I'd starve".

"Sorry, not wearing panties today, to bad peepers"

"Here have some water, you look tired".

"It's Christmas time, hope you got me a present".

"Ugh stupid early mornings"

"l...Lets do our best today".

"I...It's always best to warm up before exercise".

"Just doing some practice with my friends".