Part of Samoyedibles! Prefs here~
Also have been frequenting on my new 'sona Samoya!

I own this art, but am not the one that drew it! The only thing I drew above was adding the science outfit
Sumire's obedient mutt
I try to be whisper friendly, so feel free to approach ^^ Worst thing I could say is no! I'm actually fairly timid and can be reluctant approaching others. If I don't respond, I likely just didn't hear the ping! PUB me and I'll get back to you. For whatever reason- maybe it's my computer, i'mm not sure, but I rarely ever get the ping on a message. >w> I also often RP late into the night so sometimes it gets too late and I pass out. I will try to give a warning beforehand, but if not, then I will most likely be online the next day to re-poke you ^^;
Another note, for general chatrooms- I can sometimes get lost in the speed of the chat and might sometimes miss messages directed or mentioning me if I fail to read everything. Re=ping or whisper usually works, I try not to ignore people really ^^;
Ellie, a "top dog" that thinks she's the best pred around, top of the food chain! Perhaps some might challenge her and fall victim. Others oughta keep her in check, put her in her place- somewhere tight and slimy~
Character Info:
Name: Ellie Shae
Height: 5'1"
Occupation: Science professor and bartender/mixologist
This lab dork is an eccentric scientist, always hanging out in the lab and experimenting. Given her mischievous and impish nature, always wanting to mess with folks, many if not all of her things are created with... ill intent. While not very athletic, she makes up for it with her inventive creativity, trickery, all kinds of gadgets, potions, and traps... She's not one to be taken lightly, having even taken down skilled hunters. You never know what quite to expect with this pup full of surprises. But unfortunately, sometimes she doesn't know either. Her vial pouch is seldom organized, the only thing keeping her from constantly giving her victims the means to take her down in... quite lewd manners, is the vague recollection of where things are in a mess. Though, even that won't save her every time. And when something backfires on her, it backfires hard just because of the things she creates- making her strengths also her weakness. Karma is a bitch.
On the side, she works as a bartender/mixologist, for perhaps obvious reasons. It's a great place for easy potion testing, as well as a effective facade for her shenanigans. "Oh, hey! I'm practicing my mixology, you want to try this cocktail?"
These potions are basically just general umbrella ideas. In RP, these can be changed or altered to do whatever we want it to do, almost an omnipotent potion pouch basically.
Some of her potions include(wip):
A wide variety, from dragging one completely under the influence of another, making one extremely susceptible to suggestion- unable to resist despite a.. mostly intact mind, or even making the consumer impossible to resist
Some gadgets:
Potion gun[For a ranged attack!]
Ray gun
-Can be altered to fire whatever experimental load she has. Some include teleportation vore, transformation, insta-bondage, etc.
Nanotech clothing
-Special woven fabric allows for the cloth to be very stretchy and baggy, similar to a typical predator's stomach. However, it also has the capability to immediately tighten like a shrink wrap/vacuum seal. Let's just say you might not want to be caught underneath this fabric~
Note about her potions and contraptions:
Basically if you are using them against her, you can select/post any affect you think would be fun and basically write the
effect playing out/the result of what the blaster does (so i'm not basically just RPing with/lewding/binding myself :p).
I can write it if you're zapping someone else and don't want to be in charge of the effect, but completely feel free to
lewd them yourself to whatever your desires, or the opposite of theirs[character's] would be!
Its basically supposed
to be an omnipotently kinky device for the wielder to do whatever to the victim, so have fun with it as long as you respect
preferencess n' all~<3
If you're curious for bondage ideas...<3
Excludes scat/watersports since many of you might not be into filth. I love heavy bondage the most,
but of course it doesn't have to be as heavy as encasement-
I just have a lot of those there because of an e621 tag watchbot I have.
And just to note, I fucking LOVE bitchsuits.
I usually alter Ellie to match whatever RP I do, so not much for her is set in stone! the story above is her default though.