Poor kitty ran afoul of
Aliandra_, who fucked her silly, then slurped her down her shaft. Poor kitty is all gone. D: (motel 4, 12/10/16)
Keeper of the Moon
Age 24
DOB: January 15th - 15th of the First Astral Moon
Place of Birth - Limsa Lominsa
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Class: Lancer
Height: 4' 11" - 151cm
Weight: 103lbs - 47kg
Eyes: Right red, left white (blind)
Facial tattoos: Three "Tiger Stripe" tattoos on each side of her face, in a dark gray colour.
NOTE: She is currently massively pregnant with a large number of kids soon to come, thanks to a certain aggressive, if passionate, dragon. :3
Suffered full party wipe, including self. "Recsued" by Aylen, who hastily added her to the family in order to preserve her for the next "respawn", aftern seeing her two party members brutally killed, and she herself nearing death.
She has a deep respect for the dead, and for the spirits.
Still haunted by the brutal deaths of her comrades, and her own death, she is very quiet and often comes off as brooding and dark. In fact, she is still deeply caring, but keeps these feelings locked up, lest she be hurt again. Striving to never let the same happen again, she trains with Kayla and Sarah extensively, hoping to meld the brute force of Kayla's style with the grace and agility of Sarah's, to form an undefeatable style.