Not much is known about this cloud of Dark Matter, except what's in this report:
A few other things are known as well. When Dark Matter possess some creaature, it controls their every movement as well as their mind. Anyone under the control of Dark Matter will be released from said control if they are defeated in battle. It can take on the form of any creature that it has previously controlled, except it'll be a shadowy version of them Everything else is a mystery about Dark Matter.
Notes: Primarily for a storyline rp that I'm going to be doing with anyone who wants to join in. If you'd like to have your character possessed and mind controlled by Dark Matter, just let me know. I won't have Dark Matter possess any character without asking the player of said character if it's okay for Dark Matter to do so. If you'd like to have your character join in the storyline rp to search for a way to destroy Dark Matter, lease let me know as well. I hope to make this into a storyline rp that lots of people can enjoy. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask.
Creatures currently possessed and mind controlled by Dark_Matter