There's all sorts of people in the world. Superheroes, and supervillains, in some worlds, and everything in between, no matter the setting. OUR world might be a bit dull, by comparison, but that's for the best. After all, we don't have to deal with anything like Doctor Jeremiah Samson.
He started off normally enough, really. Most humans do, even if some do become metahumans. Sure, some may be born as twisted monstrosities, but Samson wasn't one of those. He was perfectly normal for YEARS. A bit of a geek, yeah, and a collector, but that didn't trouble him once he left high school, graduating two years ahead of his class and going straight to college, to study all manner of things, though mostly he focused on computers and robotics.
... thing is, after a while, he just... disappeared. He got his first degrees, and then the guy(whose name was not, at the time, Jeremiah Samson), fell off the map. Just... GONE. No longer visible to the public eye.
At least, not until someone calling himself Doctor Jeremiah Samson showed up, wearing a suit of power armor and raving like a madman over something SOMEONE did that finally sent him off the deep end. He can't remember it now, mind you, unless maybe he can, and just doesn't care. The point, here, is that a madman in power armor showed up in a city and went on a brief rampage, then disappeared when the local superheroes showed up.
Since then, Doctor Samson has been seen more than twenty times, in various circumstances. Some of his fights with local supers, both heroic and villainous, have gotten him HUGE publicity, and a fan club. Not that he cares. They've ALSO caused MASSIVE damage to various cities, and disrupted both law enforcement and supervillainy on fairly epic scales. SOME people suspect that this is a clever ploy to open up the country to attack by his minions, whomever and wherever they are. Whether or not these suspicious, paranoid people are right, though, remains to be seen...
Standing at a mere five feet tall, and rather slender, Doctor Samson is anything BUT an accurate depiction of his namesake, with fair skin and ruddy brown hair, worn short. He tends to dress for comfort, as much as practicality, or necessity, with a fondness for jeans and t-shirts. SOMETIMES he'll dress up, if the situation seems to call for a little class. He always wears a pair of glasses, with rectangular lenses, to which he's apparently fitted some manner of diagnostic gear. And, according to analysts, as long as he's not wearing his lab coat in addition to any of these, he SHOULD be fairly safe to be around. Polite, friendly, and NORMAL... ish, anyway. Even if he does have a stereotypical evil mustache and goatee. Plus, he's always pretty energetic!
Bear in mind, though, that this IS a mad scientist. Normal probably won't last.... and, well, he's a BIT fixated on androids, gynoids, and mechafolk in general, so if you're one of THESE, bear in mind that mad science CHEATS, and should NOT be under-estimated! Also, don't make fun of his height, as that will REALLY set him off!