A genius tech junkie who uses a variety of cyberware to enhance her predation abilities.
That being said, she is prone to getting in over her head. An alt of
Dahlia is a bratty genius, obsessed with being the smartest person in the room at any given moment.
She is rude, blunt, and fairly unlikable at first glance. With hardly any redeeming qualities, she tends
to be moody and gloomy, keeping to herself and tinkering with the plethora of technology she keeps
on her person. Once she warms up, however, she is fairly bearable.
Quick Likes
Domination Play
Sexual Flirting
Power Struggle
Quick Dislikes
Being Ignored
Being written Off
Cruel Preds
Art isn't mine, surprise surprise. Also feel free to approach. Dahlia may be a bitch, but I'm not!
A technological prodigy from a young age, Dahlia is a genius inventor who spends most of her time tinkering with
odd bits and pieces. She has a distaste for people, a misanthrope at her core, thus has no desire to interact with them.
She looks down upon those who prefer to live off the land and she thinks those who use technology should be grateful to her
for creating so much of it. Her body is enhanced with nanotechnology, giving her an above-average physicality as well as
giving her many options for potential combat. As a fairly arrogant predator, she falls back on this quite often.
As a techie, she owns her own company and is massively successful. A staunch supporter of ushering in the modern age,
she is rather despised in certain social groups. Her ambition is as large as her ego, however, thus she never stops pushing forward.
She's not against squashing a protest or taking out a rival (in a digestive fashion~) every now and then if it furthers
her agenda. All of this to create a world she views as "ideal".
She's not as bad as I'm making her sound. Just imagine her as a lonely businesswoman who's ambition and desires have led to a difficulty connecting to people.

Ugh, what now?

Pervert. I hope you know you're churning after this.

Heh...you're pathetic