... you know, it really should be no surprise that someone named Discordia might do things that aren't exactly expected, or acceptable, in the society she comes from.
Her parents, of course, had high hopes for her. Her Father is a Demon Lord of the old school, not quite one of the Fallen but one of the Elders who met them when they fell. Her mother, on the other hand, is a rather ancient, potent succubus, well-learned in pleasure and pain, and how to blend the two. Really, by human standards they're quite nasty individuals... at least where humans are concerned. Their mating was entirely political, albeit rather... romantic isn't the word. Passionate, though, definitely fits. Furniture had to be replaced, along with clothing. Never let it be said that demons are slouches in bed...
Anyway. In due course, Dis was born. She was small, healthy, and had the best features of both parents. She bore the demonic aura of her father, potent and fierce, and had the beauty of her mother. Truly, she was all they had hoped...
Until she grew up, anyway. Then... well. She turned out to be rather... deviant. Her Father wanted her to eventually take his throne(after he cast down his immediate superior and claimed HIS throne, of course), and her mother wanted her to... well. Be a stereotypical, slutty succubus. Thing is...
Dis wanted friends, and affection, and LOVE.
The details of her escape from hell are a bit... complicated, not to mention a bit too long-winded to truly explain here. Suffice to say that, now that she's old enough, she's made good her attempt to flee, and to stay safe from two people who really do want what's best for her, but don't understand her at ALL. After all... she's practically HUMAN.
5'4, and, as you can see, rather slender, Dis is a rather striking example of demonkind, able to pass for human with minimal effort on her part. Her abilities have been suggested, to some degree, earlier on, but I'll leave those out, as they'll ruin the surprise. She craves friendship, affection, and.... well. Human flesh, and life force, but she can just swallow someone whole, absorb a bit of energy, and then spit them out to sate that. By demon standards, that makes her INCREDIBLY deviant, but meh. She's got no desire to live up to those standards anyway. Or down, as the case may be.
Alt by The Tower, blah blah blah, click pic for list