This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
______Base Stats__________________________
Age: 20
Naraethan (elvish)
Class: Thief, Pirate, and Wretch
Hometown: Lebaron, Tolcatta - Aetheric Plane
Intro Theme:
Battle Theme:
_____Character Preferences_______________________
To begin I can not emphasize enough on the importance of a good RP- truth of the matter is that vore IS NOT the most important thing to me.
and that being said- I have really no interest in yiff (god know why y'all refer to cyber as yiff) at all; sorry to disappoint.
Character is always the playful type but I can accommodate those who ask. Jack will never be anyone's slave though; maybe a unofficial pet, but never a slave. Also Jack can not do vore but his summons can. They usually consist of females so most should be fine with this.
CREATOR'S NOTE: Profile still under development!

How evil are you?
_____Bodily Discription_______________________
Hight: 5'9" and 1/2
Weight: 155 lbs.
Blood Type: O pos
Voice: Sharp clip to it- almost Arabic sounding
Hair Type: Well kept long black hair tied with an indigo ribbon
Skin: Tan
Face: Rather sharp looking as well- almost looks as if his face was cut from stone- and weathered smooth by the desert winds
Eye Color: Emerald green
Body Style: Wiry; slim but muscular. Has an ancient mechanical prosthetic arm capable of many things...
_____Apparel & Equipment___________________
Head: not much aside from a pair of welding goggles and i the mood favors him- his pirate hat
Body: He wears a classical era red tunic along with a traditional black pirate captain's coat. the coat having red trim and a unique designe etched onto the back in sanguine thread.
Shoulders: a spechial mechanical fed pistol holstered in the mechanical shoulder, and a small degger in a sheath on the other
Wrists: N/A
Hands: Black leather gloves
Legs: Loose fitting black britches
Feet: Iron re-enforced black classical boots with a bolter pistol hidden in one of them
Jewelry: he has a few coins and beads braided in his hair along with a gold medallian on a necklace that hangs round his neck. he also has a gold loop earing
Artificier lvl mastered!- Construction and comprehension of machines, artifacts, and enchantments. a master of this skill can build just about anything and like wise repair any device SKILL BONUSES: none
Alchemist lvl 2- Ability to create potions and elixers. allows one to transmutate objects as well; within limits though of course.
Red Magic lvl 8-
Blue Magic lvl 8-
Black Magic lvl 8- Detrimental magic, poisons, undead control, control of swamp fairing beasts and Horror summoning. SKILL BONUSES: Necrogen Magic, Summoning, Aether Zombie.
Devil Form lvl 6-
Planeswalking lvl 3- Ability to shift between dementions and various planes of existence. Only ability that was left to him after the rest of his planeswalker abilities were taken.
Shmoo- in all essence he's just tasty. some say sorta like ice cream, others say some other kind of exotic spices. it varies individual to individual; though what is agreed upon is that Jack is utterly delicious.
Sea Magic lvl 5-
Spell song- Uses his voice to cast powerful spells. Mostly Illusions and Mysticism type spells.
Singer- Has a great singing voice and can make songs, good moral booster
Music Man- Ability to play Many types of musical instrument
Oquorok master- Proficiency in close combat fighting.
Drunkard- Weakness to booze
Gift of the Silver Toung- Slick talking, perfect for scamming and story telling alike!
Scrapper- Good at an old fashioned brawl. Get plenty of practice at the pub!
Cowardice- Prone to running away when he gets in over his head.
Hero Complex- Cancels out cowardice if allies are present. Causes Jack to be reckless, but bolsters his drive to see things through, fighting 'for the greater good' so to speak.
Feral Race- This ability results in having slightly higher natural senses all the time but gives a weakness to pheromone, sonic, and visual stimuli as a result.
Summoning lvl 5-
[x] The ability to call forth minor daedric weapons and armor from the burning plains of Oblivion. Binding spell is only temporary and will wear off after a set amount of time or are unsummoned by the user.
Acid-proof- Can't be digested for the most part.
Regenorator- ability to revive and/or reassemble body.
Bound Soul- Immunity to soul digestion
_____COMBAT TOURNEY INFO_____________________________________
Title: Devil Jack, the Scourge
Weapon Preference: His cleaver-like blade
Disciplines Learned: Alchemy, Elementary Magics, Planeshifting, Summoning, Classical swordsmanship, and Swashbuckling
Magic Capacity: Heavy, (6380000000000mu)
Strengths: Inhuman toughness, enhanced senses, Hero Complex, Agility
Weaknesses: Hero Complex, inability to soft vore others, Women
Elemental Resistance: none
Elemental Strengths: Dark, Fire, and Water (Black, Red, and Blue Mana)
Elemental Weaknesses: Light (White mana)
Alliance: Chaotic Neutral
Mental Nature: Happy-go-lucky
Situational Mentality: Clever(or so he thinks)
Fighting Mentality: Cruelty
Fighting Type: Pirate tactics mixed with berserker tactics.
Desperation: Retreat!
Degree of Insult: Agitation and ridicule
Hard Vore- Don't do that normally, sorry... unless its a result of a combat scene. Ask me first!
Sex- not usually; Unbirth doesn't count though, cause.. well just because! >_<
Herm Stuff- Don't mind associating with 'em, but no intimacy please. Just aint my schtik y'know?
Digestion and scat- nope, hell no do I do that. and if your the type who tries that crap "my character can digest even your soul! and you can't do nuthin bout it! har har har!" well guess what... fuck you cause I don't do that. and also i even have an ability negating digestion if u bother to read the list. so there... go suck a lemon.
Weak or Godmodding Fights- now that ladies n gents is a real let down.
___*NEW* Enemies__________________________________
____Vored/Unbirthed by_____________________
______Back Story [WIP]______________________