The Studio
::>Select film:
::::>New Employee Orientation Film
::::>Surveillance Logs
::::>Raw Footage
::::>Stomach Cam
::::>Finished Products
::>You have selected: New Employee Orientation Film. Is this correct?
::>You have selected: Yes. Is this correct?
::::>What was the question?
::>Playing New Employee Orientation Film.
The screen beeps, blinks, and displays a well-coiffed tigress in a black suit, sharp enough to cut cheese. She has a lazy grin on her face; even on a recording, the sheer, sensual, lazy feline energy that surrounds her is intimidating. She's seated behind a tall, equally intimidating black desk.
"Hello, and welcome to Dirty Dragon Studios! My name is Sasha. If you're here today, and viewing this, it's because you're the best the fields of audio and visual editing have to offer. Now, given that you're here, chances are you know us as a well-known producer of high-quality Vornography films. Heh, Vornography. I could do this all day."
For a moment, someone wearing a white Valet's uniform comes into the frame, whispering something into the Tigress's ear.
"Right, right - back on topic. Thank you, Boris. Now, as we told you on the limo ride over, however, we do much, much more than simply produce films! The very idea of focusing solely on one field of business is simply laughable.
So now, you're wondering what else DO we do, because you DIDN'T pay attention on the limo ride over. Well, folks, we do many things, but what you should be concerned about is also our primary area of business - film.
We create very high-quality Vornography films, centered around the best Draconic predators there are to offer. These films are much in demand; in fact, as I'm making this video, my computer informs me that we've just sold about 25% of our total stock! That's over twelve thousand movies, folks. I punch those numbers into my calculator and it makes a happy face. Even in the world of Vornography film-making, the films we make are the cream of the crop.
Now, you're here because you are the select few who have submitted applications which actually qualify you to be part of our highly trained, highly exclusive team. We'll be relying on you to film, edit, and polish our movies before we ship them. You're probably already aware of our stars, but if you aren't, you'll become well-acquainted soon enough; you'll be working very closely with each and every one of our drakes to make sure they look as good on camera as possible.
I know what you're thinking. 'Now hang on, Sasha. What do I get in return?' Well, the answer is simple: A whopping great paycheck. However.. with this paycheck comes a contract.
You agree not to divulge any information about the inner workings of Dirty Dragon Studios to anyone. You agree that you have no moral objection in the rare situation - trust me, it really is rare - that one of the prey subjects of our films is unwilling. You agree not to intentionally take actions that harm the company or its' reputation, or it's profits. You also agree to a nondisclosure agreement with the studio in the event that you ever have reason to leave. Each of you will find a copy of this contract, in full legal tender, on the table in front of you.
If you agree to sign this contract, excellent; I look forwards to a long, profitable partnership."
Several burly security personnel lean against the side of the doorway into the room, keeping an eye on the various humans, furs and scalies in attendance.
If you do not agree.. well, feel free to walk away right now. But keep in mind that we know all the juicy details about you, thanks to those applications you sent in. As long as you don't disclose anything classified, you'll be fine..
But keep in mind that, if you blab.. well, if you blab, we've always got slots open for prey subjects.
If you're still in, enjoy your stay with us."
The screen turns off, and silence falls over the room, for just a minute - until a noise penetrates the silence. That of a pen writing. It's soon joined by numerous other perpetrators.
Nobody tries to leave.
The Cast

Sasha, The Director
Quote: "It must be done soon - this week. And it must be done real tasty.""
Born with a rare mutation that makes her primary fur white instead of orange, the Tiger equivalent of being born with white hair as a human, Sasha is the founder and CEO of Dirty Dragon Studios. Her unique appearance garnered her plenty of attention when she was an ordinary feline walking the streets of The City.
One day, though, a Vore studio asked her to play the part of a predator after she wandered on-set by accident, despite her lack of acting experience. They promised that she could digest the mouse boy she swallowed down on-camera, and she was sold. On that stage was where Sasha discovered she had a talent for vore and acting. As Sasha stretched her jaws open wide before the quivering mouse, she realized how absolutely RIGHT it felt; she grabbed the crying mouse in her jaws, and then she used her strong gullet to swallow him, sending her right to her belly.
She was a natural-born predator. Her stomach had absolutely no issues digesting the mouse alive; he died of digestion before he did of lack of air. It was incredibly noisy, though, and the cameras got every minute of an hour long digestion scene that the viewers went absolutely wild for.
Her film - Fast in the Feline - changed the studios' fortunes dramatically. They couldn't sell discs fast enough, and Sasha was a permanent part of the cast. After she snuck into the studio's office one night, she realized that she had another talent - management. A few nights later, after a quite word to the studio's owner in which she explained why the studio had failed before she came along, Sasha quietly assumed control of the business. The inept manager vanished a few nights before she was selected; he was never found.
Sasha, in her newly powerful position, came to a realization quickly - they needed a gimmick, a focus. Something to specialize on. What to focus on? As she wondered what to use, she glanced out the window, into the city; all those people, passing by.. so many different species. And then, the gleam of sunlight on scales caught her eye.
Across the street from the studio's office - which was then a run-down building in the lower parts of town - was a tall, well-built Black dragon, and between his open jaws was a pair of kicking legs. As she watched him swallow down those squirming, kicking legs, Sasha felt warmth growing between her legs, feeling moisture on her panties.
She turned back to her papers, and began to write.
Before the week was up, the studio had a new name; Dirty Dragon Studios. The call went out for talented reptilian actors of all stripe and scale to come in for auditions.. and the studio's rise to power began.
Two years later, the studio had moved to a top of the line studio and office building in the best part of the City, and had assembled a line of the finest dragon preds the city had to offer.. and at the head of this newly powerful corporation was the shadowy figure that the masses knew only as The Director.
Sasha loves every one of the dragons who act for her; they're like the family she never had. She's almost like their mother, in a way, especially for the younger dragons. She's even wound up in a dragon tummy once or twice when a preyish mood struck her.
Sometimes, Sasha herself may deign to appear on camera.. When she does, her favorite vore-form is Oral vore.

Rojo, The Black Beast
Quote: "Yes, it's true that my cock is nine inches long. Why do you ask? Do you want to be part of it?""
That first dragon that Sasha saw was a lucky drake indeed. On that day, he'd felt his long-time foe digesting away into nothing inside of his stomach and unknowingly drawn the attention of what was to be a very powerful corporation.
As childhoods go, Rojo didn't have a great one. The only reptile at his school, he was always picked on and targeted because he was so different. He spent a fairly miserable childhood constantly bullied and heckled over his reptilian nature. As the years went by, though, Rojo realized he had a distinct 'advantage' over his peers, especially in the endowment department.. and when word got around of how delightfully musky the dragon was, the same girls who had shunned him were soon hoping to find themselves crouching underneath his tail and lapping at his asshole.
After the studio had gotten onto its' feet, Sasha used some of her newfound friends to track down that handsome black drake that had attracted her imagination so. They found him serving as a bouncer for one of the more reputable clubs in town; he had almost everything he could want - plenty of women who were horny for an exotic dragon, a decent paycheck, and a fine apartment. However, the sense that something was missing lead Rojo to search for something.. more. When she found him, Sasha invited the lucky reptile over to her studios for an 'interview.' What passed between them is a mystery to this day.
What IS Known is that Rojo moved into the studios on the same day, having walked out of her offices with a truly engorged, gurgling, churning belly. Sasha herself wasn't seen for a few days afterwards, but her own belly was plainly gurgling away in the background whenever she was on the phone to handle affairs of the business. The building's plumbing had some issues for several days afterwards.
Given that his initial experience with society was one of the worst possible, Rojo has a relatively negative view of it. He almost never leaves the studios, and even more rarely leaves his rooms when he's not called to perform on-stage. The only people he truly cares about are his fellow dragons, and Sasha.
He is the 'oldest brother' of Sasha's little 'family' of dragons, and most of the others see him as a rock of stability and reliability.
Rather large, even for a dragon, but not the biggest drake around the studio.
His preferred vore form is Cock-vore.

Nitz, The Jungle Stalker
Quote: "You're cute when you're startled."
Out of any of the dragons, Nitz is probably the most elusive. A jungle drake, he has a bit of a tic for sneaking up on people. In most of his film appearances, he's a predator who sneaks up on poor sods who wander off the beaten path and pounces on them, for his own kinky or voracious purposes.
Off the stage, he's actually incredibly shy. His rooms contain a completely active, living forest environment, complete with a full compliment of trees, kept alive by a system of irrigation, humidity and light control systems. Anyone who wants to meet this dragon in person has their work cut out for them. He's one of the youngest dragons, and he looks up to Rojo like an older brother. He is also extremely horny, though; anyone who wanders into his territory uninvited is liable to be pounced on and used to sate Nitz's pent-up sexual appetite, over and over.
And then eaten.
He grew up in the forest; he first came to the studio's attention when he got lost in the city and started following people around. He finally pounced on and began to eat someone right outside the studios; they took him right in, as the person he'd started to devour was just some unfortunate staffer, and he became part of the crew after an 'interview' with Sasha. He even got a free meal out of it, courtesy of Dirty Dragon Studios.
Nitz's role around the studio is both as a pred actor and as the troubleshooter - or more accurately, troublegulper, although the two terms crossed over once in a peculiar incident involving two bunnies, a full orchestra and a plate of spaghetti. If someone is nosing too deeply into the studio's affairs, or if a law enforcement official can't be bribed into ignoring their activities, Nitz finds them and 'persuades' them otherwise.
His favorite vore-form is Oral vore.

Niko, The Northern Newcomer
Quote: "I stuff her in which hole?""
Out of all the dragons, Niko is the youngest, and the newest addition to the Cast. He's also the largest, both in physical stature and how hung he is. However, his personality doesn't quite fit his large status. Niko is quiet, tends to think things through, and not at all spontaneous. In short, he's very reserved. Sasha is actively working on breaking through that barrier.
Niko grew up in Russia, where he spent much of his time trying to support his family by working, and later, by acting. He was good at it, too, but the problem was, Russia was not exactly a hotspot for cultural activity when he lived there. Seeking more gainful employment, he moved to America.
An immigrant fresh off the boat, Niko still has a fairly noticeable accent, and is fairly naive to the ways of this new country; however, when he's aroused, this big, well-hung drake is incredible on stage, showing endurance and stomach capacity that have made him an instant hit. He looks up to the other, more experienced dragons.
He's one of the most popular drakes, currently, and his favorite form of vore is Cock vore. However, all three of his holes have seen lots of traffic recently. It takes a lot to keep this draggy fed, and Sasha is working on helping him build some muscle, which requires lots n lots of nutrients..

Jako, The Bronzed Stud-drake
Quote: "No, it's not true that my stomach is made of elastic, it's made of muscle. Stretchy muscle, but muscle nonetheless. Keep talking like that, and you'll find out first-hand what it's made of."
As the second-largest dragon in the studio, Jako has a hearty appetite, a huge heart, and a big cock. He may be a big dragon, but he's not a mean one. He abhors those who take their size as an excuse to abuse power over others; because of this, he and Rojo are very good friends, since Rojo had such bad experiences with bullies when he was young.
Whenever one of the other dragons is feeling down, Jako is the first one to try and cheer them up; he's also made friends with almost all of the non-edible staff. When it comes to raising one's spirits, he's good - he could be called the backbone of the entire studio.
He's well known for his incredible appetite. His crowning achievement is The 300 Little Pigs, a film in which he packed away fully 300 porcine anthros and had to spend the next two weeks in his rooms while he digested them.
He is the only dragon who has no favorite vore-form. He enjoys every form of it equally as much.
Important Non-Cast Personnel
While not involved with the filming or shoots, these personnel are nonetheless important parts of the Studio.

Captain Charr
Quote: Yes, according to Sasha, my stomach IS a valid place to detain intruders.
Before he applied for the job of Captain of Security at Dirty Dragon Studios, Charr was a SWAT Officer. However, due to the fact that he had an unfortunate habit of eating the people he was supposed to be arresting, he was discharged around the same time Sasha sent out the call for draconic applicants. He came to the studio and applied, but not for the position of an actor - that wasn't in his nature. Instead, he applied for the position of Head of Security. He is adept at hand-to-hand combat and the usage of firearms, but when he catches an intruder, he vastly prefers to use his natural weapons - that is to say, his claws, teeth, and of course, stomach - to 'deal with' them. His extensive qualifications landed him the job, and he has deftly managed the department since. However, there are rumors of the relationship between him and Sasha being more than business...
He is very much a predator, and his favorite vore form is Oral.

Kitsurgi, The Secretary
Quote: Hello, cutie. Do you have an appointment?
Sasha's personal receptionist and secretary. This panther-wolf-something was chosen after Sasha was going through so many bunnies that choosing one for a receptionist post outside her office was like ordering a snack. Not much of her history with Sasha is known, but the two get along very well. Nobody - not even her - is sure exactly what her species is, but, as many have found out, she is quite predatory, and her favored vore form is Oral.
The Products
Although Dirty Dragon Studios may have begun life as a film studio, it has since expanded into a truly enormous corporation which produces all sorts of dragon-related products.
Dragon Gummies:
Many of the edibles the studio produces are highly erotic. The gummies are no exception. These come in seven flavors - one for each of the dragons. The gummis are modeled after the cock of the corresponding dragon - for example, a Hot Red Cinnamon gummi is modeled after Rojo's cock. They are sold two per package, with each cock realistically sized. Perfect for sucking, biting, licking, or for self pleasure.
Cinnamon - Rojo
Lime - Nitz
Wintergreen - Niko
Butterscotch - Jako
Dragon Cumbursts:
These are similar to the Dragon Gummies above. However, they have two differences - first, they are smaller, being a bit larger than an average gummi candy such as a Gummi Bear.
Second, they are hollow - the inside of the gummi is filled with sweetened draconic cream from the drake who modeled for the flavor. This cum is also flavored with the gummi's taste. For example, a Niko Cumburst would be a gummi modeled after Niko's cock, filled with dragon sauce, with both the cum inside and the gummi tasting of wintergreen.
The Bunnies
One thing anyone entering the Studio will notice is that the studio keeps enough bunnies around to make their own army out of nothing but anthro rabbits. Where do they all come from? The answer lies beneath the studio, in an enormous complex devoted entirely to the rabbits, who reproduce quickly enough to match the voracious appetite of Sasha and the Dragons.
This facility, dubbed Facility B, contains everything the bunnies need to live, such as exercise facilities, dormitories, sickbays, recreational areas, and so on. The bunnies are born and raised here as submissive assistants. They are trained for whatever roles they will fulfill when they leave the complex for the studio, be it receptionist, janitorial staff, or dragon chow.
These rabbits are raised to be obedient and meek - after all, it's ingrained in their very nature to be prey. They serve a variety of purposes around the studio. The vast majority of the bunnies are destined for one belly or another, or perhaps a set of balls. More intelligent rabbits are trained for specific roles, such as receptionists and kitchen staff for the non-predatorial members of the staff.
They also have a tendency to end up inside of a dragon's belly, balls, or butthole, given that they're always on the menu, delightfully submissive, and much more filling than most meals.
The rabbits serve one final purpose - when the studio needs to produce a truly epic quantity of draconic seed for the products that require it, rabbits provide a squirming cock meal to give the drakes plenty of cum. With a steady supply of bunnies to squirm down their throbbing shafts, one dragon can easily output several gallons of hot, thick creamy draconic spunk in one day.
The Building
Dirty Dragon Studios has two very important things. Money and power. The two tend to breed each other.
A combination of highly successful films and clever business maneuvering on Sasha's part has seen the studio ascend to the top, and their premises reflect that power. Situated in the center of the city's business district, the Studio occupies a truly towering building which towers well over seventy stories.
Dirty Dragon Security Force
The DDSF is responsible for the studio's security. Well-armed and well-trained, they are dangerous enough to qualify as a small army in their own right. None of the studio's vital operations are conducted or stored on the ground floor. Instead, everything important is located above floor 44. What's on floor 44? A security checkpoint, operated by a team of the best guards in the entire DDSF. Anyone seeking to engage in covert espionage has his or her work cut out.
Dressing up as a guard won't work terribly well, either; each uniform is tailored to fit the guard, and they wear no face-concealing headgear. The guards are trained to patrol and investigate disturbances in teams of no less than four.
These guards are also trained to retreat to the elevator checkpoint and lock the area down in the event that one of the patrol goes mysteriously missing. They are equipped to counter most opponents, although it's not completely impossible that someone truly skilled at stealth might find a way past.
After the security checkpoint has been passed, the studio's vital areas are patrolled by further members of the internal security force with similar training.
Notable Areas:
Basement 1: Sewage Processing and Facility B access - This is where sewage from the higher floors is sent for processing and recycling if applicable. It's also where fresh contingents of bunnies are brought up from the facility below. Oftentimes, the two are related in some way.
Floor 1: Reception and Shipping - All arrivals start here. A large, open room with stainless steel walls and black marble tiling. Numerous corridors branch off, leading to the shipping and loading bays. Access from the security center is required to enter the elevator leading to the higher floors. This floor is also where the products from higher in the studio are sent to be shipped out to stores.
Floors 2-20: Staff Facilities - The semi-important staffers of DDS are quartered here. Regular security patrols keep this area clean and safe.
Floors 20-40: Living Facilities - Extension of floors 2-20. These floors include recreational facilities, gymnastics facilities, medical facilities, and other necessities for the inhabitants of the aforementioned floors.
Floors 40-44: Offices - The office areas for the semi-important staff members.
Floor 44: Security checkpoint - nobody gets to the higher floors of the building without passing through here.
Floor 45: Security Center - Situated directly above the security checkpoint. The elevator accessible from the Atrium ends here. Another elevator awaits to take authorized visitors higher into the building. Also the location of the Surveillance Center, Armory, and the dormitories for the security team.
Floors 46 - 50: Filming - where the magic happens, baby.
Floors 50 - 60: Data storage and computer center - where raw footage is stored and refined into finished products. Also where the facility's internet hub is located, along with the computers and data storage facilities holding its' vital data, including raw footage, films, financial transactions and security info.
Floors 60 - 65: Manufacturing and Storage - Where DVD disks are created and packaged. Also where the rest of the studio's products are made. Products created here are also stored on this floor until they can be sent down to Shipping.
Floor 65 - 70: Living Quarters - Where the Dragons and Sasha herself live. Each floor is devoted to a specific dragon. Sasha lives at the top, on floor 70, where her offices are also located.
Floor 70: Sasha's office, apartment, and also the location of the Butts N' Nuts room. What's inside? Maybe you'll find out!
Floor 71: Roof.