
in the year 3198 humanity has made great and wonderful strives in the fields of genetic manipulation and space travel even as the risks of war and conflict were always high eventually leading to what was known as " The Gemini hour" a single event on earth were all nuclear weapons were set off all at once the resulting powers fractured many of the earths plates causing terrable quakes that ravaged the planet over and over leaving the it uninhabitable three hours after the gemini hour incident
Those who had managed to escape into low orbit watched as everything came down and fell to ruin ...but not all was lost about one tenth of humanity was saved within a single station known as "omega cratle " as both girls were on board and within cryosleep when earth went to hell and back serving as police guards on board. This isn't there tale, This is the race that is now name Drimis Sextalus.
Drimis Sextalus are know as mutation from chemicals and fallout, one doctor believe they track there birth to a Dr. LightHeart. A doctor in one of the labs close to ground zero.
These life forms are a one trek mind when it some to sex. They seem to only want to have sex and to breed. The more targets the better. Victim to a breeding could make a 4-5 litter a week. A victim would only able to last a month if they are humans.
Look at this Pic this is know as a Drimis Sextalus Alpha. She is much taller then the others, speed is unknow but some say never blink when you spot one. She has two types of milk. Milk A is very sweet and warm, it is meant to relax it's prey for mating. Milk B is non-drinkable, this milk is made of latex and is use to trap prey and make it hard for them to run away. Be warn Milk B is also seen coming out of her tail dick for longer range attacks.