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The cruelest people in the world are children. Children have underdeveloped moralities, a lesser grasp upon 'right' and 'wrong'. Most generally understand the basics, not to hit others, not to steal, that sort of thing... but bullying remains a widespread problem in all corners of the globe. Children have a difficult time understanding that something that is 'different' is not inherently 'bad', many times formulating their group identities around those that are clearly
not like themselves in some way. And it is often the smallest of things, the dumbest of things, that sets the herd to isolating a particular one of their number.
Dorcas was always the odd kid out. All kids deal with being picked on by the group at some point in their lives, but Dorcas was always on the receiving end. She was chubby, she was a 'four-eyes', she was bad at sports and kind of a nerd. She had trouble making friends and was even bad at being a sycophant, sucking up to others to make them like her.
And Dorcas Butterworth is one of the worst names ever, there's just
so many ways to play with it.
And while most kids grew out of being the target of the aggression of the masses, Dorcas never really did. Oh, sure, it isn't like when she was five and the other kids would push her down at the playground... and the boys mostly started leaving her alone... ... ... actually, they never wanted anything to do with her and has never been on a date, was never asked to the Soph Hop or Junior Prom... but the girls! Those... mean...
bitches! As Dorcas got older, the girls got worse. To them, she was an insect, a loser, a thing to be laughed at then forgotten the moment she was out of eye-sight.
But all that's changed. Oh, has it deliciously changed. Over summer vacation, Dorcas found a way to get many of the things she's wanted. She's lost weight, her figure has filled out, and blood-soaked revenge is in her grasp! The only thing it cost her is her soul, and really, who actually needs that?
Most cults are harmless enough things. Sometimes, they're dangerous. And very, very rarely, they're correct. Dorcas has fallen in with one, originally to gain the social acceptance she'd been yearning for all her life, only to find that the dark Things that they worshiped were real... and that they grant power. And now, in her senior year, Dorcas has transferred to the prestigious
Primrose_Academy, following several of the girls that have made her life hell for years. She intends to take her revenge, both on them and on an uncaring world.
As a priestess of the Things Without Eyes That Crave Flesh, Dorcas has magical powers, but nothing like what is practiced by traditional wizards. There are things that live in the dark spaces between the stars and their unsane knowledge is not meant for mere mortal human minds. There are side effects to their 'gifts', mental erosion and a descent into madness that accompanies it... but the power... the power that they grant is so seductive, so empowering!
Dorcas has been watching 'Carrie' and taking notes. Her senior year is going to be
Dorcas' Victims
A total, intellectual bitch.
Maryse - Debate Team - "Not only do you have the quote wrong, you've also applied it to your argument in such a poor way that it actually undermines everything you've said thus far."
Fun Fact: She actually has respect for people who are her intellectual equal. There aren't many people she respects.

A rich girl.
Beverly - Cheerleader - "Daddy didn't get the helicopter this weekend, so I'm going to stay home and shop instead."
Fun Fact: She has a soft spot for fruity-smelling perfume, and wears a peach-scented fragrance to school.

A fashionable girl.
Xia - "I've been working out twice a day to tone up for summer."
Fun Fact: Her favorite food is corn dogs. They're a guilty pleasure.

A rich girl.
Harper - "I'm flying to Barbados for the weekend, going to work on my tan."
Fun Fact: She has signed posters from Lady Gaga in her locker.

A popular girl.
Yvette - "No really, I can get into her e-mail. Just give me a couple minutes and we'll have all the blackmail we need."
Fun Fact: She doesn't like chocolate.
- Involved in something secret with Zelda.