Delilah is a member of the budding "sorority" of young glamour models known as "
Delicious_". These young women, all gifted with stunning good looks, have established a bond of friendship during their long photoshoots, fashion shows and press conferences, and are determined to not be prevented from having social lives just because they are gorgeous. The moniker "Delicious" has apocryphal origins, and is rumored to have spawned from an inside joke. Of course, in their vore-unknown world, none of the girls ever dream that their chosen nickname might have such fatal implications.....
The artistic one, with the brash Latin temper and romantic ideals, Delilah is known to drop everything (at inopportune momements for others) for the opportunity to take a picture of a flower at sunset, for example, or because a friend from college wants to hike the Grand Canyon. Already quietly wealthy before her modeling career, she doesn't do anything for the money, only for passion.