"Come now my little sweets, is that anyway to react to your ruler? I just want to give you a tight little hug~! <3" -Her Majesty, Domitia Agrippa in an address to her subjects.
All creatures are not created equals, even within their own species. A single ant is an insect but will become the prey of almost any other carnivorous insect that it may come across. Sardines are devoured in their thousands without a single thought given for the individuals, only the school left behind the ravages. Each creature is preyed upon by another, creating the links of the food chain until there is only a single species that rests at the top those who hold the title of 'apex predator' and rule their environment through tooth and nail. When one takes into account the varied entities, often of a unique nature, of a place such as the park then the chain can become twisted and bent until no sense can be made out of the chain as a whole...just small pieces of it. One chain in particular is well known for it's 'kill or be killed' nature, subsisting almost entirely on other beings that could grievously injure them in the struggle for food...nagas. Serpentine folk with the upper bodies of regular humans by the lower bodies of immense serpents that come in as much variety as any other race does but the subject of perverse interest to many for their tendency to swallow their victims, other people, whole and alive. Some can be truly gigantic, others bear a secondary mouth at the end of their tails, others ties to demons or angels, and some are capable of great works of magic but each breed is distinct on to itself and worthy of being known for their own merits. And among naga there is one breed that threatens it's own kind more then any others, gluttonous cannibals of any naga they can get their coils around and slide down their slimy gullets that claims a lofty title indeed...the Royal Nagas. Larger then normal nagas, these venomous constrictors are avid predators of their own kind (even each other) and prefer to carve vast swathes of territory for themselves where they establish 'kingdoms' over the lesser species (as they think of them) and set about with a hungry passion for dominance but little aptitude for being actual rulers in most cases. This dominion is based entirely on their capability to enthrall the weak-willed and bully those not susceptible to their charms into doing what they want anyway.
In many ways Domitia is a typical Royal Naga, she's staked out her kingdom, a rather sizable piece of turf that she's immensely proud of after having driven off her rivals, and settled in to reap the benefits of her dominion over the lesser species. However that's were most similarities end because Domitia has gone soft in more then one way and relies on her reputation to keep hold of her kingdom that might be more difficult to hold on to now. She no longer really cares what happens on her turf so long as she's still able to find food which is really her biggest concern considering that her massive initial success has lead to a massive increase to her size and she's gotten quite fat! It takes an enormous amount of food to sustain that massive body and Domitia is prone to long hibernation to conserve energy while she waits for her meals to come to her. A decadent glutton, Domitia's favorite food is non-other then other naga which she's uniquely suited for hunting with her venom, mesmeric abilities, and large size. Even her upper body measures at close to eight feet tall while her tail is much longer and still has all of the strength and power of her more vicious youth. Still she's content with almost any meal so long as it's alive and she's perfectly happy to deal in a non-eating manners with others so long as she's sated at the time. She actually loves to flaunt her magnificent size, luxurious home, and other amenities that she can offer as a way to flaunt her superiority over those she considers her subjects.
Meet Domitia! She's a very plush naga with an addiction to eating her own kind as well as 'traditional' prey (rabbits, mice, birds, lizards, etc.) anthros. I adore verbose roleplay and I love sexy ideas so feel free to message me so long as you can respect my right to say no to any scene. Kinda hard to tell who'd like this big ball of fun though so make sure you let me know!