
tl;dr: Twin brother to Voyd, slightly taller at 7'0". Slightly nicer. Comes in shorter hair and longer hair variants.

"Look, you can keep whining if you want. You're gonna be gurgled either way and it'd probably be more productive to have fun before you go, eh?"

Known as the 'pest' by most of his new coworkers at LowemakStudios, Dyov is the 'little' twin brother of Voyd. And we use that term very liberally and only to refer to the fact he was born slightly later, as he's got a good five inches in height on his sister. From behind, the two can easily be mistaken for one another, especially when his hair's a bit shorter. However, there's a bit of overlap between the twins, those looks aside.

Dyov is a brat, and was a bit of a problem for Lowemak prior to his employment as he tended to hang around set and partake in the catering (by which we mean the extras, fluffers, stagehands and occasionally talent) while his sister works. The two get on eachother regularly, calling out their negative habbits, but they're undoubtedly very close despite the outward conflict. They both also share a tendency to be incredibly doting to the objects of their affection, much to the chagrin of their little cousin,Suzie and their flavor of the week coworkers. While Dyov tends to come from a more genuine, loving place for this than the obsessive nature of his sister, there's definitely overlap, and the trade off is that he's far more casual and open about his vorish tendencies outside of work.

Like the other Avarast family members, Dyov is an absolute and unabashed flirt, which plays well to his new position as 'talent'. He knows how to work a crowd and a red carpet, and has been spotted at quite a few of those since officially debuting in 'Man-mazon'. He doesn't question why the vorno films produced by his employer garner near-mainstream levels of press, he just rolls with it.

Still workin' on it. Feel free to look to Voyd for preferences and ideal scenarios.