So much as happen to Demo now Silver that it was made into a new alt so the story continues over there.
Mother - Alexis
Wife -
Sons -
Dante_Blax, Nova,
Rurik_, Rain
Daughters - Luna, Alex
Friends -
Samelya_Blax also part of the family since Silver married Shana
This Boy is still pretty young age and grew up on his own at the age of 5 when his parents disappeared, He was always treated badly by others calling him names or saying he is a demon and should be killed. He was never accepted by anyone because everyone thought he was evil when he didn't know Wrong from Right. He fly's around and people scream thinking he will attack and kill people, he still young and only knows how to fly around and doesn't know much about himself, he doesn't even know his own name anymore and just goes by demon.. His got the name Demo by
Tune_ who he loves very much and hopes she loves him to but he has not seen her in a long time, He has become more depressed from not seeing her, and weaker but he still lives on doing stuff, not trying to be to down about it with hopes to see her very soon. For Now the boy hides out in a forest away from others so people don't try to kill him or attack him or make fun of him.. sometimes his body is in a lot of pain or he gets dizzy because of all the stress of his past and sadness, he isn't a manly person, he isn't afraid to show emotion, and his sometimes might cry when sleeping because of his bad memories of being alone, and has no one to comfort him. Demo doesn't even understand himself very well, he feels like he is a pathetic excuse for a demon, he was kind and honest, but doesn't know of any powers he has, and isn't evil, everyone looks at him as if he is evil, and doesn't understand. He grew up without a family and no one taught him anything about being a demon.(More to come When RP With him Sorry if the profile is all over the place I just update as time goes on.)
Silver is now Married to
Shana_Blax and they have a son named Dante and a Daughter named Luna
Silver still has found nothing about his parents. Ever since he was abandoned. No note, nothing, he doesn't even know if they are alive at this point. Silver used to be obsessed with finding them, maybe because he just wanted to have a family, or to not be alone anymore. Once he fell in love with Shana, and had a child. He stopped caring about finding his parents, Shana convinced him that what's in the past and happen in the past should stay in the past and focus on a future. Silver still wonders what happen about his parents from time to time, and he still gets angry at them, leaving him with nothing but he is with his own family now and is happy and plans to be a better parent than his parents were. A little bit of Silver hopes that his parents would be proud of him for what he has been able to accomplish.
People of Interest or have made an impact on his life so far.
Was dating
Tune_ which was Demo's first love, Demo was away for a long time and in returning he couldn't find Tune, and the home that Tune and him lived in away from people were found and burned. Luckily Tune wasn't around and Demo had to escape away from people. Demo wasn't out of the clear after leaving his burned down house, he was tracked down but a human hunter and beaten to near death before the human thought he was dead and left him there.. Demo healed after a long time of pain, but suffered bad head damage from the hunter, Demo still knew how to speak, and basic things and knowing that he grew up alone but..but his memories..they were lost, he remembered that he was with someone, but the name, everything just out of reach for him to remember..He now travels in the forest, surviving alone, keeping away from the humans.
While living out in the forest, he was pinned by
Samelya_Blax who was out to hunt, but after talking, she didn't kill him but instead took him in as a pet, she has been very kind to him, such kindness he has not been used to before or anything he could remember, it feels weird to him but inside he feels happy for once instead of being scared and alone. For now he goes by the name of Silver thanks to Samelya. After expressing his true feelings to Samelya, she was conflicted between the one she was already with
ZheKazehana After meeting him and a talk, Samelya had to choose between Silver and Zhe. In the end she choose Zhe, but Silver respected her choice and was happy to stay as a pet to her, and felt bad to even have started the problem and making her choose. Deep down Silver is hurt, but it was his first rejection and so it does sting a little bit, but in time, things will return to normal he is hopeful of that. Sometime after those events Samelya gave back Silver his liberty after Silver and Shana fell in love. He is no longer a pet which on the inside was at first made him feel a little sad all the changes that is happening lately being her pet is something he will miss and all the fun times they had, but they can still be friends as she did this so that Shana can have Silver all to herself which made him happy.
Incoming a LOT of text, I don't blame you if you don't read all of it. but I do enjoy adding on to the story and writing a lot.
Samelya wanting to cheer Silver up after the rejection, introduce him to
Shana_Blax setting them up on a day together, She has a kind heart and is a bit childish but that doesn't bother Silver, he loves her kind heart and they quickly fell in love. At first he was a little scared to fall in love with her, in his heart he still wanted Samelya, but he didn't want his past to restrict him on his choices in life. Silver learned that She wants to love and help him, to help him forget his rough past and create a better future for him together. Silver felt that in his heart she was the person that could bring him true happiness and a better future. Because of her, Silver has discovered that his eye color changes when his true emotions are shown.. His normal eye color is brown but when he is truly calm and happy he has learned the color is blue, and when he is very depressed, or filled with mixed emotions that his eyes turn green. He is unsure what other colors they can change to. After spending more time with Shana, Silver also finally moved out of Samelya's house with Shana and got their own house together. Samelya was not happy at first, being young, and worried, but Silver convinced her that they can do it.. Deep down, Silver was a little hurt in the heart again, leaving Samelya's home was leaving a childhood house he grew up in, It was a house he lived in for the first time since his bad memory lost, and all the memories with Samelya were in there..but Silver was happy to move on with his life as hard as it might be in his heart to do. Silver soon got used to living in the new place with Shana.. and was very happy about it, not regretting it. All of this feeling like a dream to Silver, everything just feels right with her and feels so happy it's too good to be true to him. They had a celebration and was the first time Silver had alcohol which he won't be having again anytime soon and so did Shana. The day after Samelya visit the house for the first time, Shana not feeling well, Silver finding out the truth that she is now Pregnant with his child. This caught Silver off guard, but they did hope to have one in the future, but came much faster than expected. Silver excited but nervous about the news that Shana is having his child. He can't imagine having his own child, he dreamed about having a child when he was younger, starting a family, being better than his parents that abandon him. He is glad it's not a dream, and he couldn't ask for more. He can't wait to meet his own child. Months after the news the day has come where Shana and Silver's child finally born into the world. A baby boy that they named Dante. It's still shocking to Silver, to have a child, having features that look like his and his mother..Still taking it all in but he has never felt this happy, and has not regret a thing still to this point. Silver is still taking it all in, that he is a father, a family..something he never thought he would reach..but he did..with his love..together. Silver went out and without telling Shana, went to Samelya to ask about buying a ring to ask her to marry him. Samelya helped with the money since Silver doesn't have any. Silver went out again without telling much of a reason why to Shana, he wanted to keep it secret, do something special like a dinner and then pop the question. Things didn't go exactly as planned. Silver on his way home was attacked by two human hunters, leaving Silver a bloody beaten mess, but Silver's strong will, he crawled home where Shana was there to treat his wounds and heal him. Shana wanted revenge on these guys for hurting Silver, but Silver insisted she doesn't do this, that he doesn't want her to get hurt just because of him, trying to stop her and change her mind, Silver asked the question! Shana said yes and celebrated, but it still didn't change her mind. Shana would go out and kill the two hunters and get wounded while doing so. Silver still resting with his bandaged wounds was finally strong enough to move around, and he took care of his son Dante while she was away. Shana returned, Silver would help close and treat the wound, and being very serious with her about how much she means to him and care, being alone, not having a father and mother, he doesn't want to lose her or his son. Shana at first didn't like the way he was reacting but then understood where his heart was, and caring and was happy again. Silver wings still badly damaged to fly, but in process of healing, he was happy to finally complete the family with marriage, but there is talk of a chance of another child in the future plans, a sister or a brother for Dante, but for now it's too early for them to rush this, but Silver would be glad to when the time is right, provide and make the family bigger if that makes Shana happy. Silver and Shana are preparing for another child. Dante at first doesn't like the idea of it, being a little selfish but Silver hopes that Dante will learn to love his new brother or sister. One day a few days after Silver was sick, Shana wasn't feeling well, but continued to tell Silver she was fine. Silver finally called Samelya and gave him a choice, to do surgery and get the baby out but risk it not living very long but there is the chance it will survive or wait but risk Shana's life. Silver in a panic was unsure what to do, but called to do what would keep Shana's life, even if it risks their child. The baby girl is born. Named Luna, but Silver and Samelya will have to keep a close eye on her while Shana rests for a few months, her life depending on that rest. Shana recovered from that scary moment, and Luna was born, she is smaller than Dante and a little weaker but she is growing up to be a perfectly healthy girl. Things returning back to normal until Shana got a letter from her father, Shana doesn't like him, and after learning about him, if Shana doesn't like him, Silver doesn't like him. Shana yelled at the top of her lungs at him only to later be coughing bad, Silver would learn about her past and how she shouldn't yell or scream or it upsets her throat. A small fight breaks out with Shana and Silver on why she won't let him help and Silver goes out to the beach. Silver encounters Shana's father again, Silver's eyes turn red with anger, as just being near him or talking to him, makes Silver angry, something he has never felt before. After talking with him, the father disappeared, and Silver passed out on the beach, his body exhausted by all the anger he let out. Time passed after that and Silver began to look pale, and was getting weaker, turns out without proper medicine Silver was going to be in bad shape or worse die. Turns out Silver had an odd heart condition that only is triggered by anger. Thanks to Shana calling for help, Silver now has the proper medicine. Shana and Silver are also learning about their son Dante, having some powers like Shana's father has. Silver doesn't like the idea of him being around his son, but if they are to control his son's power, Silver might have to suck it up and deal with it. Every time Shana's father is mentioned or around, Silver's eyes get red and his anger comes out again, but he has to keep himself calm for the sake of his heart. Silver has been feeling a little sad on the inside watching his children grow up, they are still young, but as time goes on his son Dante as becoming more grown up and more independent, Dante still wants a little brother to play with, and Silver did talk to Shana about it, maybe plans for another child, but there is still the risk that he won't get one and knowing that would upset Dante if he didn't get his brother. Silver is still a little scared to try for another child after having a rough time with Luna being born, as it did nearly kill both Shana and Luna, Silver doesn't want that fear to prevent another child, and believes that the next time will be fine, but he can't help but be worried, if he were to ever lose Shana.. Well he shivers at the thought of that and makes him sick, he doesn't ever want that to happen. After Silver and Shana have been enjoying the pleasure of each other, Silver learned that Shana has forgotten to take her pill, meaning the stuff Silver and Shana been doing could be a chance of a child. After tests, Shana was not pregnant, at first they didn't know what to think, it wasn't really planned and they didn't have the room for another, but Silver noticed Shana sad about not having a child as Dante and Luna have been growing up so fast, that it would be nice to have another baby in the house. Silver told her that he wanted a child, and it made Shana very happy to hear as now they have attempted for a child. Now they wait to see when the little one will arrive into the world. Finally the day has come, their little child Nova has been born. He has one red eye like his mother and a blue one like his father, and Silver and Shana find it to be very cute. They love their new son and is quiet and kind like Silver and Luna and is very shy as he does not like to talk very much. The house they currently living in to small to house the increasing size of the family, Shana went out looking for a new place to live, even turning to her father to help with getting a new house that was bigger and with more room. She kept this from Silver until he found out, a fight broke out which ended with Silver's heart causing him to black out. Waking up and hating himself for what he has done, he had told Shana he was sorry and how he felt stupid for getting mad over that stuff. Making up and ending the argument. Silver can't wait to start moving into the new house, even though it will be weird to leave the old house as so many memories are held there. The birth of Dante, Luna and Nova, their first movements, and words, and Dante and Luna's learning to fly there, but Silver is excited to create new memories in the new house. Silver finally moved into the new place, much bigger than he ever thought it would be, a lot more space for the kids. Silver learned that Shana had a heart problem that put her at risk if she were to have another child after Nova, Silver didn't want her to have this illness and when to her father, a man he doesn't get along with very well to ask for help. A rare medicine that cures all illness no matter what it is. He did return with it and brought it to Silver as Silver offered it to her, Shana felt bad because Silver would still be weak with his own heart problem, but Silver didn't care he wanted her to live without risk or worry of ever wanting a child again in the future. Now celebrating 44 years of being together, Silver and Shana had a little fun together, and then went out for dinner. All that fun though, Silver noticed that Shana's eyes were grey, which meant there was life in her, pregnant. Shana was shocked and talked to her sister Samelya about it as she was on the pill and there was no way for this to happen. Well the bottle Silver got for her to cure illness also cured the pills effect on her, meaning that any unprotected fun would leave her at risk. After checking with a doctor, Shana is expecting another child, but this one a pure blooded vampire like her that is an Alpha. Shana isn't exactly happy about it as this was all not planned, but Silver is trying to stay positive and doing his best to cheer her up. No matter how rough it will be, Silver plans on doing his best with Shana to raise their new child soon to be brought into this world. Now years have passed Rurik their new child was born, Dante older now as well as Luna, and Nova. Silver and Shana been managing with their new Alpha Pure Blooded Vampire. Rurik was born with a red eye and a pale pink one, as he is weak in one eye, as he had a hard time seeing, as he was blind in one eye but no matter what Silver and Shana love him very much and so does his brothers and sister. Silver proud of his kids that are growing up, he still has fear in the back of his mind of them finally moving out as the father heart of his doesn't want to see them grow up and leave the house. Silver went to go for a check up at the doctors, his heart has finally been giving him a real hard time, his medicine wasn't working anymore. Shana had a hard choice of choosing between a low risk choice or a high risk, the low would be taking medicine that is stronger at the chance he would get better but Silver wouldn't be 100% for a long time, or he would have to go to a very risky surgery that he could die. Shana choose the surgery and Silver came out of it fine, and has been recovering very well thanks to her help and the love of his family to be there for him. Silver no longer has his heart problem but now has a scar on his chest from it and still goes for check ups to make sure everything is still healthy and fine. Silver has now learned that his mother was an angel, that he isn't a full demon, which is surprising to him and Shana, Silver hasn't learned to use some of his angel powers. The moment he started shifting to his angel side, his hair turns white, and so does his wings but Silver at the moment blacks out he doesn't know what happens or is even in control of his own actions, he wakes up only to hear about what happen, which makes him upset. After some time has passed, Silver and Shana decided to have another child, Dante growing up, Luna growing up, and soon Nova and Rurik to be older, Shana really wanted another child, a different one, one to be like Silver, no demon blood in it, just an angel. Silver agreed as he was always happy to give another child, but he didn't know what was to happen when a pure blooded demon as Shana was to have an angel baby, there was a high chance that her and the baby might not survive, Dante was unhappy about this and so was Shana's sister Samelya, Silver stayed by her side supporting this even though he didn't like this idea of losing her. The baby was born, a girl named Alex, she was born but not breathing, Sam assumed she was dead from birth, Silver learning an angel power from a book he read, he gave his own life energy into the baby to heal and bring back the baby girl. Also giving his energy to Shana to help speed her healing up and to make sure she lived through it all. Doing this was risky and caused Silver to go into a short coma for a month, it could of been worse but Silver's mother Alexis gave a little bit of her energy to help the recovery process for Silver. Silver is now recovered and with his family, continuing to take care of his children the best that he can, and love his wife everyday as he always has. Silver and Shana have decided to have another child, well Silver wanted to wait a little as he didn't feel ready, but Shana ended up seducing him, but Silver learned to love his son even if Silver wasn't ready for it.
His new son Rain
Picture of the family <3

Picture of their baby boy Rurik, the newest addition to the family.

Picture of Shana and Silver.

Picture of Shana and Silver, their son Dante and daughter Luna.
A Picture
Samelya_Blax drew for him, A picture of Silver spending time with
Samelya_Blax and the first time, Silver felt happy on the inside and not scared for his life. Not being a pet anymore Silver still looks to Samelya as a close friend, and for guidance like she was his mother as he is still young and learning about many things.
(Made by the awesome
Samelya_Blax) A picture that shows Silver with
Shana_Blax after their first night together. Hoping to be one of many nights spent together in the future.
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