Lots of people like to say that everyone's different. Usually, they're talking about things like, say, skin tone, taste in food, taste in a sex partner.... that type of thing, MUNDANE stuff. They're right, too. Everyone's different, to some degree. Some people, though, are more different than others!
Take Dierdre Moran, for example. She seems normal enough, compared to some of the really out-there examples of different-ness. She looks human. Tastes human, too. Smells it, too, especially if she forgets her deodorant(here's a hint: She doesn't). All told, she seems as normal as can be, based on this very limited look at her. The thing is, though, that once one broadens their outlook, they can see that she's VERY different indeed.
After all, before you even get past everything else, to the basics, you have to deal with the fact that she's... well, a goth. Fortunately, she's a goth blessed with (mostly) natural hair coloration that suits her style, with her natural color being a lovely blue-black shade. Her skin, too, is naturally pale, her eyes naturally purple, and her figure naturally... becoming, and looking quite nice, naturally, in gothic attire.
What nature didn't do for her, though, applied fashion has. Her hair has been dyed, on either side of her face, a lovely purple shade(the same shade, in fact, as her name in this chat room! How convenient!). And, well, as most places seem to frown on one wandering about naked, and goth fashion demands a certain style, select stores saw to the rest, providing everything from her pseudo-corset(it's quite comfortable, and flexible as well where it needs to be) to her floofy, pleated skirt, to her stripey stockings, to her waffle-stomper boots. Indeed, the only things NOT provided by fashion were provided by necessity, being a pair of tasteful reading glasses, and a pair of fingerless leather gloves, for when she's working.
Working, you ask? On what?
SCIENCE, you fool! Or rather, a branch of science containing, among other things, applied robotics, a study of energy sources, and some interesting mechanical tools. She's had to make do, of course, with limited resources, but the end result is something to be proud of. You see, Digits, here, is the proud owner of a full set of Power Armor she has dubbed the Crash Suit. Sleek, form-fitting(on the inside, you pervs), damage-resistant in the extreme, and more than capable of handling all SORTS of trouble while providing light beam weaponry, a strength assist, and a mobility assist, it's the linchpin of her plan.
You see... she plans to be a superhero. Too many comic books may have contributed to this, or perhaps it's the sneaking suspicion that her family is up to no good, or maybe, just maybe, she wants to try that suit out without feeling bad, if she hurts someone. Or, maybe, she wants to do some good. Whatever the reason, some crimes are up, but they seem to have been committed against criminals, so it might just be that things will work out juuuuust fine.
Personality-wise, Dierdre is a cheerful, friendly, somewhat outgoing sort, if easily distracted by any and all forms of more advanced technology. She's quick with a smile and a kind word, and slow to anger, while being rather approachable, and a little bit of a flirt. You shouldn't really have trouble meeting her, I would think.
As for the rest? ASK, dammit! But no IC PMs, those drive me INSANE. Like. With a cleaver, insane. So don't do it.