Age: 18
Orientation: Bisexual
Current Lover:
Friends: n/a
General Bust Size: D cup
Height: 5' 7"
Normal Weight: 127 lbs
Hey... can you all stop gawking? Like, right now?
Voerman High School is a fairly prestigious high school, filled with bright minds who know how to have fun, but at the same time, know when to get down to business. The women are pretty and smart, the men balance intelligence with strength, and death by vore is a non-existant threat. Enter senior Diana Harper, part of the school's oft-provocative cheerleading squad. Sometimes the captain, sometimes not, it depends on the RP. All in all, cheerleading gains the girl quite the level of attention. ...Too much, in her own opinion, and not just because of sexual and voracious predators.
Truthfully, Diana's shirt (not the skirt) isn't hiked up like that. Rather, this is a picture I managed to co-opt that she took for a nice lady-friend of hers, but otherwise, the shirt stays firmly on her body during normal cheerleading. Outside of her cheerleading tasks, Diana wears modest clothing to hopefully draw attention away from herself. Baggy pants, often oversized shirts, she's mistaken for a tomboy with the way she dresses. ...No wait, that's an accurate description.
While most of the other cheerleaders are pretty vain, Diana is not so. Rather, she's a very modest, down-to-earth gal who actually hates unwanted attention, which her cheerleading grabs her. Very nice, very smart, but also very adamant, and potentially aggressive. If she finds a stalker for herself, she would often go so far as to counter-stalk and confront the prick to give them a piece of her mind. Beware, though... a select few stalkers were unfortunate enough to make her want to talk with her fists, and she definitely knows how to put her cheerleading talents together with this. That said, Diana's dom/sub ratio can be described with the words "passive aggressive", though I suppose one could say she's more aggressive than anything else. Even so, she prefers a moderate crowd to work with, but adores the shy and reserved kind, which bring out the charitable woman within her. Sick girls also garner her attention, so it's often a good thing that she wears her golden heart on her sleeve.
Now what could possibly separate Diana from other people, aside from vore capabilities and the fact that she loves to help people? There IS one little thing... she's slightly psychic. Yes. She can literally read your mind if she needs to, though she hardly ever does this unless she figures something is wrong. As a side effect, however, the person whose mind she's reading can read hers right back, so it's a two-way radio sort of deal. This is part of the reason why she's never used this to cheat on tests, or if she wants to talk to a friend without accidently blurting out embarassing details.
ZergAlts loves the nice crowd, yes they do. :V
Seriously, stop gawking. I'll punch you, you know I will.