
By The_Musicbox

Birthday: August 5th
Chronological Age: 9
Comparative Age(by human standards) age: 20 (cuttlefish mature faster than humans)
Nationality/Ethnicity: Australian
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 75lbs
Likes: Prawns (to eat), Slugs (to hug), Peanutbutter, and keyboard pianos.
Dislikes: Mammals (Mammaries/boobs specifically), Birds, and Vegemite (so don't ask)

Basic background

Born out in the ocean blue, Emica started her life just as any other cuttlefish. Hatched from and egg and left to drift about as a pea sized speck, expected to fend for herself. Her metamorphse from the translucent bite sized snack was a long and hard road, but by a spark of luck she had lived long enough to be outgrow and outsmart most dangers. Taking a more permanent role within the food chain, she is constantly hunting, as well as hiding from would be predators. Often times she goes on long migratory travels along the coast, simply finding food. With as big as she is, she nearly constantly needs to eat, so her travels rarely end except for rest.

Apart from her natural life style of eat or be eaten, Emica's tale has yet to be added upon. She has had sparse interaction with people, limited to simple observation. She has recognized human intelligence and creative ability, and has even learned a few things. She understands simple gestures and words just by watching them through context over and over. Along with this she has learned to become quite the scavenger on coastal shores, picking off what she can from people. With much of her travels leading her to different coasts, she has learned quite a bit about humans, and fortunately has avoided much notice to herself.

Her Story

-After a brisk encounter with a shrunken Serenthia , Emica found herself stitched up and locked away in a laboratory enclosure. After reawaking in her new home she has since found herself being forced to deal with a newly grown Serenthia. The young scientist quite a deal more interested in the cuttlefish girl than Emica was with her now. Though Emica continues to avoid Serenthia, she has slowly begun to rely on her as she deals with her healing wounds as well as being able to eat.


A crudely drawn version of how her face actually would be versus the image above

Emica with her favorite treat, peanut butter

She shares many qualities with true cuttlefish. Predominantly her ability to change color, which she can use for both camouflage and communication. Generally her ability to communicate with her skin is saved for encounters of her own kind, but she has many warnings for others who recognize them. When irritated her entire body will look as if it is pulsating as the color rolls in waves across her body in different shades of her default blue-green.

Her other qualities are more hidden, such as the twin feeding tentacles inside her mouth. Both are about double her arms' length and about half the thickness. They roll up down inside her chest and can be shot out of her mouth at 35mph (56km per hour) and be shot out to full length in under a second. Though they are also fairly prehensile and can be used to aid in holding prey inside her mouth and even part way down her throat.

She also has a cuttlebone within her body, a modified internal shell that she can use to allow for more graceful swimming along with her tentacles and wavey fins. Her ability to swim is much like hovering in the water, she is able to strafe side to side or dip up and down with little effort. Though she does have a aqua jet as part of her lungs if she needs to make a quick escape. Which occasionally she will accidently fire off while on land, the resulting attempt to push water out in the air may result in a sneeze like action to anyone watching her.

Her jaw and teeth are a modified beak, with the crushing strength to crack open the shells of most prey she seeks, and is very well capable of being used in defense if needed. She does infact have a mild neurotoxin in her bite. Mostly harmless to anything bigger than a softball, but it makes for a good tranquilizer if she managed to administer a decent amount.

Character Notes

• She is very kinesthetic, and becomes very touchy when it comes to things she wants to learn about. Her tentacles are basically where most of her senses come from. They are able to taste, smell, feel, and hold things from a safer distance from the rest of her body.

• Going along with her sense of touch, she loves to fiddle with things. Weither it be as simple as playing with an object, or assembling something new with what she finds. There are many scattered crafts around her many homes, while she has no where to really put them. However it is very likely for her to give things to those she is fond of.

• She has a mild case of xenophobia, meaning she isn't fond of strangers she isn't able to eat and would rather avoid any contact no matter how nice someone may appear. This means she often won't play a willing encounter unless there has been decent character evolution for her to trust you. This counts for everything from vore, sex, and casual encounters.

• She has a drive to do things for herself, something that she was born with because of her mostly solitary lifestyle. Even if anyone offers her help, she may try to stop them so she can accomplish her tasks on her own, even if the task is actually impossible for her by herself.

• She has gained a craving for peanut butter from her ventures onto land. It has a different flavor and texture than what she is used to, and will often try to obtain samples whenever possible. Though it usually winds up gunking up her feeding tentacles in the process

OOC Notes

• As far as roleplays (the list is short at the moment as I'm not quite sure what I would like to do with Emica yet!) I am searching for right now, my ideas include as follows;
-Large (not necessarily macro, something that she'd be considered a filling meal to) starving predators who find it worth getting past Emica's natural defenses for a meal, and enjoy taunting her if they succeed.

-Small prey who are able to give her a decent chase. With her normal prey things are over quite quickly as she is an ambush predator, however she greatly enjoys it whenever she does have to work for her food.

-Peanut butter play. With her fondness for the creamy stuff, I thought it would be cute to have a roleplay centered around her enjoyment of it. Ranging from predators taking notice to her weakness for it and using it to draw her in close enough to take down. Or for prey who accidentally find themselves covered and caught in Emica's slow enjoyment of the sticky stuff as it gums up her feeding tentacles. She may even be more willing for other interactions if peanut butter is offered. However please note I will not allow for scenes were a partner already magically knows about her love for peanut butter... It must be found out within the roleplay or from a previous session within the same timeline.

- Scientist encounter. Since Emica is highly xenophobic of any and all strangers, I would love some long term rp with a scientific partner who would be willing to go through the trouble of coaxing Emica to open up for them to study her. This can end in many ways that I'll let the partner decide. From simple examination to their prolonged exposure to each other forming a bond beyond the professional~
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As PredAs Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike As a character is is greatly equipted to be a predator, though as a player I am a novice predator. Though I enjoy it lots!
Just as for any living thing, it's a eat or be eaten world out there. If a superior predator is capable of it, she is on the menu
Soft Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Player preference
Hard Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Just ask

She does also have a habit of biting into busty women's "mammal fruits"
Digestion Always/Love
Never/Dislike I'm indifferent on both sides. I'm fine with it, though it is not needed, totally partner preference.
Fatality Always/Love
Never/Dislike Same as Digestion
Reforming Always/Love
Never/Dislike Only off scene, she has no reforming capability as a characcter
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Most preferred method
Unbirthing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Not a very sexual character so either of these she will heavily fight against
Cock Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike She lacks the parts
see above
Anal Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike A no go as pred
As prey, clean only
Breast Vore Always/Love
Never/Dislike A no go as pred
Quite enjoyed as prey, but in character she hates them so be warned!
Stretchy Always/Love
Never/Dislike She is a very elastic predator
I'm indifferent on the side of my predators being elastic
Realistic Always/Love
Never/Dislike I enjoy a level of realism with my scenes. If things become too far-fetched I may lose interest. I enjoy just enough fantasy to make the essential parts of a scene possible.
Rough Always/Love
Never/Dislike As a player I am a novice at writing as a rough predator, though I am capable of it
I enjoy some roughness from my predators
Gentle Always/Love
Never/Dislike I am indifferent on both sides
Though it's easier for me to be gentle as predator
Sex Always/Love
Never/Dislike Enjoyed but it requires a great deal that the partner work for Emica's trust first.
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love both willing and unwilling preds and prey

Though for her to be willing prey it requires the partner to work for Emica's trust first.
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike I love both willing and unwilling preds and prey
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Never/Dislike While I am pred I prefer my partners to be micro, but I enjoy same size
I am indifferent to size while prey
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Sorry to most males, I am very picky and will decide upon you in a case by case basis. I dislike power fantasy males, and generally lean towards fit over muscular types.
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Herms are by far a player favorite
Human Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Character dislikes humans, but the player would still love to play with them <3
Demi Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Demi's are on par with humans.
Fur Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I am very picky about fur partners
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike I am fine with most scaled partners
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike feathered partners are lowest on the scale of things I'll do and it will really depend.
Plants Always/Love
Never/Dislike Plants are a gray area I haven't really tried
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I work better when given enough to work with
Quick Posts Always/Love
Never/Dislike I don't mind waiting as long as it's worth it!
Soft Digestion/Endo with Food Always/Love
Never/Dislike Endo, but with all of the digestive details intact, along with previous or incoming meals joining in to be broken down around.
Examination Always/Love
Never/Dislike Scientific and Medical observations. Whether it just be watching and taking notes of her behaviors, or opening her up with a scalpel to see how things work inside her.