"Won't you go on an adventure with me~? -Azul
The mysterious being known as Azul has only appeared within the borders of the Ashanan province within the past two generations, a mysterious and alluring force that has caused no end of trouble for the besieged people of the nation. Between monster attacks, corrupt nobility, and the strategic strikes from the Straciean Army, Ashana hasn't been a nation at peace for a very long time. Which is why the appearance of the small, floofy creature that always seems to herald an appearance by the mysterious Azul is always viewed with suspicion; no one is sure if she will be a boon...or a curse.
Why the confusion? That's because Azul, while undoubtedly a sentient being, is also a primal one and one can never truly predict how a beast is going to behave. There are incidences where she's driven off a monster attack in return for food and drink just as often as ones where she leaves a village mysteriously more empty than it had been before, a true fickle force of fate. What's worse is when Azul takes a shine to someone, almost always of a female persuasion, at which point she'll begin to court this chosen individual. Try to seduce them into agreeing into a pact with her, at which point their old life ends and they are reborn as a new member of her pack~!
As a Dangerous Beast~! <3
These chosen few, these pack members, are all chosen by a criteria that only Azul herself seems to know but they all share a few traits in common. For one, they can rarely stand by in the presence of evil and are often compelled to defend the innocent from harm. Second, they usually lead rather ordinary or mundane lives before meeting Azul and oftentimes wished for something more exciting to happen to them. Both of these traits tend to make for natural heroes but what most don't know is that the Dangerous Beasts are primal creatures as well..not as beholden to their instincts as their pactmaker is, but those desires and urges are certainly stronger when they are transformed.
Yes, transformed. No Beast, aside from maybe Azul, stays transformed all of the time...otherwise it would be rather easy to track down the scantily clad warriors of peace and deal with their nuisance once and for all. No, each Beast gets a medallion after being inducted into the pack that allows them to change from their Dangerous Beast form back to their normal form from before meeting Azul, so that they may better blend in with the masses. A critical survival strategy since the Stracian Brave Soldiers hunt down Dangerous Beasts mercilessly, the Beasts have been a thorn in the Stracian Empire's plans of conquest ever since Azul has first appeared even being capable of matching a Brave in combat. They can't allow such a force to run rampant and any Beast who's secret identity is found out will quickly have a bounty placed on their heads and soldiers in pursuit of them.
Then there are the Dark Beasts, those who succumb to the temptation to abuse their powers and are outed from the pack. Women who rarely transform out of the Dangerous Beast state, beholden to their bestial side and desires in a way that makes them a menace to innocents or magical girls alike. Though few in number, the fact that there is a rival pack of darkness and its numbers are growing is a cause of concern for all who know of them. There are even whispers that Azul herself has a dark counter-part, a behorned alpha that tempts the repressed into unleashing their savageness, but no proof has been found of this rival. Some wonder if the Beasts, Dark or otherwise, have any connection to sudden influx of monters from the Unknown Regions but no one has an answer for that.
All anyone is certain of is that the Beasts, as unusual as they are, are seen as the saviors of Ashana but their lives are fraught with magic, peril, and danger from all sides~!
"So, c'mon! You wanna make a pact with me~?
It can be rather difficult to classify the abilities of individual Dangerous Beasts mostly because the magic that protects and empowers them can...well...vary quite a bit. All of them are stronger and faster than what a human or elf could get to naturally, but how strong and how fast is up to the individual Beast. In addition, each one seems to have at one sense that is enhanced to a superhuman point. A Beast Sense. Other than that, most Beasts are capable of mild transformation or assuming the physical qualities of other magical beasts but there is always a theme to them which cannot be changed. They also are quite in tune with nature and rarely use weapons to defeat their foes, something that extends to their magic which is of the physical enhancement and transformation type. They all seem capable of one bizarre act though, which is the ability to swallow down someone close to their height whole, which means a number of monster girls and Stracian soldiers have met their end in such a capacity as a form of punishment.
Alpha - Azul! Magic Type: Lyrical. Beast Sense: Taste.
SugarySweetAlts setting alt that comes with a character to interact with. Yes, its based off an outfit from Fate/Grand Order but otherwise has no connnection to that setting. By all means message if you have questions, want to play in the setting, and so on~! Ciao!
A gallery of inspiration images for Dangerous Beasts. Only the second to last one and Azul's image are off limits, obviously. https://imgur.com/a/S6xHcMI