This character belongs to
Happy_mouse. This means that she will not be rping with anyone except her and her alts. Sorry!
The Harem!

The one to keep the others in line, she eats whoever steps out of line! Even her mistresses alts!
Grey and Red

Are now addicted to each others milk, the only other thing that sates them is their mistresses alts, forever~
They need to eat or drink within ten minutes of their last drink of milk from each other, and eat forever until no more alts or milk is back.

Now a milk machine! She cant stop squirting milk!
Stripper Sisters

Are glued to a stripper pole for good! Enjoy using them as a pole~

Is now eternally regenerating cotton candy!

The only one to eat her mistress!

Her masters baby maker!

Is now a bunny plushie!

Is trapped forever as a living strip pole at the club

Now the Daughter of Arcy

Now furless and has the eternally pregnant belly with Blaze

Is now a hungry sleeping bag, but cant digest anyone~
White and Black

Are now one girl forever!
Special Girls
After an amazing rp with all of Ellen's alts, every single alt was digested and turned into either cum or shit! Then the soul of Ellen was split into to, and thus these two cuties were born! Don't worry, all the girls were safely reformed, just now a part of them lives on as shit and cum girls!