Another entry in

Delphi (Del-fy) Chatlane
Known Aliases: Del, Chatlane
Gender: Female
Species: Human Hybrid
Age: 22
Height: 5'7 (Stage 1 Mutation), 6'0 (Stage 2 Mutation)
Weight: 170 lbs. (That tail is heavy!), 220 lbs. (Stage 2)
Current Appearance: 
Training: Proficient with basic firearrms (pistols, rifles, shotguns), passingly acquainted with heavier weaponry (fully automatic weapons, energy weapons), trained in hand-to-hand combat, prefers a knife (or sword).
Delphi's Tale (Or Tail, if you like puns. Be warned, it's relatively involved, and strays from Delphi herself to cover the 'universe' she's from. If you don't really want to read about her background or her culture, skip down nearer to the bottom, for a summary of prefs, and bullet points about her. I do request if you want to do anything further than a quick 'grab and gulp' that you take the time to read through it. Thanks.)
Delphi was ordinary. Normal. Average. There wasn't any other way to describe it. A relatively good looking girl, fit, active, intelligent and healthy. She did alright in school, though she was no straight A student. She lived in Hargrove, the capital city on New Garden, a planet of 4 million. A far-flung colony of the human race, so near the edge of settled space that often times, messages and news took months, or even years to arrive there. All in all, a rather rural-feeling planet. While it wasn't some backwater farmworld, it was far-flung, and some teenagers felt stifled and cut off, so far away from the heart of human civilization. As a result, there was a relatedly high number of teenagers that enrolled in the Navy, or Marines, with the intent to get off-planet, see the galaxy, go to where civilization was.
Del, however, was never interested in the military. Really, she wasn't more fascinated than any other girl by the stars. Her friends talked about how fashions here were always out of date by the time the news-ships brought magazines depicting them. How nice it would be to live in the middle of everything, knowing you were where everything happened. Del listened, but rarely participated in such discussions. She planned to go to college on-planet, find a good job, and settle down to raise a family in a couple of years, just like her parents had with her. Her plans mattered little to the powers that be, however.
Within 3 days of her 20th birthday, the first intelligent life other than humans was discovered for the first time, when a news-ship, the couriers and lifeblood of the vast human civilization, ran smack into an asteroid field that hadn't been there before. Two garbled transmissions got out before the news-ship disappeared forever. The first was a report of the anomalous asteroid field, and coordinates for it, although most of those were lost in the damage that was done to the message. The second was a panicked distress call, screams coming through about some kind of creatures emerging from the asteroid and attacking the ship.
It took another two weeks for the Navy search and rescue ships to arrive where the news-ship had disappeared. They found the asteroid field precisely where it was estimated to be, hovering in the relatively motionlessness only objects in space can achieve. The asteroid field truly was anomalous, as there wasn't a solar body or planetoid within a light year of the gathering of varying sized rocks. A lengthy search, with multiple broadcasts to attempt to get the attention of any survivors, seemed to have ended in failure. Just as the ships were turning to return to exit the field and return to their launch point, a hissing, sizzling response came clearly onto both of the ships comm arrays.
"F**----zzzzt." "Foozzzzzz.. *Click*" "Foooooooooooooood. Zzt"
"Are Food. *Click* Hunger. Zzt."
And, with those cryptic messages, an attack began. They began to be bombarded with high-power, high-frequency radio waves, seemingly from the asteroids themselves. The smaller of the two ships, a medship, lost most of it's systems to a power overload, and went into a drift near one of the larger asteroids. The military ship, a light, and quick destroyer remained undamaged, but was only able to watch in shock as what appeared to be countless insectoids scrambled out to coat the medship, and it began to drift down to the surface of the asteroid. Apparently outmatched, the destroyer ran, leaving the med ship to it's fate to carry news of an alien race to the Navy central command.
So started the First Interstellar War, colloquially known as the Bug War.
This news traveled rather faster than other news did. Ultra-fast Navy couriers were sent out to each colony world, warning of the attack, warning that intelligent, hostile alien life had been discovered, and that the Parliament had declared unconditional war on the 'Bugs'.
But how does all of this effect Delphi Chatlane, our normal girl from a remote colony? In the way that wars affect young men and women in any age. Outrage rippled through Hargrove and the rest of New Garden. Kids that refused military service on moral grounds began to line up at the recruiting office. Community pressure began to build on the younger generation. Humanity had to defend itself, after all! Who knew how many of those bugs were out there, just waiting to fall on human worlds and strip them bare?
Well, Del, under a certain amount of duress, joined up with her two best friends, practically frog marched into the recruiting office. Her parents only smiled sadly when she told them what she'd done, and within a week, she was shipped halfway across the planet, to the nearest training camp for the Navy.
That was where it happened. Where everything changed. Normal Del, who didn't really want to be a soldier, who didn't want to see the universe or travel beyond her homeworld, found herself, in one night, irrevocably changed. The change itself didn't become truly noticeable for a week or so after the 'change', as Del calls it, originally happened. She noticed something was odd that next morning in the shower. An itchy lump just above her ass, right at the base of her spine. Del assumed it was from some fall she'd taken the day before in basic training, and let it be. However, within two days, the itching hadn't gone away, and something far more worrisome had become evident.
Del was growing a tail. And not some sissy cat tail. Or monkey tail like you'd expect a human, if they were to grow a tail, to grow. No, the tail that was beginning to emerge from her backside was an almost forest green, and rubbery.
"At least it doesn't have scales..." Was the second thought that came into Del's head, the first being "Oh Holy FUCK, I'm growing a TAIL!"
Del did her best to cover up her growing appendage, borrowing taller recruits fatigues, hoping that the baggier uniform would allow her to hide what was happening to her. But it didn't last long. During one practice run, those baggy pants got caught on a corner of a building, and hitched down, sending her sprawling into the dirt, and revealing the now six inch long tail that hung down from her backside, still rubbery and limp. Her drill sergeant saw her, and that was that. She was carted away to the med-ward, and within a day the planets leading scientists were called in to investigate. Blood samples were taken, full body scans, tissue samples from just about every part of her body that they could get to, and the tail itself. She was, of course, put into quarantine, to prevent whatever was happening to her from spreading to others, if it was a disease.
Del was horribly embarrassed. Strangers coming into her room day and night, needles being stuck into her everywhere, and no one would even talk to her, like she was just some kind of lab rat! And everyday, her tail got bigger, hanging lower and lower behind her. It was a total of a month after the 'change' had begun that she accidentally bumped into a wall with her tail, and felt pain flare along it. Not long after that, when she wasn't thinking about it, she'd discover her tail twitching and jerking, as if it were trying to move. Fur, lighter in color than her own hair, ran along the top as though she sported a mane along the tail, ended in a tuft
Tests began turning up results. Only, the results were all inconclusive. Blood tests and tissue tests showed that she was still at least partially human, but there were foreign DNA strands mixed in, apparently combining seamlessly with her own DNA, although by all rights, that should have been impossible. Another month passed, and by this time, the tail hung nearly to her ankles, and she could move it as easily as one might move a leg or arm. That was when the other changes, the ones that weren't so visible started to show up. Del found she needed less and less sleep. Soon, she'd be sitting up for half of her eight hour sleep cycle, staring into the darkness. Only the dark wasn't so dark anymore. She began to be able to pick things out in what had previously been pitch darkness.
More worryingly still, horns began to grow from the top of her head, as her confinement rolled on, leaving her looking even odder, accenting the way her ears had those odd pointed ends.
As results continued to be impossible to define, one came back that was good news for our previously 'normal' girl. Whatever she had, it wasn't contagious. There was no virus, parasite, or bacteria doing this to her. And that meant she didn't have to be in quarantine any longer. Del was released, and the same day, discharged from the Navy as unfit. So, she went home to her parents, amid a press firestorm that hadn't happened since nearly three months before, when the Bug War had started.
Del was a changed girl. While she'd never truly been an outgoing, exuberantly attention-gathering girl, she'd grown shyer since her release. The tail, nearly three feet long, and relatively prehensile, isn't something she could hide. Even a skirt gained a rather akward bump in the back, and besides that, she'd become well known across New Garden, pictures of her posted across many a news service.
Soon, rumors began to circulate. She was a military experiment, intended for improving troops to combat the Bugs! No, she was a Bug infiltrator, disquised as much like a human as they could make her, sent to kill everyone. No! She was an angel, sent by the gods to save humanity from themselves and the Bugs. It didn't take long before walking down the street was painful in ways she'd never dreamed of. The planet she'd loved and planned to live on for the rest of her life seemed strange and hard to her now. Del couldn't take it. So, she took what money she had, packed all of her clothes that she'd altered to fit her new body, and hopped a small transport for another colony, wanting nothing more than to avoid attention forever.
(End of Story. Thanks, if you stuck it out. Read below for somewhat more currently pertinent information.)
And now she's here. What happened, that took her from some transport to this park, outside this city? She might say, if you ask.
(Now, for that pertinent information I was promising.)
Appearance: Del is a slender, fit 22 year old. She stands about 5'7, with light brown hair that she tends to keep up in a ponytail, but which hangs halfway down her back when allowed to hang loose. She has piercing green eyes, and slightly pronounced incisors and canines, which, if she were to growl, would give her a somewhat feral appearance. The pronounced teeth aren't particularly noticeable when she smiles, however. She tends to wear casual clothing. Shorts and a t-shirt, jeans and a tank top, or even a set of the Navy fatigues she kept when she left the training camp. All of her pants are 'adapted' to fit her tail, cut roughly, and worn with a belt to keep them up. On occasion she'll wear shorts with an elastic waistband because the belt gets uncomfortable on her tail, but she's generally shy about doing so and showing her ass to everyone.
Personality: Del is an intelligent girl. She learns quickly, and is open to new ideas. While she's no genius or savant, she is clever, and what works on her once might not again. She is rather paranoid of people focusing on her tail, and will often stand with her back to walls, trees, or other large things to hide her 'change'. She hates people to touch her tail, though there's no pain to her in doing so. She was, before her alteration, a kind, relatively friendly girl, who was always willing to say hello, sit down for a talk, or even talk about fashion. Due to her past, she can be a bit touchy with new people, but tends to try to keep an open mind!
Pictured here is her appearance once she achieves 'stage 2'. This is characterized by an increase in hunger, as well as a rather substantial development of all of her feminine assets. Typically this only happens after substantial overeating (particularly of living meals).
Physical Changes: Del would have you believe she's a normal girl with a tail, and that's all. That, however, isn't precisely true. It is what any scientist from New Garden would tell you about her if asked, because she's done a good job hiding the other changes.
In addition to the tail, Del has discovered she needs far less sleep to operate than a normal human. Four hours is typical for her, but she has been known to go for a week at a time sleeping one to two hours a night. She also has developed a far keener nightvision than humans have. In low to no light circumstances, she's still usually able to pick out large details of her surroundings, allowing her to walk around in the dark without bumping into things.
She has also been eating more, which was worrisome to her at first, but as there's no real adverse effect on her weight, and her body refuses to operate at the same caloric intake she was on previously, she's pretty much given up on fighting it.
In addition to her other changes, the one that most surprised her when she finally began to realize what had happened, was the decrease in her reaction times, and more shockingly, the somewhat drastic increase in her strength. At first, as going for a run seemed easier, she blamed it on the military training, or the extra weight of the tail. But, when she was running 4 minute miles and lifting nearly double her body weight on the bench press, she realized something was wrong.
Del isn't overly blessed with things. She has about four different outfits in total, a backpack, and a duffel bag that she packed all her clothes in.
Watch- She wears a wristwatch with a digital readout, which tells her the time here, as well as on her homeworld.
Necklace- Del also wears a small pendant on a silver chain. The pendant is a smoothed and polished stone that has veins of greenish-blue shot through it. She was given it by her parents on her eighteenth birthday, and treasures it. If it were stolen, she'd be very, very upset.
Knife- A run-of-the-mill combat knife, at least where she's from. Nearly six inches long, with a sharp blade on one side, and a serrated edge on the other, the blade itself is made from a ceramic composite, making it very, -very- sharp. Owing to tempering, it is also as resilient as titanium, while holding that sharp edge.
Apollo- A bonsai tree wood-spider from Namtar, given to her by Ake as a pet. It looks like a little tree, which walks around on it's branches on it's side, and roots itself on it's 'head' to rest and feed. She usually carries it on a shoulder or her arm.
Red Sneakers- A pair of comfy, new red sneakers, with white accents, which she got from Ashley_Urikoshima after signing a PETS (People for the Ethical Treatment of Sneakers) contract for their purchase. She loves them, and keeps them as clean as possible.
Creator's Notes: If you've read everything until here, bravo. Hope you enjoyed it, that was sort of the point of writing it. If you skipped down to here to read about her basic details, make sure you read closely. Delphi does -not- know what happened to her. She's not keeping it secret because she thinks it's cool, she honestly has no idea what's happening to her. That is because I, the creator, am not entirely sure what I want her to become.
This character, as you can see, has quite a backstory. I wanted to make a character that could have long, involved storyline RPs, and I always have figured that you -need- a story to build from to do that. As you might guess from what I just wrote, she is definitely meant for stories. I love long scenes with relationships building up, friendships made, enemies created, etc. If you want to start building this with her, it's easy. Walk up to her and start talking! I'm going to do my best to keep track of everyone she meets.
There's really only a few preferences I want to express.
I like nonconsentual play. Vore, sex, transformation, relationships, addictions. It's all very fun to me to play unwillingly. Del being forced to be a predator against her will is something I love.
Please, please, please, try to enslave/permanently transform Delphi without my permission. Chances are I'll revert it once the scene is over, if I'm not interested in keeping it, though, so don't be offended if it doesn't 'stick', 'cause I probably still enjoyed playing it.
Transformation is also one of the player's big interests. Be it gradual or sudden, minor or major, the player'd probably enjoy it happening.
Embarrassing and humiliating stuff is also fun. Teasing, wedgies, groping, forced nudity or particular clothes-wearing, and touching places she's particularly embarrassed of (like her belly). All fair play.
Anything is fine, as far as play with her, but do ask if you want her to be a predator in a more 'willing' sense, where she's the dominant/hunting one. I probably won't be much up for that.
Encounters and Events (Not every single thing she does is going to go on here. I'm mainly keeping this to help my own memory.):
Upon her first arrival in the park, intending to look for a place to camp out while she looked for work, Del met Kayode, and after a long conversation, was convinced by him that it was too dangerous to stay in the park. She, instead, agreed to stay with the man for a night.
She's also met and befriended Annemarie, a lonely girl who happens to be dead... But not. It's complicated, Del doesn't even really understand it, but the young girl is cute, and Del feels a responsibility to at least be friendly with her, if not take care of the abandoned girl.
Miateshcha's relationship with her is.. odd, to say the least. She's been force-fed live animals, injected with a lactation serum, and generally abused. But, through a series of deaths and some sly maneuvering on the salamander's part, she ended up unaware of his actions, with swollen mammaries he inflicted, and 'cured' by drinking, before offering her a talented foot rub. Currently, she owes him two (2) favors, of his choosing.
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Scat |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Watersports |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Breaking 4th Wall |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Staying In Character |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Surprise Me |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Whisper |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Public |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Private |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |