
Age: 32
Race: Human
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Coal Black
Weight: 194 Pounds
Height: 5'11"
Build: Slim, soft

Occupation: Retiree

A retired entrepreneur by trade, Darkant is a bit of an odd ball, which might of been caused by a mishaps from his dozens of escapades into his pursuits. He was a trained mafioso set out from a starting thug to at one point, a consigliere for a family. He fell out of power, but managed to keep three things, a gun, his life, and his knowledge. From this point forward he changed his old alias, which he never had spoke of, to his current. He is Darkant, plain and simple.

This ex-mafioso had learned several tricks, and continued to learn more, and found investments brought in money. From the point of that, he intended to get away with several indirect heists, but an incident in a crash caused him to go haywire in his mind. From that point, he considered himself retired, still with his life. He knows a lot that some could never figure out, and is not above with committing plans for a grand set of heists, down to outright hunting. His rival is Alynia, he considers her a.. Problematic issue that continues to hound him.

The main reason the elven huntress goes after him on occassion, is that he stole something extremely dear to her, an imbued arrow head.

Profile of Deia